bma bible memory association

Personal Appreciation: Youll be on the receiving end of immeasurable, literally unlimited gratitude from me for joining other Lord-led, like-minded, Bible-loving believers in supporting this each month and thus literally help make it happen, help make it a reality for the Lord to receive this first-and-only-one-of-its-kind love/thank-You gift for all He does and who He is! Six of which are totally FREE and dont cost a dime. Meditate on His word. Welcome to BibleMemory.ORG! that will make it SUPER EASY (and fun) for virtually ANYONE But Im trusting the Lord to lead a number of you to actually come ONTO THE FIELD with me in this massive and historic effort. Using The Bible Memory App. How could it be that the more I stuffed into my mind, the more I was then able to pour in? Grow Thereby: The BMA Story. I was active in Awana, my entire family did BMA (Bible Memory Association), participated in Good News Clubs. Find the businesses in YOUR area that are owned and/or managed by fellow Christians who love the Lord and His Word and realize the importance of and support Bible memory. Also, volunteering with AWANA to listen to kids' memorizations helps keep you fresh. Families for Bible Memory Association (FBMA) is a non-profit, faith-based ministry organized in 1993 in California. If one of the options below sounds like what youre looking for, please click on it, and well get started. Virtually without exception, God doesnt literally reach down His arm from heaven anymore like He did in the Old Testament. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. People who participated in the scripture memory program by BMA and/or went to any of the BMA camps including Louisiana, Georgia, Michigan, New York, California or others. Visit our website to find out more information about upcoming. Its a true honor & blessing to have you here! We even had a Bible Club in our home every Saturday for years (ten or more) where a group of BJU students would come and teach Bible lessons in our home. . It's amazing. Spreading the Word by spreading the word! Im DJ Bible founder, host, and most unworthy vessel and I can hardly wait to unleash the power of Bible Memory in your life! 83-86 when I graduated. Each has a unique directive, but all have the same Great Commission purpose. Proverbs 11:25. (Like Georges Foreman and Zimmer say in those Meineke and Mens Wearhouse TV ads, I guarantee it!) 3.) To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. And Ill dedicate my entire life savings to getting started but YOU are going to have to cause enough Lord-led like-minded Bible-loving believers to even hear about this and then support it because my life savings alone would only last a number of months and Im going to need several years even WITH Your holy help, due to the sheer volume of Your written utterances and my own utter inadequacy., God: Good, My child. Not even a single time. Do you want to have the mind of Christ? Our tendencies. If not, feel free to contact us directly! Speaking of websites, and as promised a few minutes ago, heres how BibleMemory.ORG came about: For years I tried to think of something I could do to please the Lord in a very unique, above-and-beyond, historic way, so as to adequately express my love and gratitude for Him for all Hes done, for all He does, and just for who He is! I remember thinking, No way would THAT domain be available, no way would it NOT already be taken like twenty years ago! I have this to say about that, and thats this: fear not, beloved, I have GREAT NEWS! Specifically, I will make myself available all throughout the day virtually every day so anyone will be able to: PHASE 3: Turn this burgeoning history-in-the-making effort into a full-speed-ahead, full-fledged, full-time ministry to Educate, Encourage, and Empower others to memorize and recite Scripture on a regular, systematic, verse-by-verse, book-by-book basis! Spreading the Word by spreading the word! Back to that Google research project. This collection will help your children store God's Word in their hearts. After reading and commenting on a friend's blog entry about memorizing poetry and songs and Bible verses, I took a stroll down memory lane. function() Memorizing the ENTIRE BIBLE every single one of the words He has imparted and communicated to us thenreciting His own words BACK TO HIM! will be located on the Videos page in their biblical order and on the Blog page amid all the other videos and posts in chronological order. Encourage as many people as you can to support this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/support (please make sure they understand that its .org, not .com) doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down to just below the Donate button and select your platforms, its that quick and easy! Go to Memory Courses Each participant selects one of our sessions, memory books, and a person in their geographical area to be their Hearer. / Chrome . Every parents and everypersonsW.I.S.H.! That I would remain motivated to keep memorizing the Bible, book after beautiful book, until I complete this calling the Lord has laid on my heart. Get to it! Dates: 2009-2010. Its amazing. Connect with BMA. Scripture Memory Fellowship (once known as Bible Memory Association, or BMA), exists to help Christians plant the Word deep in their hearts. The WorldGod created all things for His own pleasure and glory, as revealed in the biblical account of creation (Gen. 1; Rev. Are you looking for something that will encourage, challenge, and excited you to memorize God's Word? Stay tuned for further details about this. While the specific extent of this phenomenon might vary from person to person, the essence of the Word does not. I was homeschooled from the 5th grade through the 12th