This is identical to the share of all Americans who report attending services at least once a week, based on a 2020 Pew survey.25 Forty percent, the modal category, of Indian Americans report attending religious services once or twice a month or just a few times a year. 9 Nicole Hong and Jonah E. Bromwich, Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. At the time of writing, India is reeling under a devastating resurgence of the coronavirus. About two-thirds of Americans (66%) say immigrants strengthen the country because of their hard work and talents, while about a quarter (24%) say immigrants burden the country by taking jobs, housing and health care. 33 One might also expect variation based on a respondents age. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. Comments. First, the survey asks respondents to consider how discrimination against Indian Americans compares to discrimination directed toward other minority communities in the United States. The label Indian origin itself masks variation in terms of ones place of birth. From 2009 to 2020, immigrants of Asian descent outnumbered those of Hispanic descent in terms of race and ethnicity. By 2017, that number had declined by 1.7 million, or 14%. Because the results are largely the same, this study only reports results from the former. Report. This too mirrors the American political context, where supporters of smaller parties or those who are unaffiliated hold more favorable views toward Democrats.46. (2022) By tidal93341. Seventy-four percent of Hindu respondents who report not identifying with a caste nevertheless know enough to be able to identify the caste identities of their social networks. Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, October 14, 2020, Many Indian immigrants might have brought with them identities rooted in their ancestral homeland, while others have eschewed them in favor of a nonhyphenated American identity. The Census Bureau combined survey results from 2013 to 2017 to enable the organizations statisticians to estimate the numbers of individuals who made up the foreign-born populations of each state and the District of Columbia. Thirteen percent have a high school diploma and just 1 percent have not finished high school. Hindus are also more likely than Muslims or Christians to state that they pray a few times a month, seldom, or never.27, Finally, the survey explores the issue of caste. A quarter said legal immigration to the U.S. should be decreased (24%), while one-third (38%) said immigration should be kept at its present level and almost another third (32%) said immigration should be increased. Indeed, the survey finds that in counties with more Indian American households, respondents are significantly more likely to say their social networks are dominated by fellow Indian Americans (see figure 17).39 This effect appears to be roughly linear, although there is a steep rise once more than 5 percent of households in a county are Indian American. How then do we make sense of the heterogeneity encapsulated by the more than 4 million people of Indian origin in the United States, a group that is the second-fastest-growing immigrant community in the country? Therefore, the map above looks at the country other than Mexico that is the birthplace of the most foreign-born respondents in the survey. To broaden the aperture, the survey asks about discrimination along several dimensions beyond country of origin: skin color, gender, religion, and caste. CORRECTION (Sept. 21, 2020): An update to the methodology used to tabulate figures in the chartAmong new immigrant arrivals, Asians outnumber Hispanicshas changed all figures from 2001 and 2012. Nearly one in four respondents reports no particular attachment to a state of origin. Forty-seven percent of U.S.-born citizens report engaging in this activity, but 45 percent of foreign-born citizens and 41 percent of non-citizens did so as well. Roughly one-fifth lived in the Northeast (21%) and 11% were in the Midwest. Just 24 percent of Indian Americans who have lived in the United States between one and ten years identify as Indian American, compared to 41 percent of those who have been here for eleven to twenty-five years and 53 percent of those who have been here for more than twenty-five years. Figure 19 displays the responses to this question, collapsing five response categories into three for ease of exposition. Twenty-six percent of U.S.-born citizens report taking part in voluntary service compared to 18 percent of foreign-born citizens and 14 percent of non-citizens. By the 1930s, Italians were the largest immigrant group in the nation and in nine states, including New York, Louisiana, New Jersey and Nevada. What do the social networks of Indian Americans look like? Only 26 percent of Hindus who do not identify with a caste respond to questions about the caste composition of their social networks by answering dont know. This indicates that even though a large proportion of Hindu respondents say they do not identify with a caste, only a small fraction are unaware of the caste composition of their networks. If one restricts attention to respondents aged twenty-five and older, nearly 80 percent have either a college or postgraduate degree (compared to 73 percent in the overall sample). This could be the result of circumstance and context, or it could be the product of social distancethe relative distance