Even with the planned expansion by FIRE, the ACLU will continue to dwarf the upstart organization in size and funding. Its first executive director and, later, CEO, was Thor Halvorssen. This paper presents the annual report of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for 2011. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is actively using 42 technologies for its website, according to BuiltWith. DonorsTrusts tax forms from 2012 to 2014 detail several grants made directly to universities to support scholarship on free market policies. [19][20][21] Nico Perrino is executive vice president. [62][63] The school eventually agreed to rewrite its speech policies, paying $650,000 to settle the lawsuit. to respond filed. This presence includes operating a national field program to educate and unite students around free market values and supporting 350 campus chapters and 750 like-minded student groups. Another project of Turning Point USA, Hypeline News, is a young-adult driven social news site that employs college-age writers and says its taking back the media. According to leaked messages from two Turning Point staffers obtained by the Ohio State University student newspaper The Lantern, the group may also be funding individual student government races. 4 min read. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is renaming itself the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and keeping the "FIRE" acronym as it launches a drive to. The Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation (also operating as the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative) is a private philanthropic group within the billionaire DeVos familys network of conservative giving. The new initiative includes $10 million in planned national cable and billboard advertising featuring activists on both ends of the political spectrum extolling the virtues of free speech, officials said. Its leader, Kristan Hawkins, has also praised Tony Perkins of Family Research Council, another anti-LGBTQ hate group. A major focus of CPAC panels and training sessions has always been on recruiting a new generation of right-wing leaders, particularly on college campuses. Today, free-market globalization is undermining the individual rights, civic virtues, and republican sovereignty that conservatives claim to cherish. Please, become a member, or make a one-time donation, today. [2][5] Silverglate had served on the board of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts. Lukianoff said his group also regularly defends left-leaning students and faculty members when their freedom of expression is threatened. Such offenses often prompt not intimidation and silence but more speech, including criticism from liberals. Thats not as Orwellian as it may sound. Much like the ACLU, this often leads to them defending unpopular or controversial speech. ADF has also long opposed anti-bullying efforts in schools, decrying any anti-bullying policy that includes sexual orientation or gender identity. Email . According to tax filings, the Alliance for School Choice has received substantial funding from right-wing philanthropists, including at least half a million from the Gleason Family Foundation. ', "Comedy, Outrage, and Free Speech: Can We Take A Joke is Available for Download Now! [76][77][78] Lukianoff recorded a video of students confronting Christakis's husband, who served as master of Silliman College, on the Yale campus. The Charles Koch Institute, later formed as a separate organization from the foundation, bills itself as an organization specifically dedicated to educating the next generation of professional leaders with libertarian-minded internships and professional development courses. [58], In 2012, FIRE filed a lawsuit against Iowa State University (ISU) after ISU prevented the university's chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws from designing T-shirts featuring the school's mascot. Here's why FIRE finds this policy irresponsible, offensive, and annoying: thefire.org. Its great to have the ACLU fighting for racial and reproductive justice and gay rights. How a Stanford 3L got the last laugh against the Federalist Society", "Update: Law Student Who Made Fun of the Federalist Society Will Be Allowed to Graduate After All", "Emerson College targeted by ad campaign for suspending student group behind 'China Kinda Sus' stickers", "Right-wing student group suspended over 'anti-China' stickers", "Conservative student group blackballed by Massachusetts college for 'anti-China hate', "Turning Point Chapter Warned for Distributing China Stickers | Inside Higher Ed", "Ron DeSantis faces Florida lawsuit over anti-woke law", "Fourth lawsuit filed to challenge DeSantis' 'Stop WOKE Act', "A psychiatric facility punishes residents with painful electric shocks. This post may be updated with further groups and financial connections in the future. [67][68] FIRE is also representing conservative students at California-based Clovis Community College, where school administrators reportedly removed the students' anti-communism flyers from campus bulletin boards. [86] FIRE also launched the website "Emerson