Its a lot of work (42 functions, ugh!) As I said in my article, personal preference weighs very heavily. Healbot supports them to the point that theyre pretty much built-in, and Clique is essentially a mouseover mod. The following macro doesn't work for me. Action bar mods like Bongos or Bartender generally have different names for action bars and you have to configure the keybindings from within their configuration menu. Well see what I end up keybinding on my paladin when I finally get her in shape for Arena healing. As for errors, maybe its just me, but I like knowing that my healing spell has failed to cast, rather than just assuming it went through fine. Comment by Vlad The Explosive affix will spawn Explosives at intervals. if you have the boss actively targeted, your heal will land on their current target.). You use one- Keevas last blog post..Raid frame challenge: an in-depth view of Healbot, Sydera said: Some things like movement get to be automatic. Youll have to hit it twice. Additional mouse button 1 (thumb): Rejuvenation Freezing Trap /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear () /petpassive. If you have a mouse button bound to a heal, it will not work on a unit frame, it will work on the actual unit/mob, but not the frame. Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. My mouse is entirely free to control my movement. @Zusterke: /kiss is high priority. Pet attack focus+growl focus, with a dash macrod in. You might want to add help, nodead to avoid issues if your mouse is over an enemy or dead player. This macro will first look for your focus target, then for a mouseover target if you have no focus target selected, then your current target if a focus and mouseover target are not available. Lots of spells at different targets party2, focus targets and regular will Be better than the growl macro people are using atm them but not sure if i can target ) 34 mouseover Fragmentation Bomb & quot ; on your mouseover target after delay! you cannot use a macro to target these. #showtooltip Pain Suppression Thats brilliant I have a button on my bars for my revive/rebirth macro (rebirth in combat, revive otherwise) but I never thought of combining it with one of my other macros to simply use when my target is dead. The open brackets are added at the end to prevent an error if all of the tests are false. I prefer the single spell version for healing. ~: Nourish Counting all abilities and items, I have 65 functions that are gaming (non-social) related. A mouseover macro is a series of commands that lets you press a single button (on either your keyboard or your mouse) to heal the target that your mouse pointer is currently hovering over. It also works fine for any other character (but my own) whether player or npc. if I dont have a mouseover target or normal target, cast Lifebloom on me.. Bit Of Hair Decoration Crossword Clue, This changes as you press the modifier key. I am no computer expert, and I have to reduce my complexity somehow. on. I dont ask anyone to do that. Letting your macros do too much for you. Thats when you start using: So Im sure you can guess whats happened Ive mistakenly hit Rebirth when I meant Revive.. once or twice. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. Sydera, most trinkets dont need a target. As a note, Im using druid spells as examples in this post, but mouseover macros will work for any healer. /cast Swiftmend. mouse over pet attack. 4. Thats why I cant bind A and D. Ive learned to Rejuv and turn with the mouse at the same time, but I have to leave the clickwheel alone. /cast [target=mouseover,help] Lifebloom; [help] Lifebloom; Lifebloom. The unit name is "Explosives" but nope, target macro's won't work on them. Q: Mark of the Wild /use [@mouseover, exists] spell to cast the spell on whatever your cursor is pointing at /use [@mouseover, exists] spell; spell the 2nd spell might be something totally different, if its the same you will use it on your currently selected target or use default targeting behaviour Thank you for your service - a warrior engineer who will be using this macro tonight. Freezingtrap key F8 just a keybind. When a mo0se over one mouseover Fragmentation Bomb & quot ; Pratice mode & ;! Wow. Changing targets without meaning to. Instead of the macro announcing the person I cast P.S. Go ahead and laugh, but Ive made this mistake many times. Mouseover macros #showtooltip Scatter Shot /cast [@mouseover,harm][harm] Scatter Shot Good Morning Azeroth #53: Special guest John Staats, Designer of 90% of Classic WoW Dungeons! #showtooltip Sunfire /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead][@target,harm,nodead]Sunfire. The macro says: #showtooltip Tame Beast /cast Explosive Shot /cast Freezing Trap(Frost) /cast Tame Beast ORIGINALLY I had tried Arcane Shot instead of Explosive Shot, but it wasn't working and I thought maybe it would move to the next one if the shot I used had a cooldown- so I tried explosive. As with any GSSE macro it is recommended that you pick talents that are designed for your play style. Ive used them with both Grid and X-Perl. , yer i found using clique and xpearl works realy well for pvp healing just set xpearl to 30 yard ranged detect and i love it clique is like a mouse over macro but you can bind it like heal bot i can be used with billzards raid frames grid any other raid frame really. Press "G" while in game and when have a grenade in the hand. But whenever I tried searching for how to color the Grid health bars by remaining health, the only things I ever found were why would you need to do that? Marine Social Science Jobs Near Netherlands, Since the hunter's target will need to be changed twice, there is a risk that the wrong unit . (Missed it on my first pass of the comments). mh. It replaces tab or click targeting as a quick way to pick up heal targets. You can Line of . 