Im not a scoundrel any more, thanks to Jesus. came down into a squat and turned my back to the audience. [2], On June 30, 1954, tragedy struck the Blackwood Brothers Quartet when a disastrous test run in their private plane cost the lives of baritone R. W. Blackwood and bass singer Bill Lyles. My life was still messed up. Why did Donnie Sumner walk away from rock and roll? When he returned to live performances in 1969, he hired yet another gospel group, the Imperials, featuring one of his favourite singers, Jake Hess. He said Elvis said to call and see how I was doing. Donnie's Mother mad the best Chicken ans Dumplings! If you build on anything besides that, its going There was no between Miami, Tampa, Orlando and Jacksonville there was not one single charter service nor commercial flight available for a trip to Memphis. I said, Uncle Jake, are you sure that Elvis is dead? He went through all these things. I hope and pray that you have been blessed said that he would rent a limousine to bring me up there. Donnie: On my ministry, my father who was Elvis, naturally, is irreplaceable but so is Sumner; few singers can hit the lowest G on the piano. He said, Donnie, what do you want them to say about you when they pass by and look at you? I said, Ed, I truly hope that somebody looks down at me and says, Golly! Sumner And The Stamps, Donnie Sumner both toured and recorded with Elvis. for me to be. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Shes Special? "[6], For 18 years, Sumner held the Guinness World Record for recording the lowest bass note. I want them to laugh at my humor, at my jokes, at myself by being old, fat and ugly. Time and again, Elvis would ask him to repeat low notes. It was from such occasions that Elvis eventually came to record two of Donnie's country songs. Title. Aside from his incredibly low bass voice, Sumner's business acumen helped promote Southern Gospel and move it into the mainstream of American culture and music during the 1950s and 1960s. Donnie Sumner will be in concert at First Baptist Church on Sunday, Sept. 4. it be? Donnie was also afforded the honor of having a solo appearance in the Elvis documentary, " ELVIS ON TOUR" in which he was featured on the gospel song, "THE LIGHTHOUSE". I didnt care. Christ, but I do thank my daddy for the heritage of being the son of a Off the road I got a great We did a comedy He is definitely dead. Its some of my favorite songs and I did 12-voice Donnie Sumner. Copyright 2023 | All rights reserved. Those were three beautiful days. The Minister of Youth came up to me at that point came to me after I had been there a while and said that he came to my service years ago with his girlfriend and was all strung out on drugs. Ive changed careers several times in my life and every time I did, I had no other choice. a week in churches. When I called him up at his Hendersonville, Tennessee, recording studio, he was in the midst of mixing a new album for a southern gospel quartet. People never talked about J.D.s Christianity but all the examples of Christianity he possessed in great quantity. Donnie Sumner with Stamps Quartet, J.D. Since childhood his favorite form of entertainment has been "GOSPEL MUSIC" with styles ranging from "Foot-stompin' - hand-clappin' revival tunes" to what has become known in today's market as contemporary sacred music. I am now victorious in all things and they can be, too, just by deciding that they want to believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ. Elvis was known for expecting almost unconditional loyalty from those who worked for him. $700,000. Hes got a great presentation and I really enjoyed it. Vaudeville show. Cecil Blackwood joined at the same time to replace his brother R. W. on baritone. Jennifer: Who has had the greatest influence I commented that it took a lot of courage to quit a gig like that. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. that you have and would like to accomplish? Read Full Summary Are you Donnie Sumner? You may read more about him at the related links. And, given enough time, no matter where you start from, at some point, if Jesus is the lord of your life, at some point, people will look at you and brag on you about what a saint you are and theyll never notice how many times you fell down in the process of getting to the top of that mountain. It was funny. in 1983. get a blessing out of my music. to the top and those that were living the life remained, and those who Geraldo asked him if he was certain that Elvis was dead. Feel free to contribute! now. Rock n, Retro pop culture interviews & lovin something fierce sustain this University of Georgia Master of Agricultural Leadership alum. In 1963 James Blackwood purchased a gospel music publishing company from Frank Stamps. Donnie H Sunmer, Donnie H Sumner, Don H Sumner and Donnie M Sumner are some of the alias or nicknames that Donnie has used. I just kind of very casually swept my hand in front by reading A Conversation With Donnie Sumner., Donnies I think Im going to try that and then cause their life tomorrow to be better than it was the day before because they had a good time at my program the night before. He heard my story and that night he decided to start a new life. I made You can hit the bottom in the presidency or you can hit the bottom on skid row. way. They kept talking about it on the news. The only thing that would make my life any better covered me up. I dont hear many stories of that sort of thing because theyre not close friends and only a close friend would tell you a story like that.. [citation needed] Presley lived in Memphis, Tennessee as a young boy and would attend the all night sings at The Ellis Auditorium. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Facebook gives people the power to. Presley hired Sumner & The Stamps as his back-up singers in 1971. Elvis said on several occasions that Sumner was his favourite gospel singer and when they were together, it was Elvis who was in awe of him. Hes come back as Jessie and hes got a new record out. He called me two or three times, wanting me to come work on sessions with him. He had a sense of fun and amused audiences with his impression of "the Gooney Bird". developed his way of talking, not as deep as he does it, but for all practical werent for various reasons found themselves on the outside looking in. He acknowledged his employer's generosity and indeed, Elvis gave him a Lincoln automobile, a silver watch and a $40,000 diamond ring. Southern Gospel Lost Performances" in 1992. The Bible said it, its without controversy, and Ive also He died while he was touring. Donnie: I would like to have written He I want if I have enough people to get what they want. So, what I did was when I came down If I can do it with a Scripture, Ill do it. Elvis and J.D. I have nothing to say about him or his Christian example or his moral ethics. It surpasses Rock and Roll, it surpasses Opera, and it Start your Independent Premium subscription today. Couple those people in certain religious environments and you definitely have an environment for interesting stories ripe for the picking. A Prayer for Joy Unspeakable - Your Daily Prayer - December 9. Yet, with that heavy work load in addition to his busy tour schedule of personal appearances and the occasional appearances with the Elvis Lives stage show (designated a Guinness World Record as the first tour that was top-billed by a non-living performer. But, without a doubt, J.D. Its a good country we live in, you can do anything From time to time Elvis would request that Donnie sing one of his "own" original love songs. If I can do it by just walking around and being friendly, Ill do it. those videos. [citation needed], J. D. Sumner was immediately hired by the Blackwood Brothers to sing with them to replace Lyles. Then he was going to come back and freak everybody out. Favorite Musician: Anthony Burger I ministered and sang 28 times that year. Donnie Sumner is listed in the credits for the following albums: Donnie Sumner, raised the son of a minister, is no new comer to the world of Christian music. Because of the still-incredible appeal of Elvis Presley 35 years after his death, I asked Sumner if felt that people got the real message of his ministry as he intends it or are they emotionally responding to the memory of Elvis. (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. Hell be back next week.. mamas name is Nell Sumner. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. For the brief moment that I had met and spoken with him, he struck me as a very kind and gentle man. Favorites I had to ask Sumner if his friendship with Elvis was harmed by his departure or, for that matter, what his Uncle J.D.s reaction was. A new version of is available, to keep everything running smoothly, please reload the site. Year. As I stood up, I very Celebrating the Life of Donnie Sumner - YouTube 0:00 / 12:14 Celebrating the Life of Donnie Sumner Ryan Sumner 60 subscribers Subscribe 107 Share 11K views 2 years ago This video. Late in 1976, eleven months prior to the death of Elvis, Donnie having undergone a crucial emotional and drug related crisis and a subsequent spiritual "New-birth", resigned his position with Elvis and became actively involved in the pursuit of a "Faith walk with Christ Jesus". This should be If I can do it with a song, Ill do it. you have to break it up into what was, what is, and what is to come. Id like to go back somewhere and do what I want to do but I gotta keep on being Elvis. I turned around and walked out of the hospital. Sumner not only sang at Elvis' funeral but had previously sung at the funeral of Elvis' mother Gladys in 1958. That guys got a lot of stage skills. Donnie: To define Southern Gospel Music, Bye.. Sumner is a great storyteller as you'll soon see, and he is currently finishing up his autobiography, entitled In The Shadow of Kings. of myself as I was singing and sure enough, I felt that I was insufficiently Second, was to tell the human side of Elvis and tell all this funny stuff and show him as a human being with no negative stuff. THE EARLY YEARS J.D. Ive been there and done that and these are the stories that Ive got to prove it. on your life and ministry? is a different story. singing about and Gospel Music took a big down sweep. Sumner sang in five quartets and was a member of the Blackwood Brothers during their 1950s heyday. Join Facebook to connect with Donnie Sumner and others you may know. Gospel Music had a serious decline there for quite awhile, and then thanks Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. One of the books I bought (but no longer have) was one written by the late televangelist, Rex Humbard. Donnie Sumner, a multi-talented veteran of musical performance, weaves together a fast-paced, well-planned, themed format of Sacredand Gospelrepertoire, utilizing standard, as well as, his own original compositions. "[citation needed] Sumner also stated that Elvis "had no idea that he was killing himself with his medications, he felt as long as he was doing what the Doctor was OK with, he was staying within the bounds. after about two minutes of all these wild motions, he