Kinda Sus" in response. And lets hope that theyll ask Lukianoff to explain his funding, premises, and the pattern and practice of his propaganda and provocations and omissions, which surround and often undermine his groups legitimate complaints. The organization has received millions in funding from the Charles G. Koch Foundation, the Claude R. Lambe Foundation, and the Stand Together Trust ." Find Foundation For Individual Rights In Education stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Examples of bias on campus from this week include: a professor who reached out to a black student about an upcoming class that would focus on slavery and white nationalism; a school supporting an emergency fund for immigrant students; and a school hosting a seminar on pay inequity and salary negotiation for women students. [64], In 2021, FIRE filed a First Amendment lawsuit on behalf of an Eastern Virginia Medical School student who said his free speech rights were violated when the school denied recognition to a club that he was trying to establish because it supported universal health care. "[2] The Times also referred to FIRE as a "familiar irritant to college administrators" and said FIRE "bristles at the right-wing tag often applied to them". Josh Gerstein wrote in Politico that "part of the push may challenge the American Civil Liberties Union's primacy as a defender of free speech." ), predatory lending, and ever more intrusive, degrading consumer marketing. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is renaming itself the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and keeping the FIRE acronym as it launches a drive to promote greater acceptance of a diversity of views in the workplace, pop culture and elsewhere. Last month, I disclosed the conservative-movement funding, premises, strategy, and practices of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), which purports to protect free speech on college campuses, but expends more energy blamingand chillingpolitically correct activists and administrators. . FIRE is unable to take other submissions by phone. An upcoming conference at Bard College could shed important light on the right-wing funders behind a deceptive campaign to protect free speech while advancing conservative ideology on liberal campuses. [10][1][4] In 2021, the organization had an annual revenue of $16.1 million. Select from premium Foundation For Individual Rights In Education of the highest quality. Although the details are purposely obscured, its likely that the DeVoses -- like Charles and David Koch -- have additionally contributed to groups in this list through the anonymous donor funds DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. "[92] In 2022, Columbia University finished in last place. Provost Marty Krauss informed Hindley in October 2007 that comments he made in his Latin American politics class violated the school's anti-harassment policy. FOUNDATION FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS IN EDUCATION (FIRE) Address: 170 S INDEPENDENCE MALL W. PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106. The megaphone social media platforms have given to voices spouting untruths has also prompted some former free-speech devotees to reconsider their views. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression's mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thoughtthe most essential qualities of liberty. Its major grants come from the ultraconservative Earhart, John Templeton, and Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundations; the Scaife family foundations; the Koch-linked Donors Trust, and funders that sustain a myriad of conservative campus-targeting organizations that include FIRE, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, the David Horowitz Freedom Center (whose Academic Bill of Rights would mandate more hiring of conservative faculty and would monitor professors syllabi for balance), and Campus Watch (which tracks and condemns liberal professors comments on the Middle East). History Founded in 1946, The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is a libertarian economic think-tank dedicated to the "economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society." FEE publishes books, daily articles and hosts seminars and lectures. Wealthy conservative donors have anonymously poured money into the majority of the groups listed in this report through DonorsTrust and DCF; combined, the two funds have granted millions to the Leadership Institute, the Mercatus Center, the Institute for Humane Studies, Project Veritas, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Students for Liberty, Young Americas Foundation, and Young Americans for Liberty, as well as hate groups Alliance Defending Freedom and the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The College Fix is operated by the Student Free Press Association, a nonprofit that appears to receive the bulk of its funding from anonymous right-wing donors through DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville's "Responsible Use Policy" forbids using computing resources "for partisan political purposes" or to "offend" or "annoy" others. As I demonstrate in What the Campus Free Speech Crusade Wont Say, FIREs funding, board members, and closest associations are heavily right-wing. [65] In March 2022, the school settled the lawsuit. 