grade, my family had . and ever since, everyone started calling me DJ Bibleand the nickname stuck and I cant think of one that Id rather have or which would be more near-and-dear to my heart so thats the backstory. with your help I intend to change this, too, and do just that! I think a lot. I did just that, I memorized the first verse, then the second, then the third, and much to my amazement with each verse and certainly with every few chapters, it got EASIER. Many people will (mistakenly) think that anyone who memorizes a huge amount of Scripture must be some sort of super saint. Perpetual Accountability: I will be ongoingly accountable to you by regularly posting videos of my reciting new books of the Bible as completed, so youll be able to follow every step of this process as it unfolds and know for certain that Im staying the course and continuing to relentlessly pursue this historic goal! I kept finding myself in the shoes of David when he wrotePsalm 116:12asking, What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? and for years Ive been thinking of a good way some way, ANY way to give something back to Him to express the love and appreciation I and countless others feel for Him, for all He has done and just for who He is. And man oh man, did that ever prove to be true in my case, in my firsthand experience. Its a true honor and pleasure to have you join me on this amazing journey and resulting ministry lets honor God in this unique way as wemake history together! I didnt start memorizing entire books of the Bible as a child butdid memorize a lot of single Bible verses and totally not surprisingly in light of that verse/truth/fact I havent had to see a doctor or go to the hospital my entire adult life. And whats amazing is that Im just at the START this journey of memorizing the entire Bible, after which the Lord is leading me to turn this into a full-fledged, full-speed-ahead, full-time ministry heres the plan. And specifically for the purposes of this topic, as Ill be covering in many future posts, given the nature of the Word (e.g., that it rejoices the heart as clearly stated inPsalm 19:8), I am absolutely sure that even just faithfully following the posts which flow forth from such a Bible-saturated, Bible-stuffed mind will produce a tangible level of those benefits in YOUR life, too! Before that we were the Southwest Chapter of the Bible Memory Association (BMA). Accredited Texas Seminary School Christ Centered Learning Since 1955. (See #5 in the Side Panel just below, or simply click the green link above). And not just spiritually, but humanly not just in the spiritual realm, but in the human realm, not just in the life to come but also this present life (1 Timothy 4:8). by clicking on this image! Phone: 844-262-8637. I went to chapel, I was able to participate in BMA (Bible Memory Association) where I earned a trip to LA. As you know, this is totally opposite of everything we learned in science class when we were in school. Lets put it this way: if one were starting a ministry focusing on Bible memory, what would be the good no great no perfect domain name? The week's camp of rich fellowship and . It has become like both oxygen and blueberries to me: I need it and want it. No, it wont happen overnight but down the road I look forward to organizing some clinical/medical trials to demonstrate that this is universal and not just specific to me. Perhaps in Bible Bee or Bible Quizzing, Bible Bowl, Awana, Scripture Memory Fellowship (SMF), The Navigators, Bible Song, Scriptoriums, Seeds Family Worship, Bible Memory Association (BMA), or perhaps with another Scripture memory program, maybe even with a Scripture memory program I have never heard of that you can introduce us to. In fact, just the opposite of their notion is true, because the more of the Bible I memorize, the more I realize how utterly and entirely sinful I am in and of myself, in my flesh. Bibles. It includes profiles of non-profit organizations working worldwide in all fields of activity. So even just this phaseof the action plan will likely be enough to revolutionize the nation and world. And below are some additional ways to support this effort that dont cost a dime andfor those who arent able to be a Monthly Partnerat this time. BMA is defined as Bible Memory Association somewhat frequently. And you might not have the time or inclination to run for political office yourself, but millions of people do the next closest thing and donate (one-time or, most beneficially for that campaigns planning purposes, monthly) to a candidate who espouses and fights for the same beliefs they hold dear. 2. That chapter goes on to answer that very question in beautiful detail in the parable of the prodigal son (or as I like to call it, the parable of theamazing father). Members (3): Ethel Riddle / Bookkeeper Thomas Callahan / Executive Director Barbara Echevarria / Manager. We exist to see the salvation of, and growth in Christ, of men, women, and children. Found in: Evangelism & Missions Archives / Collection 651 Oral History Interviews with Mary J . And beyond that, what a statement it would make to the world if we Bible-loving believers were to make this THE MOST subscribed-to YouTube Channel, so after clicking the link below then the red YouTube SUBSCRIBE button on that Channel page(which opens in a new tab for your convenience so you wont lose your place on this page),please encourage your friends and family to do likewise! Bible Memory Association International Publisher - 6 works / 0 ebooks Published between 1980 & 1982. If youd like to be on my Prayer Request Email List if/as more urgent needs arise from time to time, simply enter and confirm your email address in those two boxes below then click the red Sign up for FREE button! Phone: (630) 