how to read expiry dates on canned food australia

Read instructions on the label e.g. The expiration date is voluntary for most other food products. Canned foods mayhave a use-by or a best-before date. A best-before date is used to indicate quality rather than safety. By subscribing you agree to our Terms of Use and Remove excess fat. var f = d.getElementsByTagName( s )[ 0 ], Isnt it mandatory to display the expiry date on food items in Australia? "Expiration" dates are rarely found on canned food. Furthermore, you must always keep an eye out for potential alterations in the form of canned foods. When you unscrew a jar or can, it usually sprays liquid out, which is an indication that the food is rotten. More Info At Visit site Canned Food : Shelf Life and 'Use By' Date Codes If your canned food doesn't have any red flags, you're probably okay (although that doesn't mean food from older cans will taste good). Most firms use food expiry date codes on a voluntary basis and they arent set in stone. /*

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how to read expiry dates on canned food australia