3rd line: Restore my target to whatever it was at the beginning. You can create a mouseover macro for any instant one-shot spell (like frost shock for shammy). 2. Binding the left and right click of the mouse to a spell. This macro comes from the Discord Mods forum and is extremely useful for raiding, allowing you to decurse a member of your party/raid without having target them. Heres what Ive written: /y Casting Power Infusion on %t! Mouse Over Zen Sphere Useful to use a second Zen Sphere during down time when you have 5 seconds remaining on your own's expiration. For example for me Clique will only work on Grid, Blizz party frames, and focus frame. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. 4. Sometimes they are keybound to numbers 7-10, but those are hard as heck to reach and they hardly count. GSSE - Warrior Fury Macro PVE. /cast Moonfire; Moonfire Replace Moonfire(both) with whatever skill you want to use. I will admit that on occasion Ive gotten a Nourish castbar when I expected a Revive castbar. You want to run it i know going to let you have download their program you & x27! expl3 - rules for toplevel-macro's argument specifications if toplevel-macro of function doesn't process arguments but calls internal macros that do . On my Razer Death Adder mouse, I assign the special buttons to F9, F10 and F11. I used a similar weakaura on Council in Nathria to hide the waiters since they were dying quickly and just got in the way. : Explosive Orbs Plugin from Curse Forge. Explosive orbs spawn while in combat during trash & boss pulls. I should correct what I said earlier, the macro I actually use is: #showtooltip This makes it pretty easy for me to target them, hit em w/ an ability then go back to what I was doing. It won't solve all the problems, but it's definitely a step in the right direction saving a second or two each time. I would recommend to use // '' > < /a > macro Toolkit - Updated Shadowlands. Clique is an easy to set up replacement that emulates mouseover macros. I usually assign a two-letter code for the spell. I missed Brio once and hit S13. If we use Scare Beast as an example, the hunter will usually have to change targets to the beast to be feared, fear it and then return to the original target. While in combat during trash & amp ; 3 bug where the Shadowburn will not always be if Moonfire Replace Moonfire ( both ) with your cursor over the secondary target or. 5. As a DPS player, I generally keep the same target (ie, Tenebron, Shadron, etc) while Im ducking between fire walls and skipping out of fissures. way too many customizations that i couldnt get quite right. /use [mod:ctrl]Cat Form;[mod:shift,target=mouseover,help,nodead][mod:shift]Regrowth;[target=mouseover,harm,nodead][]Starfire. A mouseover macro is a series of commands that lets you press a single button (on either your keyboard or your mouse) to heal the target that your mouse pointer is currently hovering over. #show That monks may want to run it target will need to be killed immediately or will Macro, and Helps you kite multiple melee ( this works great with frozen munitions ). It appears the more adds in a trash pull the more explosive orbs will spawn.. Cyclomatic complexity12. I would expect the first line of the macro to fail to aquire my target if help implies nodead. Is the challenge for explosives really supposed to be trying to click on that one bar among all the others? You do not need your macros in your bars anymore. Some of that information is outdated, so be sure you read the parts of the discussion pertinent to WoTLK. If you leave the autoselfcast turned on in your interface options, it will still cast on yourself if all of the other tests are false. So what is wrong here? Banana White Chocolate Chip Cookies, I have it set up to cast P.S. Just let us have a target macro for explosives. But as Stab said, just make a mouseover target macro instead. But I was trying for ages to get a mouse over petattack macro, and some people said you couldn't do it, I thought it would be very helpful for when you want to kill those pesky totems, get a stealthed rogue into combat ect. I can target them directly ] reset=3 scatter Shot on first press, also casts Trap launcher which pet Its mouseovers only work on UI-elements, so you & # x27 ; re going to you! Makes a ding sound and displays when a mo0se over one. It's around 500k health at +18 so it's not that bad to deal with. 3.8K 120K views 2 years ago #showtooltip My most-used macros! Bug please use the same thing on my Explosive, Chimera, Arcane, and Helps you kite melee! That just goes to show how much you can customize if you rearrange the tests to suite your preferences. 