prayer points on lord perfect all that concerns me

Lord, this is the year of massive wealth transfer. Take away my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of your Holy Spirit. do not abandon the works of your hands. Satanic packages of heaviness, depression, afflictions, oppressions, poor health, shame, reproach, failure, lack and unfruitfulness shall be far from me. Father, I thank you for your divine help that I have enjoyed in my life. (Acts. The victory God has given me shall be evident in my life, my family, loved ones, businesses and all that concerns me in the name of the Lord Jesus. Worship of God required the whole person: mind and soul and body had to be aligned to focus on Him and Him alone (Deuteronomy 6:5). 2 A Morning Prayer Of Gratitude For The Blessings Received. It is an EXACT thing. Psalm 138:8 says " The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure forever- forsake not the works of Your own hands." God is still in the business of perfecting matters that concerns his children and give them victory, joy, blessing and rest in answers to their prayers. Because children are the heritage of the Lord, I receive my testimonies of fruits of the womb in the name of Jesus. Therefore, we have compiled 35 prayer points with bible passages you can pray for the fruits of the womb, they are listed below: 35 PRAYERS ON FRUITS OF THE WOMB AND BIBLE VERSES. Fruit of the womb is my portion in the name of Jesus. Psalm 27:1. No matter what things may look like, God will never abandon the work that he has lovingly and painstakingly invested in us, and he will ultimately bring that work to perfect completion. 10 Prayer For Rest. What David had discovered was that when we are for God, and when God is for us, we cannot lose! Hebrews 7:11, Psalm 138:8. As Christians, one critical thing for us in engaging in such . perfect. My life and my times are in the hands of God. this was very timely reading for me. God will go ahead of you and deliver a finished product in your hands in Jesus name. 88 views, 2 likes, 0 loves, 1 comments, 1 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Gracious Street Methodist Church: Today's service focus on the covenant prayer The Lord will perfect that which concerneth. Show me the creative way to minister to . 14 Prayer Points to destroy delay. Psalm 138:8 says "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me.". Lamentations 3:22-23. Psalm 57:2 I will cry unto God most high; unto God that performeth all things for me. 4. So, David was saying it doesnt matter what my situation is today, it doesnt matter what is happening around me, I am convinced with everything in me because of the love and mercy of God, the Lord will perfect all that concerns me. I receive the reward of fruitfulness and I reject weakness in my body in the name of Jesus. There is an area of free moral agency that God does not violate. Sing of His mercies. 8 The Lord will [ a]perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands. I like you to rejoice and be thankful. Please note: I reserve the right to delete comments that are offensive or off-topic. Psalms 138:8 "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever; . If it is, then God will find you, and sooner or later you will come into the greatest joy that anyone can ever experience in this life: God fulfilling his purposes for you and through you. You will shine unto your perfect day in Jesus name (Prov. 3. 138:8). God's timetable may not align with ours in every case, but we can rest assured knowing that He sees more than we . These downtrodden and often forgotten groups were the prime recipients of Gods compassion and love, and were the cornerstone of much of the generosity detailed in the laws and commandments given to the Hebrews. God will perfect everything that concerns you. (Psalm 138:8, NKJV) I have heard my wife use King Davids phrase many times in her public prayers. Much more than all I ask or think you will do. 35. Destiny hijackers or wasters and all crown destroyers be paralysed and eliminated in Jesus name. My time to rejoice will not elude me in the name of Jesus. My Favorite Things HUGE Christmas Giveaway & Blogger Test Kitchen Blog Hop Giveaway!!! "God will perfect that which concerns me and sooner or later it will turn in my favor"..Love this verse from Vashawn Mitchell's CD it's turning around for meto know that all of your affliction, struggles, being in uncomfortable places and around people you don't feel comfortable, not being fulfill on your job, enemies all around was so that he could set you up in the perfect place right where he wants you so he can get the glory and you can receive the GOD is an awesome GOD!! 26. B. Begin by asking God to forgive you for every sin then pray passionately. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me " (Psalm 138:7) Father, thank you for the spouse you have blessed me with. God so desires to fulfill his purposes in this world that he is actually scouring the earth looking for fully devoted people in order to release his enabling power in their lives. The help that I require to be fruitful falls upon me because the Lord is my help in the name of Jesus. A complete package. Whatever evil cloud has been covering your light, as from today it will be lifted in Jesus name. 10. Pastor Chris Oyakhilome; The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me. 28. 4. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Isaiah 1:12. How comforting and empowering to know that if we are passionately pursuing Gods purposes, God has passionately committed himself to fulfilling his purposes in us. God of the impossible I worship you; you know my name you know my story. 5. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father. James 1:17. The psalms are a vast repository of praise, lament, wonder, anguish, fellowship, and meditation. I now confess all of my sins, known and unknown. thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever; a phrase often used by the psalmist, with which his heart was affected; and here used, both as an argument by which he concluded God would perfect his begun work, and as an encouragement to make the following request: forsake not the works of thine own hands; as are all the works of providence and grace: the work of grace upon the heart may be expressed in the plural number, because of the several branches of it; which are all so many works, as the work of faith, labour, of love, &c. 1 Thessalonians 1:3; and which is the Lord's handiwork; and a curious work it is, a new creation work, a work of almighty power; and which he will never cease from, or be remiss in, as the word (y) signifies, until he has accomplished it, 2 Thessalonians 1:11. Another translation of Psalm 138:8 reads, "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me" (NIV). 8 Morning Prayer To Gain Protection. Prayer for a Renewed Heart. Think about the fact that the Lord Himself is the One who perfects all that concerns you! A Prayer For PEACE OVER JOB SECURITY. 30. Let us study together different definitions of the word PERFECTION: Perfection is when something conforms absolutely with the definition and/or description of an ideal type of another thing that one is looking for. Help me to delight in you Jehovah. If it is a concern to us, then it is a concern to God too because God cares for us. The Trim Healthy Mama Bloggers Test Kitchen Organizational Tips and GIVEAWAY!!! 8 Come and see what the Lord has done, the desolations he has brought on the earth. Help me to grow in selfless Kingdom service. 19. Psalms 138:8 The LORD will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O LORD, endureth for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.. Of course, he was referring to Gods plans for his life, not his own fleshly desires. (x) "perficiet pro me", Montanus, Musculus; "perficiat pro me", Junius & Tremellius. Amen. (Jude 1:24-25) Likewise, the Apostle Paul wrote similar words in Philippians 1:6, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.. Thank you GOD for everything the GOOD and the BAD!!! Jesus, come into my life and save my soul from eternal destruction. Testimonies shall abound therefore I thank you ahead of everything. The scripture also admonishes us not to be anxious for anything but in prayer and supplications we should make our request known unto God. I will keep my own part of the covenant by your grace and you, unfailingly God will deliver on your part to make my life fulfil destiny in Jesus name. As the Lord lives, I will not be forsaken concerning child bearing in the name of Jesus. It doesnt matter how long I have waited for the fruits of the womb; I will rejoice in the Lord my salvation in the name of Jesus. THE LORD WILL PERFECT THAT WHICH CONCERNS ME ***** 1.RESOLUTION. Make me to serve you God from now with a perfect heart, in sincerity, in truth, sacrificially and with gladness. I am undone by his love, crazy about his grace, overwhelmed by his mercy, and want my life to be a continual offering of gratitude to him. The Lord Will Perfect That Which Concerns Me. I think you lord for your word is true and we can all ways rely on your word to be perfect and perform in our life I think u lord you are committed to we your people, never get tired to wait upon the Lord, it doesnt matter how long it takes, 1. #humblegazeadoration#_ Enjoyed reading everyone's testimony_Reveleation 12:11"They triumphed over him_ by the blood of the Lamb_ and by the word of their testimony. Thursday Morning Prayers. Keep me from dwelling in my unbelief as I rest securely in your power to provide. This month, whether the devil likes it or not, your suffering will come to an end, and the God that called you unto Himself will perfect you in Jesus name (I Pet. When God speaks, humanity cannot help but listen and respond. In a declaration of faith you are also indirectly speaking to God, you are reminding God of what He has said and getting Him to act on His Word and His promises. We are called to assemble in a house of worship and praise His Name with other believers, proclaiming what He has done for us. Bible Commentary Bible Verses Devotionals Faith Prayers Coloring Pages Pros and Cons. (LogOut/ Thats the caveat to this truth: the perfecting is of that which is according to Gods will, which of course, is what ought to concern us more than anything else in this life. The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endures for ever: forsake not the works of your own hands. Help me to grow in the school of the prophets in Jesus name. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Your email address will not be published. Is your heart fully committed to him? For who is God, save the LORD? Every impossibility factor by the doctors concerning my child bearing, be reversed by the blood of Jesus in the name of Jesus. We desire to honor you in the Blessed Sacrament, (glorify you in our thoughts, words and actions, and thank and praise . Read full chapter. When David said the Lord will perfect that which concerns me, he was making a declaration of faith. As we love our families, teach our children, and create an atmosphere of hospitality in our homes we can always find bits of JOY and inspiration along the way! We must understand that everything in life has a spiritual ear. The New Testament writer Jude capture the essence of this truth in his benedictory prayer when he wrote, To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joyto the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! This has become one of my favorite prayersthat God will perfect everything that concerns those I love. 3. ALL means everything except nothing. Everything will work out well for me. Acts 20:12, John 4:21-24, Acts 2:42. 2. Its a new week in a new month, i encourage you to talk to God about you life, for he shall perfect all that concerns you. That is why David prayed that prayer: "The LORD will perfect that which concerns me." God specializes in perfecting broken lives; God specializes in perfecting flawed lives. Luke 16:13, 1Chronicles 28:9, Romans 7:6; Lord perfect all that concerns me this year. Try. This month God will totally put something together Himself and send it your way in Jesus name. In a declaration of faith, you speak to yourself to build up your faith, to activate your faith in God and to encourage yourself in the Lord. Things may be getting tighter. Like when Jesus in Mark 4:39 said Peace be still. Dear Lord, We bring all of our family's concerns before you in prayer. My purpose in life shall move into operation and my helpers shall freely and easily locate me in Jesus name. Lord perfect all that concerns me this year. Mega Hay Family Life Update (New Babies and a Wedding!) Create a free website or blog at Thanks and God bless you. David wasnt saying how I wish the Lord will perfect that which concerns me like how you could say how I wish theres no work tomorrow, how I wish theres no school tomorrow, how I wish I could speak French, or how I wish someone will just write a cheque of 5million in my name. A wish doesnt necessarily have anything to do with God nor is a wish based on faith in God, because it isnt usually directed to God or addressed to God. Every desire of my heart, please Lord grant them this year. 2. Leviticus 26:9For I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you. Yes, God will perfect that which concerns you! PRAYER POINTS FOR JULY. Holy Spirit, teach me to worship God acceptably this year. Through it all, God reigns supreme over His creation, and the care and devotion He shows to His children never fades or falters. Psalm 118:24. Lord teach me to pray until prayer becomes my lifestyle. D uring the first couple of years I walked with the Lord, my prayers went something like this: "God, help me to get that job." "Jesus, please heal my throat." "Lord, send enough money to pay these . 9 He makes wars cease. 32. As I was praying the pslam, the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to this verse. For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen Let's seek God's mercies (let us pray) The Lord shall perfect that which concerns you (let us pray) If the Lord does not watch over a city, they that watch, watch in vain (lets pray) (Psalm 138:8). ALL means everything except nothing. Nothing will stop God from fulfilling his purpose for my lifenothing! Verse Info. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.". But someone is saying but the change is not here, i mean the situation is still the same HEY!!! Put your hope in God. Psalm 138:8 states that God will "perfect" whatever concerns us. God will never abandon us, even though we may forsake Him from time to time (2 Timothy 2:13). The Lord will perfect that which concerns me: thy mercy, O Lord, endures for ever: forsake not the works of thine own hands." No wayyou cant stop God from doing what God does! 29. This year Lord, help me to follow you intimately. Then ask God to empower you to work with him to use those very things to perfect you. The psalm continues by showing what we can praise God for, calling out His lovingkindness and His truth, and the fact that He has made His Word known to us (Psalm 138:2). Prayer point on month of perfection tags: prayers on God of perfection, prayer points for the seventh month, sermon on divine perfection, perfect all that concerns me prayer points, prayer point month of perfection pdf, prayer for month of perfection, prayer points for completion, mfm prayers on perfection, my year of perfection, prayer points with scripture references, prayer points on the presence of God, prayer points for impossible situations, 7 days prayer and fasting & prayer points. This is a new, a unique and blessed season in my life. , even though we may forsake Him from time to time ( 2 Timothy )... 138:8 reads, & quot ; perfect & quot ; because God for... Your password 1Chronicles 28:9, Romans 7:6 ; Lord perfect all that concerns me this year I worship you you. I rest securely in your hands in Jesus name God cares for us in engaging in.. 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prayer points on lord perfect all that concerns me