brought up a big Sumner and the Stamps Quartet tenor Bill Baize, lead Donnie Sumner, bassist J.D. They would've never had any financial problems. During his tenure of service as a "Stamp", Donnie was also awarded the SESAC AWARD as "Best Country Songwriter" in 1969 and was nominated in 1970 for a GRAMMY AWARD by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Science (NARAS) in the category of "Country Song of the Year for his work entitled "THE THINGS THAT MATTER". Sumner agreed and the Stamps Quartet joined Elvis in November 1971. confirmed those visible answers to the point that, if it was not Elvis in that casket, it was the greatest make-up job and greatest wax dummy ever known ever in human existence.. I honestly thought when J.D. Not only that, but Elvis really considers you a close friend. to the folks who run the National Quartet Convention, it began to take Devoting his life style during this period to faithful discipleship and growing in the "grace and knowledge" of his new found "Lord", Donnie served as "Praise Leader" for one of Nashville's leading "Full Gospel" churches. However, he also states that it was actually him hitting the high notes for Elvis. Sumner Redstone's birth name is Sumner Murray Rothstein. an upswing. 5 Where did Donnie Sumner live before Hendersonville TN? View version history Edit this wiki Artist descriptions on are editable by everyone. Sumner, who sang at Presleys funeral in 1977, was a member of the Stamps Quartet, a gospel music group that originated in 1924. Then, when they walk out the door and get in the car, I want them to say, Hmm, I didnt think about that while he was there. It was and the kind of husband, father, and granddad that would cause my wife, my Thats the best part of the whole piece is if I can help somebody.. Structural Info. the Gaither Homecoming Videos. Sumner was credited not only for his singing, songwriting, and concert promotions, but was also noted for being the first to customize a coach bus for the entertainment business to use for music groups. When my wife ALTHOUGH ELVIS Presley was the King of Rock'n'Roll, he was also a leading gospel singer and he won Grammys for his sacred recordings. OWNER AND MANAGER at Donnie Sumner is presently Donnies occupation. Favorite Soloist: David Phelps Christian Rehab Centers this side of the Mississippi River. called he called about one oclock in the afternoon on the day Elvis died I really didnt think that Elvis was dead. He looked distinctive with his grey hair and hand cupped over his ear as though he were receiving personal messages from the Saviour. Donnie is the nephew of the late J. D. SUMNER, nationally acclaimed as the "world's lowest bass singer." Having served his denomination as Minister of Music, Evangelist and Pastor, Donnie is presently involved in an inter-faith, multi-media music ministry presenting CONCERT OF PRAISE under the banner of SPIRIT MINISTRIES. And if I cant do that no more, Ill be in Heaven.. The cream rose is to be with my wife and be around Jesus. John Daniel Sumner (November 19, 1924 - November 16, 1998) was an American gospel singer, songwriter, and music promoter noted for his bass voice, and his innovation in the Christian and Gospel music fields. You cant go no lower than the bottom., I asked Donnie if he had something to fall back on when he left Elvis, to which he replied, Not at all. Theres a lot of ways to be a help to somebody and Ill proudly use all of them.. It was either die or start over and I chose to start over.. them into what they would wish to be and would be something for Gods glory. its just an awesome facility. For Engagements Contact: DONNIE SUMNER / Tour Coordinator PHONE - 615-512-7565 E-MAIL - : Home: Bible Study: Place of Hope: Testimony: Schedule: Concert of Praise . Played Himself - Band Member in "Elvis: Aloha from and my manner of conversation more than anybody in my life. I dont do the little ones and I dont go overseas. the center of everything we do. Donnie shares the story in his book about why, while singing with one of the most beloved, historic and recognizable people in the world even in the history of the world he decided to quit and with nothing else to fall back on. Donnie Sumner is a Southern Gospel singer and songwriter. encouragement to memorize scripture and the fundamental beliefs that he I did it here in the studio, This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. He said, I am absolutely certain. He never brought it on stage with him. about what he thought when I left but he was certainly proud of me. Then Ive got one girl that has married Elvis after he died. Who invented Google Chrome in which year? routine during the intermission and it was like a clean, moral, and wholesome If he were alive, he would still be doing it in some fashion because it wouldve killed him not to do it. During the last three years of Donnie's service with J. D. Sumner and The Stamps, the late ELVIS PRESLEY employed him, along with the Stamps, as back-up vocalist on stage and recordings. We should learn to put Christ in Imagine this: Youve got what would appear to be one of the sweetest gigs in the world: singing back-up for Elvis Presley! When I got a chance to sing with him and the Stamps Quartet, I thought Having devoted over forty years of his own life to the world of music, Donnie has carried on the tradition of others in his family who have also made their mark in this industry. Donnie Sumner is the nephew of JD Sumner and was lead singer for the stamps dureing the days of backing Elvis Presley. Most everything else on the tape, I did it, For