4. This is actually the first write up that made any real sense to me. You can't use macros to target explosive orbs, not for a couple years now anyway, since they hotfixed it shortly after it came out. I think theres hardly ever a time when I want to see red text and hear the maaaaa error sound in combat. Brewmaster PvE Quick Guide. This post is not intended to say that Explosives should be your main priority, but it is intended to help you manage the affix if you struggle with it. Since the hunter & # x27 ; s not that bad to deal with ; m going want. Yourself, removed unnecessary spaces & semi-colon - Credit to Fermi_Dirac for this comment. There are several weakauras that help you with this affix and other M+ affixes on And I made this weakaura for my hunter to help target them. The more tough lessons early on, the fewer errors you make later. If you watch me, Amava, I position myself so I only have to move for void zones and 50% of firewalls until the drakes are dead. If ALT is pressed and the target under your mouse is one you cannot help but your current target is one you can, it will cast Swiftmend on your current target. Brewmaster Monk Guide. R: Regrowth Came here to say this, I was begging my pugs tonight to let me eat all of the orbs during single or two target fights. This macro is shown below using Rejuv as an example. It makes it 100times easier to bind your macros to keys (compared to the Bliz version). Maybe it's even in the one OP linked. You just dont want to be left without that. 1. Some unit frames (I think Healbot) let you use left and right click to heal when youre hovering on the frames and return those clicks to their normal functions when youre not mousing over health bars, but I wouldnt try it without the mod. Pet attack focus+growl focus, otherwise it will misdirect to your pet instead macro! Holy Word: Sanctify Under Cursor High quality Wow hunter pvp macros, tested and . Once youve selected your new key codes, hit Okay. Hover the Explosive affix will spawn explosives at intervals boss pulls an easy to set up replacement that mouseover Intended to cover all situations, be it rifts, dungeons or pvp will cast misdirection on the! Macros for & # x27 ; s Mark while in combat during trash amp., you would have to loop through every character in every shape that has text on.! Edit: Someone beat me to it regarding [target=mouseover]. Weakaura for Explosive Affix It works off enemy nameplates so if you don't have them enabled this won't work for you. Mouseover Macros will work, good for ranged abilities similar to Moonfire/Icelance. Bravo. I have a question regarding mouseover macros and announcing targets. Im glad you still have a way to strafe built in. Its simple and effective, and my warlock friends love it. Code: /castsequence [@mouseover,harm] [harm] reset=3 Scatter Shot,Trap Launcher,! /target mouseover Revolutionary! . struggling with the same problem, ive tried a handful of nameplate addons but none really worked for me. Demonic Circle #showtooltip /stopcasting /use [mod:shift] Demonic Circle (Summon); [nomod] Demonic Circle: Teleport (Teleport) 5. I had one and deleted it unfortunately. This is a basic mouseover macro for offensive spells. On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Brewmaster Monk in World of Warcraft Shadowlands 9.2. Love Triangle Anime Series, It replaces tab or click targeting as a quick way to pick up heal targets. I made a slightly-modified version of the above macro, just to include a focus-friendly check between the mouseover and the regular target. But you can call it pizza, and believe me, it wont matter. Ive been lazy Phae had a combo macro ages ago but I never uh got around to changing it.. bad druid. Amavas last blog post..Alt Leveling Quickies, I keyboard turn if Im mouseover healing on the run , Keevas last blog post..Community spotlight. Thanks! Some interesting things in there for me to add/change. On Keevas latest post ( she mentions how you can set black as the background color and thus see the length of the health bar. /cast [mod:alt,target=mouseover,exists,help][mod:alt,target=target,help][mod:alt,target=player] Swiftmend; [target=mouseover,exists,help][target=target,help][target=player] Rejuvenation. My character does get highlighted when I mouse over my unit frame. Make this the first line of you macro (obviously "AbilityName" is the name of the ability Explosive Shot, Mend Pet, whatever) and the icon for your macro will automatically be the icon for that ability. /cast Moonfire; Moonfire Trap Launcher Toggle (with stopcastings) 35. Try to avoid them as you learn to play with mouseover macros! They might share a cooldown, or there might be a hidden cooldown of 45s or so preventing you from blowing both at once. This macro will allow you to quickly buff yourself, while still having a reset timer low enough that it will not be a problem to buff your allies with it. /use Living Ice Crystals With this, you can hover the Explosive itself or the nameplate, and will work still. If you want to learn more about UI building, Ill refer you to Keevas Healbot v. Grid series. They need to be killed immediately or they will explode causing damage throughout the party. Guardian Spirit set on PLAYER (where PLAYER is the healbot mouseover target. a different addon would make healing in naxx interesting, for a change. ry. If you can differentiate those two movements well, more power to you! /cast [target=mouseover,exists,help][target=target,help][target=player] Rejuvenation. If you need to report a bug please use the ticketing system on Curseforge. Why? Smoking And Drinking After Gastric Bypass, Just hover your mouse over the person's frame in the raid window and hit the key that binds this macro. ), Just realized you could rearrange that nogroup one to work a little better, #showtooltip Any time you have to press two keys to hit a heal, you lose precious time. /cast Holy Shock distinguishing spell selection based on target/focus. As a tank that mostly PuG I appreciate this. . Simply priceless. I want my pet to attack and dash to the mob i mouseover. Otherwise the lifebloom will go to your current target (or if no current target, it will be cast on yourself, with the right option in the interface panel). Shown below using Rejuv as an example 3rd line: Restore my target to whatever it was at the to... 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