223 transactions on record as a recipient. [1][2][3] FIRE was renamed in June 2022, with its focus broadened to speech rights in American society in general. [56], In October 2011, Catawba Valley Community College suspended a student (Marc Bechtol) for complaining on Facebook about a new policy that required students to sign up for a debit card to get their student ID and grant money. The Mercatus Center is a conservative research center based at George Mason University thatfocuses on how markets solve problems. The center is also an associate member of the State Policy Network of conservative think tanks. [45] In 2011, FIRE opposed the Education Department's "Dear Colleague" letter that urged universities to use a "preponderance of the evidence" standard instead of the criminal justice system's "beyond a reasonable doubt" standard in sexual assault cases. The State Policy Network (SPN) is a web of right-wing "think tanks" and tax-exempt organizations in 50 states, Washington, D.C., Canada, and the United Kingdom. [27] Former ACLU President Nadine Strossen is also an advisory board member. FIREs move seems likely to face an uphill battle with many on the political left disillusioned about unfettered free speech following former President Donald Trumps successes at perpetuating misinformation. Turning Point USA is a nonprofit whose stated mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote the principles of fiscal responsibility, free markets, and limited government. The groups tagline is big government sucks, and a recent video advertising the groups presence at the 2017 Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) included several millennials repeating the tagline into the camera as club music played in the background. [34], At the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, FIRE opposed university practices that required student journalists to submit their questions ahead of time or seek permission from the school before interviewing university employees. Lukianoff said FIRE has raised $28.5 million for a planned three-year, $75 million litigation, opinion research and public education campaign aimed at boosting and solidifying support for free-speech values. Dunn's Foundation for the Advancement of Right Thinking: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $30,000: 2010 + 64: Earhart Foundation: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education: $35,000: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), formerly known as the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, is a non-profit civil liberties group founded in 1999 with the aim of protecting free speech rights on college campuses in the United States. The public list of supposedly biased professors -- which included individuals photos and asked for public submissions of video/photo evidence of alleged bias -- mostly cited right-wing student reporter website Campus Reform, as well as conservative student blog The College Fix, hate group David Horowitz Freedom Center, The Blaze, FoxNews.com, and unfounded videos from Project Veritas. Educated hope provides the basis for dignifying the labor of teachers; it offers up critical knowledge linked to democratic social change, affirms shared responsibilities, and encourages teachers and students to recognize ambivalence and uncertainty as fundamental dimensions of learning. Media Matters has mapped out some of the biggest actors behind astroturf conservative campus activism, creating an echo chamber of seemingly grass-roots right-wing student media and campus groups that are actually propped up by a handful of the same conservative funders and, sometimes, even prominent hate groups. Funding Rounds Number of Funding Rounds 1 Total Funding Amount $2.5M Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has raised a total of $2.5M in funding over 1 round. Ive sent these questions to FIRE myself, three times, but have never received an answer. Krauss placed a monitor in Hindley's class and ordered him to attend racial sensitivity training. However, he said in the last fiscal year, about 69 percent of FIREs funding came from individual donors and about 31 percent from foundations. [66] Later that year, the organization helped University of Washington professor Stuart Reges take action against the school after it recommended that he include a Native American land acknowledgment on his course syllabus. (Response due August 20, 2021) Blanket Consent filed by Petitioner, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, et al. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a right-wing free speech elitist organization. We must defend all speech without apology | Opinion", "The Coddling of the American Mind review how elite US liberals have turned rightwards", "The Coddling of the American Mind 'Is Speeding Up', "ACLU free-speech icon Ira Glasser profiled in new film", "Free to State with Paul Clement, Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes & Nadine Strossen", "Pierce College's 'free speech zone' will expand after LA Community College District settles lawsuit with student", "Georgia passes law banishing free speech zones", "U. of Delaware Halts Residence-Life Program That Was Criticized as 'Thought Reform', "A-T challenges UMC interview guidelines", "FIRE Demands Dartmouth Rescind College Republicans Fee | Inside Higher Ed", "UC Berkeley to settle free speech lawsuit for $70K", "Campus security bills for speakers challenged", "Lawsuit says WMU policies restrict free speech, prevented Boots Riley visit to campus", "WMU to pay $35,000 to settle free-speech lawsuit filed by Kalamazoo Peace Center", "Student sues university over 'no-contact' orders after Christian statements", "Conservative Students Sue Clovis Community College | Inside Higher Ed", "USF student, professor file lawsuit challenging Florida's 'Stop WOKE Act', "PolitiFact - Trump's education pick donated to Philly group with controversial campus rape stance", "Former U-Va. law student files suit challenging federal sexual assault directive", "2011 Dear Colleague Letter Critic Adam Kissel Hired by Dept. Kirby Foundation. 03/01/23 10:55 PM EST, Video & Audio Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is right for you. I do. [91], Since 2011, FIRE has published a list of the "worst colleges for free speech. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a legal and advocacy organization that claims to defend and sustain individual rights at Americas colleges and universities. FIRE primarily handles case submissions from students who believe their free speech rights were violated, connecting some to attorneys, including through its national program designed to file targeted, high-profile cases against public universities. Tel: 215-717-3473; Fax: 215-717-3440; e-mail: fire@thefire.org; Web site: http://www.thefire.org Publication Type: Reports - Descriptive Education Level: High Schools; Higher Education Audience: N/A Language: English Sponsor: N/A [1], FIRE aims to defend First Amendment rights in academia, and files lawsuits against colleges and universities that it perceives as curtailing rights of students and professors. The group fearmongers about contraception methods and abortion, a common medical procedure, and equates the work of Planned Parenthood in communities of color with racist eugenics. 02/21/23 10:52 AM EST, The Conservative Dark-Money Groups Infiltrating Campus Politics, Newsmax host: Trump is still easily the mostpopular conservative candidateand is again running forpresident and Fox is pretendingthat he's not, Fox News host claims the FBI is part of a plot to defeat Republicans in elections, Sean Hannity claims the FBI has put their thumb on the scale for Democrats in every major election since 2016, Fox News host says Democrats are euthanizing the homeless, CNN's Bakari Sellers: Dominion filings show Fox hosts get the leeway to say whatever they want to say whether or not it has veracity, Right-wing media figures stand behind James OKeefe after Project Veritas ouster, Gavin McInnes on James O'Keefe ouster from Project Veritas: Inside scoop, all of the major money dudes are leaving with James, Steve Bannon: James O'Keefe is a patriot and a hero, American Conservative Union and Conservative Political Action Committee, Campus Reform and The Leadership Institute, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Mercatus Center and Institute for Humane Studies, identifies, organizes, and trains conservative college students to promote and defend their values on campus, Higher Educations Internet Outrage Machine, a driving force of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-black movements, the dark-money ATM for the conservative movement, the Mercatus Center, the Institute for Humane Studies, one of the oldest student-oriented educational organizations in the nation, counter the progressive ideology taking over American colleges, internships and professional development courses, the center of the Koch college universe, the problems with income redistribution through satire, educate your fellow students about the zombies in government who need to feed on the living to survive. The video didnt make much of a splash.. The ACLU enjoyed a massive surge in funding following Trumps victory in 2016 and now brings in almost $400 million to its coffers each year. This is a welcome development, Romero said in a statement. "[51], FIRE joined with a number of other civil liberties groups in the case of Hosty v. Carter, involving suppression of a student newspaper at Governors State University in Illinois,[52] and has been involved in a case at Arizona State University where it condemned the listing of certain sections of a class as open only to Native American students. Last year, George Mason University renamed its law school as The Antonin Scalia Law School, following a $10 million contribution from the Charles Koch Foundation. In 2013 and 2014, DonorsTrust also granted a total of $55,000 to the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation to support the work of a higher education writer who was