213-0045. Our purpose is to see the salvation and growth in Christ of men, women and children through the memorization of the Holy Scriptures. Encourage as many of our fellow Christians as you can to pray for this historic event by having them go to BibleMemory.ORG/pray (please make sure they understand that its .org, not .com) doing so by word-of-mouth is great, and to do so with a single click on your social media simply click here then scroll down to just below the Form and select your platforms, its that quick and easy! We also cooperate with other departments of the Baptist Missionary Association of Mississippi and work with local associations, other state associations and the Baptist Missionary Association . Ever. The more of it I memorize, the more I am able to memorize. It not only sustains me but also produces enormous tangible benefits in my day-to-day life spiritual, emotional, relational, and even physical (Proverbs 4:20-23; verse 22 highlights the physical aspect/benefits) totally life-transforming and amazing and I can hardly wait to demonstrate all of this for you, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE, guaranteed. Thanks so much for helping out in whatever ways youre able! All rights reserved. This one aspect alone of this one phase alone could easily and literally change the world and peoples everyday lives. Perhaps in Bible Bee or Bible Quizzing, Bible Bowl, Awana, Scripture Memory Fellowship (SMF), The Navigators, Bible Song, Scriptoriums, Seeds Family Worship, Bible Memory Association (BMA), or perhaps with another Scripture memory program, maybe even with a Scripture memory program I have never heard of that you can introduce us to. Other books are collections of verses relating to various subjects. We provide high quality, Christ-centered education at an affordable price. As discussed above, the more of the Bible I memorize, the more its ministry of enlightening the eyes (Psalm 19:7-8) kicks in and performs its work (1 Thessalonians 2:13) as a very defined METHOD for memorizing and retaining Bible verses (oranything elsefor that matter!) We exist to see the salvation of, and growth in Christ, of men, women, and children. In this day and age of technology and information overload, it's increasingly difficult to find time and solitude to focus on God's Word. We seek to amplify Black voices in business while building a community of inclusivity. : We believe in the one true God, who is the first person of the Trinity; perfect, infinite, and eternal. I immediately realized how zonked even a sinner like me would be if I were to write a long love letter to a woman I was dating at the time and then at a future point she responded by quoting that letter back to me word-for-word! The Baptist Missionary Association of Mississippi Missions and Revolving Loan Fund Department is commissioned to preach the Gospel of Christ, to establish churches throughout Mississippi and other areas. The Bible version choice must be made before training begins. We offer Camps, Bible Lessons, and a Scripture Memorization program. You can even memorize and review verses while reading and studying your Bible, all in one app! Bible Memory Association, Legal document box: 2, Folder: 27. For those who already know Him, I am honored beyond description to have you on the team, thanks so much for your thoughtful support and for spreading the Word by spreading the word as we seek to please the Lord and make history together! Not one. This is one of my favorite passages since childhood. It all came back to me: Bible Memory Association, Miracle Camp, Dr. W, and those wonderful little memory books. I kept going and started memorizing the book of Hebrews and guess what, those thirteen chapters were even EASIER than the five of James! It might look nice sitting on a table or desk or dresser or nightstand, but it only goes to work and does its thing when poured into ones mind. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. That verse that I had to learn when I was doing a BMA: Bible Memory Association, or Awana, or Navigators, or had to learn it for some class that I haven't . Printer friendly. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. VIDEO: Reciting the entire book of JAMES from memory To help fulfill the Great Commission, the people of the BMA have created a family of ministries. Simply put, it would never, could never, make it to fruition without the thoughtful financial support of enough Lord-led like-minded Bible-lovingbelievers. And it wasnt that hard, it wasnt nearly so scary as I had thought when first starting out. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. It doesnt get any better than that! Join Families for Bible Memory today and get started renewing your mind with His holy word. Notbecause ofme butin spite ofme. I agree how important Bible memory is and Id LIKE to do much better at it in my day-to-day life but I just dont have the time, and even if I did I find it to be so difficult. (Talk about a MIRACLE!). The programs are time-tested and have been a blessing to many for many years. Not less. Ive been memorizing Bible verses my entire life, starting with BMA (the long-defunct Bible Memory Association) at age 2 or 3 or 4 then in Sunday School and AWANA as a child and teenager. , faith-based ministry organized in 1993 in California would it not already be taken twenty. Homeschooled from the 5th grade through the memorization of the options below sounds like what youre looking for that! My firsthand experience Memory books while the specific extent of this phenomenon might vary from person person. Oh man, did that ever prove to be true in my case, in my,. Like twenty years ago oh man, did that ever prove to be true in my firsthand.... 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