closing circle question cards

In the Drinking Gourd, Tommy discovers that his father is a conductor on the Underground Railroad, and is helping a slave family escape. I like the idea of having a closing circle at the end of each day to reflect on the positives of the day. This is a set of three task cards all focusing on analyzing the different elements of the character in any novel and focuses on internal and external characterization. Keep them in mind if you try this routine: You dont need a lot of time to have an effective closing circleten minutes should do itbut you do need to protect that time from intrusions. Students are able to practice key social and emotional skills, regulate for dismissal, and end the day on a positive note!This product contains a google slides presentation (Winter theme) with closing meeting prompts for at least 3 weeks worth of meetings. If you could move anywhere, where would you live? Hard Winters5. A great activity to build character for your classroom. Line of two groups of students who share with one student then move down the line. The second slide is the main emoji slide that should be projected for students to see. In this unit students will discuss the steps and emotions surrounding meeting new people in a restorative circle setting, complete scenario analysis activities, as well as fun and interactive games to practice their skill! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Jun 12, 2019 - Foster a meaningful closing circle with these reflection cards! Why did you choose that word? UDL 7.2 UDL 8.3. They can be very valuable in helping children understand their actions, emotions and those of their classmates. Gather together for a 5- or 10-minute closure, and you'll all leave feeling encouraged and accomplished. Jigsaws. 40 Mindful Reflection Cards! Tell about something for which you are thankful. Weve found the following guidelines crucial to success in our closing circles. The journal includes: That's a total of 258 comprehension questions and 253 vocabulary words! I am so interested in your activities.. Would like to see more work for upper junior in all fields of English. (2) $9.00. Insert closing circle. Three (3) Included Resources: Character Trait Slides + SEL Read Alouds, Morning Meeting Questions, Closing Circle Questions:1- Character Trait Slides + SEL Read Alouds!There are 15 different Character Traits. A summarizer page is also included to guide student's understandings about the Underground Railroad and Drinking Gourd. A closing circle is a strategy for bringing a peaceful end to the school day. Some questions require students, Closing Circle Slides | Share, Activities, Goodbyes, Challenges, THE GREAT GATSBY Unit Plan: Quizzes, Discussion Questions, Worksheets, & Writing. If students need to have backpacks or papers nearby, we tell them to put these things behind them, outside the circle. This product includes chapter by chapter questions. -Asks student to explain using details from the story 5.0. Next, they use tailored questions and statements to move the prospect from the lead nurturing to the deal closing stage. Boost achievement rates in your class, plus get 39 free accountable talk posters & a student, LIT SPARKS: These 65 reading response question cards (print or digital) for literature will help your students engage in meaningful and insightful discussions about the books they are reading. All four resources are Easel Activities enabled and formatted for online distance learning. The end of the school day can often pose some unique challenges. 6 Wonder Question Cards - 75 Print & Digital Discussion Prompts - Plus Precepts! FREE!! -Summarizing %PDF-1.3 Thanks for the feedback. us to bring our best selves when we sit together in circle. Or are you looking for virtual icebreakers or First Day of School Activities? Think-Pair-Share after recess. Talk about a funny or scary adventure you had with a friend. Teachers can help students develop the habit of reflection by building in opportunities for them to practice this skill throughout . Here we go. Throughout the years, I have collected fun discussion questions or opinion writing prompts that I could easily ask to promote a positive classroom environment. Responsive Classroom is a CASEL SELect Program! Devine took over the reins with the Phibsborough club last October after the dismissal of . This bundle includes Common Core aligned comprehension and vocabulary questions for the entire Bad Guys series. Each slide has one Character Trait and an informational video, read aloud, quote, and . discover that. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. End of The Day Closing Circle Fall Add-On Questions! If you had three wishes what would they be? Back to School Reflection Prompt Cards | Distance Learning, Reflection Prompt Discussion Cards BUNDLE, Classroom Community | End of the Day Reflection | Goodbye Group | Closing Circle, Social Emotional Skill of the Week: Respect (Middle and High School), Americanized: Rebel Without a Green Card - Sara Saedi Reflection Questions, Closing Meeting / Closing Circle Questions and Reflection Cards, Social Emotional Skill of the Week: Meeting New People (Middle and High School), The Westing Game Discussion Questions Task Cards, The Honest-to-Goodness Truth by Patricia McKissack-A Complete Book Journal. NEW! There are approximately 65 questions for each book and 9 books in the series. Foster a meaningful closing circle with these reflection cards! Discussion Prompts for Any Book - Literature Circles, Probing Questions + Accountable Talk Builder Cards - RT, Discussion, Seminars, Holiday Circle Time Morning Meeting Brain Break Cards Questions BUNDLE, Reading Comprehension Passages, Questions & Task Cards: Skills-Boosting Bundle, Reading Comprehension Questions for Any Book Task Cards plus Google Digital. The tool can be used to practice reading goals such as forming an opinion, drawing conclusions, summ, These easy prep, low ink classroom affirmation posters help create a positive classroom environment and gets students reflecting and thinking about self-love. How I use it: While on our video-conferencing platform, I use calling sticks to call on a scholar in my classroom to pick a ci, These author studies teach students to go back to the text in a thoughtful, careful and precise way. Where are you? I have also added cut lines based on a buyer's suggestion!! This document provides questions for each chapter of the book The Lemonade War by Jacqueline Davies as well as pre and post reading reflection questions. A closing circle is a great way for scholars and teachers to reflect on the day and build a classroom community all while practicing listening and speaking skills. Great for Socratic Seminars, Reciprocal Teaching, Close Reading, Literature Circles, and whole-class discussion. ]- [direction? Want access to more tips and ideas like these? I used this resource with my Level P guided reading groups. Also included in:American Literature Curriculum | 11th-Grade English | FULL YEAR of Lesson Plans! Closing circle is an effective strategy for bringing closure to the school day in a fun and meaningful way. Otherwise, you could use the questions as part of a class read aloud. Please read the TOU carefully. End of the Day Jar- Questions Cards for Community Building. Last, we had a closing routine. When I implemented closing circle in my classroom, I used my typical routine of setting a timer. This free resource includes 23 question prompts for your closing circle. Getting AroundIncludes the Answer KeyVocabulary Cards for this selection:The Athabascans Vocabulary CardsAdditonal Resource: Vocabulary Quiz, If you are looking for a way to get your students to work together to really dissect a text, this protocol is for you! On the last day of school, we hold a Closing Circle during which each student shares a favorite memory, a personal accomplishment, their favorite book, or shares their most meaningful learning moment from the year. This product aligns with the Responsive Classroom management system. Students will need to use reading strategies such as inference, summarizing, comparing and contrasting etc. This is a set of comprehension questions for The Chocolate Touch by Patrick Skene Catling. **INCLUDES**15 Shares8 Activities11 Goodbyes3 ChallengesI appreciate questions, suggestions, and feedback!Just use the Product Q&A tab and I will get back to you as fast as I can!Please ask all q, Getting your students to slow down, reflect as they read, and engage with the text in different ways are all part of being a good reader and are goals of close reading. (To learn about how to find time for closing circles, see Finding Time before Dismissal.). A closing circle is a great way for scholars and teachers to reflect on the day and build a classroom community all while practicing listening and speaking skills. Great way to include daily reflection with students. One-day professional development workshops are open for registration! Here are 80 different ideas! Help students sustain relationships and build a deeper connection with one another at all grade levels. The Drinking Gourd Comprehension Questions, Candymakers Unit with Comprehension Questions, Reading Comprehension Decodable Passages w/ Questions: Orton Gillingham Level 3, Reading Comprehension Decodable Passages (73) w/ Questions Bundle for Orton, The One and Only Ivan Novel Study with Comprehension Questions & Writing Prompts, Novel Study MEGA BUNDLE of the Whole Library - 50+ Novel Studies, Literature Circles Bundle - Literature Circle Roles and Book Club Activities, The Lemonade War Chapter by Chapter Questions, Character Trait Slides + SEL Morning Meeting & Closing Circle Questions. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. -Problem/solution, This literature circles bundle includes everything you need for student-led book clubs! The pre-reading slideshow, daily quizzes, discussion questions, close-reading exercises, creative writing assignment, and analytical writing assignment will challenge your students to dig beneath the surface of the text and generate profound interpretive insights. Whats your least favorite type of candy? My students loved the Dragon Master series! This article features ten text dependent questions. I've used this for the opening and closing of class, left it as a sub-lesson, and even used it for literature circles as the writing piece. What would be one of the first things you would do if you became president? The Bad Guys2. Each drill includes tips that reinforce effective reading strategies, and can be used to drive home the fundamentals or prepare, CLASS SCHEDULE {EDITABLE - DOTS CLASSROOM DECOR}Use these schedule cards on a pocket chart to create a daily class schedule to display in your classroom. Choose a card from the mindfulness module you are working with in class, and help your students develop their communication skills by having them reflect over their experience in the practice. Icons naming convention. This can be as simple as going around the circle to answer an open-ended question, such as Whats one thing you want to work on tomorrow? It might also be an activity that involves reflective thinking. The End of the Day Jar has 24 questions to ask students to get them talking about their school day. Dr. Jean's song, "Good-bye" written as a poem and posted in the kindergarten classroom. If I didnt have timers going off throughout the day, my students would have been late for PE, lunch, art, social work appointments literally everything. When all are seated in the circle, Ms. Vincent raises her hand, the classs agreed-upon signal for attention. Great for reading groups and for support for struggling readers. Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. If you like this product, please leave feedback and follow my store. Farewell Letters to Students: On the last day of school, I give each student a note card from me. This is not much of a sacrifice when you think of what you are gaining! Want a FREE equivalent fractions color-by-number activity? These skills are good topics for back to school, and include activities to create classroom community at the beginning of the year. Students need explicit instruction and practice with finding evidence in text in order to answer text-dependent questions. When I implemented closing circle in my classroom, I used my typical routine of setting a timer. This unit is broken down in an easy to use 5 day lesson pl, Closing Meeting / Closing Circle Questions and Reflection Cards. This activity could be a song sung while putting on winter coats, hats, and boots or a fun way to send students to line up a few at a time. Buyer tips: By ending the day on a refreshing, reflective note, closing circle reinforces the sense of community and safety that teachers strive to develop. Oct 31, 2021 - Explore Jade Korth's board "Closing Circles / Afternoon Meeting", followed by 132 people on Pinterest. There are also book club roles to be printed for students convenience. Emphasis placed on how institutions affect home and family life for alignment with the alignment of curriculum 9-12 in North Carolina. This story features the legendary Pecos Bill, a character from many tall tales and folktales.This story is filled with hyperbole to help emphasize the tall tale genre.In this passage, students will practice identifying genre, character traits, vocabulary, figurative language, main idea, fact and opinion, affixes, and summarizing. earth week mirror. Closing Circle. Jun 12, 2021 - Foster a meaningful closing circle with these reflection cards! Teachers and staff, too! Some are even hungry! Sie verfgen ber eine erste Erfahrung im Testing und hatten idealerweise bereits die Rolle als Testmanager/in und/oder Teilprojektleiter/in im Bereich Software-Testing inne. Most of the prompts are centered around expressing student ideas. Like Morning Meeting at the beginning of the day, closing circle brings a sense of calm, safety, and community to students and teachers. ass, Maniac Magee by Jerry Spinelli is a great novel for a read aloud, class read, small group, or book club! . How about top-notch activities for The One and Only Ivan as easy as hitting the print button? Have a great question you'd. Google Slides. 6. Closing circle allows students to leave feeling good. This is not a time for children to finish assignments or to complete end-of-day jobs. Students each create 1 or 2 questions based on the lesson. For my thesis title, I'm thinking of using a phrase that underlines the work I do, which is to bridge the beginning and end of a workflow, to create a perpetual analytical process.. To give a bit more context; I do my research in the last steps of a long workflow that involves many steps from hypothesis, experiment design, experimentation and a large number of processing steps. 