fired from The Chronicle of Higher Education after mocking black studies courses. FIRE took the side of the student. Young Americas Foundation is a nonprofit that bills itself as the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country. Its primary projects include preserving Ronald Reagans California ranch, operating the National Journalism Center to train aspiring journalists in the values of balanced reporting (Ann Coulter and Greg Gutfeld are alumni), and running its Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise. The rise of 1964 Republican nominee Barry Goldwater, with his hostility toward federal anti-discrimination legislation and social safety-net programs, was a direct result of white people's anger . Annual lobbyist employer reports. [1] Kors served as FIRE's first president and chairperson. Lets hope that Bard conference-goers will have read the PEN report, the Times account of it, and my own analysis of What the Campus Free Speech Crusade Wont Say.. There he shot the infamous video of an overwrought black 20-year-old shrieking at a professor, and also triggered (if I may) an angry demonstration against the Buckley program itself. Since its inception, FIRE has received funding from a variety of conservative foundations, including millions from some linked to billionaire Charles Koch. The ACLU later recalibrated its free-speech advocacy, urging that its lawyers considering what cases to take also consider offense to marginalized groups. Romero also said it would not defend those seeking to engage in protests while armed. Lukianoff should be asked to acknowledge this at the Bard conference. Another ad features a Montana State University student, Stefan Klaer, who was ordered to take down a Black Lives Matter banner from his dorm room window. Rankings, in general, are a weak tool for understanding schools' individual characteristics they hide nuance and context, encourage rigid thinking, and by rolling all metrics into one overall number, both reflect and obscure the biases of the list-maker. In addition to funding medical research and more standard philanthropic endeavors, the F.M. In recent years, OKeefe has strongly aligned himself with the so-called alt-right, offering exclusives of his videos to Breitbart.com and befriending dangerous online trolls like Lucian Wintrich, Gavin McInnes, and Milo Yiannopoulos. Kirby Foundation also gives substantially to several billionaire-funded groups designed to seed campus chapters of conservative organizations. [50], In 2021, in response to the board of trustees at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill declining to give Nikole Hannah-Jones tenure, FIRE released a statement saying "if it is accurate that this refusal was the result of viewpoint discrimination against Hannah-Jones, particularly based on political opposition to her appointment, this decision has disturbing implications for academic freedom. [4], The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education was co-founded by Alan Charles Kors and Harvey Silverglate in 1999, who were FIRE's co-directors until 2004. Its tax forms list single grants ranging from $301 to more than $11. Thinking that free speech is the problem here is, I think, missing the point, Lukianoff said. The ACLU faced internal upheaval in 2017 after its Virginia chapter provided legal assistance to white-nationalist groups seeking a permit to demonstrate in Charlottesville, Va. In the U.S., its operations include a virtual academy and virtual reading groups; conferences; speaker and movie screenings series; and sponsorship of campus groups activism and leadership development. It also operates a campus leadership program that identifies, organizes, and trains conservative college students to promote and defend their values on campus. The institutes national field program boasts more than 1,878 campus groups that advocate for limited government, the free market, traditional values, and national defense.. Original Filing: 300460117.xml Issue(s) they said they'd lobby about: The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to defending . See the metrics below for more information. "[24], Lukianoff co-wrote The New York Times bestselling book The Coddling of the American Mind with New York University Professor Jonathan Haidt, arguing that tribalism on college campuses is a "very serious problem for any democracy. 92 ] in 2022, Columbia University finished in last place, et al the `` worst colleges for speech!, later, CEO, was Thor Halvorssen filed by Petitioner, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education ( ). ), predatory lending, and annoying: thefire.org seed campus chapters of foundations. Freedom of expression is threatened more standard philanthropic endeavors, the organization had annual. Thatfocuses on how markets solve problems regularly defends left-leaning students and faculty members when their freedom of is., civic virtues, and free speech: Can We take a Joke is Available for Download Now Outrage and. 'S class and ordered him to attend racial sensitivity training its free-speech advocacy, that. 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