Engagements Contact: I made up this crazy excuse that I just couldnt afford to come up there. I You dont have to squall and bawl, have a fit and fall back in it. Donnie's efforts are devoted to relating, to all who bear witness, the joyful message in both "Word and song" that God loves them and desires greatly to be their closest and most reliable companion and that thru Christ, life is victoriously possible. Many Elvis fans were moved by the beautiful collaboration. biggest show, besides Jim & Tammy, on the PTL Network. In December of 1979 with the encouragement and blessings of his Pastor, Donnie relinquished his music company to his Brother and business partner and yielded his life and talents to total Christian service and entered into full time "ministry". J.D. I wont go into the personal reasons why I know but J.D. He identifies himself as "a musician by profession, God's child by forgiveness, Bearer of Good News by calling.". bunch of people who live the lives that they sing about and are morally Please explain. . Favorites. (During the years in which Sumner and the Stamps were backing Elvis, Sumners nephew, Donnie, who sang in the group, became a drug addict and was lured into the licentious pop music field.). Like so many Southern singers of his generation, he sang in church from an early age, and when his voice broke he became the bass singer with the Sunshine Boys. Without a doubt, Since he brought up the end of his life, I asked Donnie what, when hes joined Elvis in leaving this building called earth, he hopes his legacy is and how does he want to be remembered. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Is gospel singer Donnie Sumner still alive? Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Jennifer: What would you consider as the Get you a big dream, go for it, nobody can stop you. He was friendly with many gospel musicians and he worked for several years with J.D. All you gotta do is believe and, if you believe in your heart that Jesus Christ came, lived and died, was buried and raised from the grave and is coming back, you are as righteous, you are as saved, you are as Heaven-ready as Billy Graham or any other big TV evangelist that ever stood on the face of this earth. Other family members and associates include Elexus Sumner, Martha Sumner, Nona Sumner, Myra May and Robert Sumner. Having retired from what he refers to as "Show Business", for the next three years Donnie endeavored to create a secular music firm in Nashville , Tennessee under the banner of SPIRIT AND ASSOCIATES. By this, he meant the way that Sumner would run down the scale and bottom out on the lowest note he could hit. [citation needed], In a 1990 interview with Geraldo Rivera, Sumner contradicted many myths regarding Presley's substance abuse, namely that Presley was a heavy drinker and used illicit substances. External links are provided for reference purposes. in my life was when I was on National television, on prime time, on the It was then that he decided to walk away from it all. Jennifer: If you had one wish, what would As we were close to wrapping up our call, an unplanned question popped into my aging cranium about Sumners involvement in the Elvis Lives shows that occasionally tour the country and the world. A valid email address is required when you select contact by email. would have robbed me of my life, my health, and my possessions. but an inspirational and a life-changing form of music. Self. He was wearing his TCB ring and pendant which Elvis had given him. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. . I had the privilege of meeting J.D. with the Stamps Quartet. They were the favourite group of Gladys Presley, Elvis's mother, and they sang at her funeral in 1958. Jennifer: What song has been an encouragement Continue Learning about General Arts & Entertainment. After enjoying dizzying success with the King of Rock and Roll, Sumner was ready to end his life. [citation needed]. Because he was tall (six foot five) and dignified, it was doubly funny to see him running around on stage, and he even released an album of his comedy routines. Skylite Records, Heartwarming Records, Masters Records, This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 07:47. Then there came a I wouldn't be on the road as much as I am, staying away from my family, if it were not so. Its the only form of music that can do that. A kid had a local newspaper and I could see the headline that said something to the effect of, Elvis Heart Attack Victim. Donnie: Well, there were three wonderful Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. J.D. Donnie: My wish would be that I could be The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". "MR. SONG MAN" and "I MISS YOU". During the last three years of Donnie's service with J. D. Sumner and The Stamps, the late ELVIS PRESLEY employed him, along with the Stamps, as back-up vocalist on stage and recordings. Yeah, special. Devoting his life style during this period to faithful discipleship and growing in the "grace and knowledge" of his new found "Lord", Donnie served as "Praise Leader" for one of Nashville's leading "Full Gospel" churches. After both of us laughing very hard at that comment, Donnie added, "Yeah, I am absolutely positive that he is dead. Geraldo said, Why are you so sure? He said, If he wasnt dead, he woulda done killed Michael Jackson.. Come work on sessions with him, but Elvis really considers you a down... Really didnt think that Elvis was dead Ill be in concert at First Baptist Church Sunday... 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