4. These 20 reflection and question cards can be used during your closing meeting or closing circle to prompt student reflection about the school day. It is recommended to print cards on card stock and then place cards on metal book rings. Musical Partners, where students find a partner, ask and answer the . Getting in a circle: "Everyone with blue eyes join the circle", "Everyone whose favourite ice cream is strawberry join the circle", "Everyone who is wearing shorts join the circle" etc. Registration is open for one-day workshops. The Chocolate Touch Comprehension Questions, The Bad Guys Series Comprehension and Vocabulary Questions Bundle, Monster (Walter Dean Myers) Guided Reading Questions, Reading Comprehension Decodable Passages w/ Questions: Orton Gillingham Level 2, Orton Gillingham Lesson Plans, Templates & Decodable Stories LEVEL 2 BUNDLE, CHILDRENS AUTHOR STUDIES ~ Mini BIOGRAPHIES ~ Close Reads, Book Discussion Questions for any Fiction Text, Close Reading Comprehension for Emerging Readers & Writers: Animals, Pecos Bill Tall Tale Reading Passage & Questions - Printable & Distance Learning, Tall Tales Reading Bundle - Printable & Distance Learning. Factual, inferential, critical thinking and reflecting questions. Fall add-on pack can be found here: the end of the day I gather my students in a circle on the carpet for our closing circle. Simple and direct, Interactive Modeling allows students to see, hear, and experience exactly how to complete tasks that are key to a successful closing circle, such as finishing class jobs and packing up before closing circle begins, responding to the signal, forming a circle, sharing and listening to reflections, playing games, and lining up. will try out some this semester, Your email address will not be published. Circle Guidelines: Finally, there are four circle guidelines that I would like us all to practice during our time in circle together to help us communicate with openness, honesty, and respect: 1. The text dependent questions are directly under the text passage. The possibilities are endless. Appendix 2 - Sample Opening and Closing Ceremonies 22 Appendix 3 - Tips for Alternate Check-ins 26. Here are some circle time songs for preschoolers and suggested actions you can do with the songs: The Wheels on the Bus - roll your arms for "round and round", hands back and forth for "wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish,", etc. School-Wide. This bundle includes: Respect:- 1 week of lesson plans to help you implement the activities in your classroom- a pre-assessment for students to self-reflect on their skills as well as inform the teacher of the area of need- circle prompts, opening, and closing acti, This resource is the perfect lesson to do at the end of December or the beginning of January - it's a set of super fun and SEL-focused New Year's activities! Colorful posters are also included for whole group practice. Hello.. The cards are business card size and can be run on cardstock and laminated for continued use. This free resource includes 23 question prompts for your closing circle. Research shows that giving students opportunities to share an, Make the most of your brain breaks with FREEZE! Next, the students stand for a group celebration, creating a Circle of Hands. Then they sit down again for an activity called 1, 2, 3, Pop, which determines the order in which they line up at the door for dismissal. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. For closing circle this might look like: -complete your classroom afternoon job (dump trash, wipe off desk, erase board, etc) -get homework folder and materials to take home/ pack them up at your desk. ALL of the SCHEDULE CARDS are EDITABLE to customize for your own class!Buy the Dots Classroom Set MEGA-BUNDLE and SAVE!! UDL 7.2 UDL 8.3. In Closing Circle, a teacher gathers students together prior to dismissal . You can help set a positive tone for closing circle with a reflective question, such as How did we follow our rules today? or Whats one thing you enjoyed learning about today? On a particularly challenging day, a closing circle that focuses on learning from mistakes or on naming changes each person plans to make may help everyone end the day feeling better. man's innate aggressiveness. Product is in Keynote and includes editable, blank cards for you to add your own ideas. This free resource includes 23 question prompts for your closing circle. Here are 67 questions you can use in your classroom to build community with your elementary (and middle school) students! These questions include multiple choice, written response, and pictorial representations.By purchasing this bundle, you'll receive all of the following for 30% less than you'd pay for each individually!:1. A reflective question, such as inference, summarizing, comparing and contrasting etc should be projected for convenience. Partners, where students find a partner, ask and answer the help set positive. Circle in my classroom, I used my typical routine of setting a timer dismissal..! 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