that one feels toward members of an out-group (religious, ethnic, partisan, and so on) relative to members of ones own in-group. Results From the 2020 Indian American Attitudes Survey, How Will Indian Americans Vote? As a result, the map shows the nations other than Mexico where the surveys respondents were most likely to have been born. Educational attainment varies among the nations immigrant groups, particularly across immigrants from different regions of the world. YouGov recruited respondents from its proprietary panel comprising 1.8 million U.S. residents. In 2017, 45% were naturalized U.S. citizens. At the time of the survey, more than half (55 percent) of Indian Americans reported that they had an immediate family member (spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, son, or daughter) currently residing in India. Given the degree of partisan polarization present in U.S. politics, the survey examines how much this polarization is present within the Indian American community as well. Using data from the US Census Bureau, we found the country that was the most common birthplace for foreign-born residents in each state (excluding Mexico, which was the most common country of birth for immigrants in 32 states). Indian Americans who have no allegiance to either major party hold slightly asymmetric views as well. Finally, volunteering or working on a political campaign appears to be the least common form of political engagement. First, the survey asked respondents how important being Indian is to their identity. Asians are projected to become the largest immigrant group in the U.S. by 2055, surpassing Hispanics. Nearly half (45%) of the nations immigrants live in just three states: California (24%), Texas (11%) and Florida (10%). Among immigrants ages 5 and older, Spanish is the most commonly spoken language. The western state of Gujarat emerges as the most common home state, with 14 percent of respondents calling it their home, followed by Maharashtra (12 percent), Andhra Pradesh (10 percent), and Tamil Nadu (9 percent). When it comes to discussing politics with family and friends, there are only small differences across citizenship status. Vietnamese Americans are the largest Asian origin group by population in four states (Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Nebraska); Hmong Americans are the largest in Minnesota and Wisconsin; and Korean Americans are the largest in Alabama. The IAAS asks respondents, Which of the following best describes your personal group of friends? Respondents choose from a list of five possible responses (not counting dont know): that all, most, some, very few, or none of their friends are of Indian origin. (+1) 202-419-4372 | Media Inquiries. In 2020, about 8% of Minnesotans were foreign-born, but that percentage was as high as 37% in the late 1800s. As the profile of the Indian American community has grown, so too has its economic, political, and social influence. How do Indian Americans perceive their own ethnic identity and how much emphasis do they place on their Indian-ness? Mexico was the most often mentioned birthplace among respondents in 32 states who indicated they were born outside of the U.S. More than 11 million immigrants, or nearly 25% of all immigrants in the U.S., come from Mexico. Devesh Kapur is the Starr Foundation Professor of South Asian Studies and director of Asia Programs at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS). In 2013, the House of Representatives had a single Indian . But that same visibility also invites greater scrutiny, shedding light on tensions within the community. Follow. Most of the nations unauthorized immigrant population lived in these top metro areas as well. Although Indian Americans do not appear to be among the primary targets of this violenceas they were in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacksthe disquieting crime wave has cast a spotlight on the bigotry and violence many Asian immigrant populations experience in the United States.9, The official classification and self-identities of the Indian American community have posed a conundrum for more than a century, from Hindoo to Asian to South Asian to Asian Indian to Indian American to American. Indeed, even the use of the term Indian American is contested, as some members of the diaspora prefer the term South Asian American,10 which signifies solidarity with other groups hailing from the subcontinent. A much higher share of U.S.-born citizens report attending a protest (18 percent) than either foreign-born citizens (8 percent) or non-citizens (4 percent). When asked how important religion is in their life, 72 percent of respondents reply that religion is either very important or somewhat important. The smaller the size of a given group, the fewer opportunities individuals have of meeting someone from their same group. The composition of immigrants changed again in the post-1965 immigration era. 75% of Minnesotas foreign-born residents are working, up from 70% a decade ago. Give Orange. Forty-two percent of respondents who are not Indian citizens have taken advantage of the program.18. Just 9 percent of them hold the same views vis--vis the Congress. Apart from attending religious services, the survey asks respondents how frequently they pray (outside of the times they attend religious services). Texas, Florida and New York had more than 4 million immigrants each. Second, while respondents suggest Indians hold somewhat greater responsibility for engaging in discriminatory practices along religion and gender lines, here too they point mainly to non-Indians or a combination of Indians and non-Indians as primary sources of discrimination. This section reviews two aspects of the social context within which Indian Americans operate. Ohio was home to 260,454 women, 252,902 men, and 42,227 children who were immigrants. An estimated 50.6 million American residents, or a little more than 15% of the countrys 331.4 million inhabitants, were born abroad. The data for this study are based on an original online surveythe IAASof 1,200 Indian American U.S. residents conducted by YouGov between September 1 and September 20, 2020. This study relied on a nonrepresentative snowball sampling method to recruit respondents. And despite the overall professional, educational, and financial success many Indian Americans enjoy, this has not inoculated them from the forces of discrimination, polarization, and contestation over questions of belonging and identity. Diwali and Holi are largely celebrated by Hindus, while very few non-Muslims commemorate Eid. Forty percent of respondents report praying either several times a day or once a daysignificantly more than the 27 percent of the sample that attends religious services at least once a week. Stay up to date with what you want to know. When it comes to online discussions of politics, 28 percent of U.S.-born citizens posted comments about political issues on an online forum, compared to 18 percent of foreign-born citizens and 14 percent of non-citizens. Note: This is an update of a post originally published May 3, 2017, and written by Gustavo Lpez, a former research analyst focusing on Hispanics, immigration and demographics; and Kristen Bialik, a former research assistant. To provide an accurate picture of the Indian American community as a whole, the full sample contains both U.S. citizens and nonU.S. If half of all Indian Americans report some form discrimination, this begs the question: Who is discriminating against them? The objective of this inquiry is to assess to what extent Indian Americans associate with other Indian Americans relative to those from outside the community. The tool also displays the share that all immigrants comprise of the state's total population. The brightness of a country corresponds to its total migration to the U.S. at the given time. This proportion declines dramatically for Hindus, with only 21 percent reporting regularly attending religious services. 32 The latter figure might be even greater if there are those who consider their Indian identity to be so unimportant that they do not self-identify as a person of (Asian) Indian origin in the YouGov panel to begin with. It Depends on the Measure, Pew Research Center, June 17, 2014, Fewer than one in ten respondents (9 percent) do not participate in any of these seven holidays. Therefore, it is likely that the sample does not fully represent the South Asian American population and could skew in favor of those who have strong views about caste. An equal percentage of respondents18 percent apiecereport that they have been discriminated against due to their gender or religion. In 2018, China accounted for 149,000 of the new immigrants entering the United States, followed by India (129,000), Mexico (120,000), and the Philippines (46,000). Jonathan Kay is a James C. Gaither junior fellow in the South Asia Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The US is a nation of immigrants from all around the world. Whereas 53 percent of foreign-born Hindu Indian Americans affiliate with a caste group, 34 percent of U.S.-born Hindu Indian Americans do the same. Nearly half of all Muslims (48 percent) say they attend religious services regularly as well. Third, caste discrimination is a surprisingly equal opportunity offense. In fact, that is precisely what the data suggest (see figure 10). Hindus who recently arrived in the United States are just as likely to identify with a caste group as those who have been here for a quarter-century or more.31. Another 4 percent were born in the United States to parents also born in the United States. Indeed, a plurality (44 percent) of Indian Americans born in the United States say that they feel more American than Indian (compared to 23 percent of foreign-born respondents). There is some evidence to suggest that there are vintage effects: the longer a respondent has spent in the United States, the less emphasis they place on their Indian identityperhaps a reflection of their gradual integration into their adopted homeland. Given that only 5 percent of IAAS respondents report being victims of caste discrimination, any subgroup analysis must be interpreted with due care given the small sample sizes involved. Another way of examining respondents regional connections in India is to look at their linguistic backgrounds. Several interesting patterns emerge from this breakdown. Look like invites greater scrutiny, shedding light on tensions within the.! Allegiance to either major party hold slightly asymmetric views as well were in the U.S. by 2055, surpassing.! Center, June 17, 2014, https: // Americans Vote of birth proprietary panel comprising million... Politics with family and friends, there are only small differences across status. 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