return product; There should be an all-Ireland deal with that, so that everyone feels protected on both sides of the border. let userWall = 'none'; } } You can enjoy all premium content without redeeming this code.
", }; } const setBundleToFullWidth = function (el) { There was never any suggestion that her people would have rejected him because of his Protestant background, he says - "they liked me". } const getQueryStringValue = function (key) { const showUpgradeButton = false; }); } event: 'ee-transaction', He says the perception that he always strikes gold is wrong, however.\u0026amp;quot;For people looking from the outside, your career seems like a seamless progress but sometimes it\u0026#039;s not, sometimes it\u0026#039;s a nightmare. if (tweetUrl) { } He says he knew didn't have a chance. Rea helped establish the Field Day Theatre Company in 1980 with Tom Paulin, Brian Friel, Seamus Heaney and Seamus Deane. } }; template_coupon_code_price: "
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", event: '_trackEvent', In 1980, he and Brian Friel set up their own company, Field Day Theatre Company, which toured Ireland and encouraged a new generation of Irish playwrights, at a time of hunger strikes and bombs. const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); document.getElementById("crosswords").src = document.getElementById("crosswords").dataset.src; Stephen Rea (/re/ ray; born 31 October 1946) is an Irish film and stage actor. const cookieExpiryInSeconds = 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; The Getaway. } } } subscriptionStatus: 'Whitelist', meterStats.items_used : 0, showPremiumBadge(node); userID: purchase.granted_by_app_purchase.user_id, Named for the protagonist of Ulysses, Leopold Bloom, Bloomsday takes place on June 16th, the day on which the book also takes place. var labelText = ''; }); eventCategory: 'content_link', return -1; }; } document.getElementById('welcome_banner_wrapper').style.display = "block"; successful_upgrade_redirect_url = ''; observer.observe(document, { With Stephen Rea, Angeline Ball, Hugh O'Conor, Neil Conroy. }; const scripts = document.querySelectorAll("script"); } All [Martin] really seems to be concerned about is that Sinn Fin don't get more of a hold in this jurisdiction.". } "I suspect a lot of readers wouldn't know about the life of Jane Boyle, who was killed five days before she was due to be married. } meteredAccess: purchase.metered_paywall, const selectedPriceRadioInput = node.querySelector('.subtitle2 input[type="radio"]'); Written and directed by Enda Walsh, and with a cast comprising Cillian Murphy, Stephen Rea and Mikel Murfi, it is the hottest ticket at this year's Galway international arts festival. premium_content_by_id: "flip-pay", He attended Belfast High School and the Queen's University, where he studied English. }); const fireProductClickEvent = function (fn) { ", His own parents are both dead, but his mother lived to see his great success. Dil : Details, baby, details. 'Jacob Rees-Mogg you're right. premium_content_redirect_url: '', return; They were the kind of people who weren\u0026#039;t impressed with the idea of having been given a place in university, they just thought, \u0026#039;so what, we should have gotten that place anyway\u0026#039;. } else { There should be an all-Ireland deal with that, so that everyone feels protected on both sides of the border. } }; In recognition for his contribution to theatre and performing arts, Rea was given honorary degrees from both the Queen's University Belfast[3] and the Ulster University[4] in 2004. Support GBH. }); "I knew that Pacino was going to win [for Scent of a Woman]. He appeared in many television shows and theatre productions before venturing into films as well. let listeningForGigyaEvents = false; bundle_info = upgrade_bundles.filter(function (bundle) { window.showSubscriberElements(); subscriptionStatus: '', if (price.placeholder_prices.length > 0) { window.dataLayer.push({ In 1980, he and Brian Friel set up their own company, Field Day Theatre Company, which toured Ireland and encouraged a new generation of Irish playwrights, at a time of hunger strikes and bombs. selectedPrice = getBundleById(priceId); \u0026amp;quot;The atmosphere was sectarian at the time but that was being changed by people like Eamonn McCann. if (subscribeButton) { } if (window.GTMLoaded === true) { const badges = getBadgesForEl(el); if (addToCartFiredAfterRegistration === false) { \u0026amp;quot;I had a consistent career in America after that. if (isHomeDelivery) { return 1; products: [purchasedProduct] } When the lockdown started, we pivoted and decided we would have it in Croke Park, to be broadcast as a live-stream. fireAddToCartEvent(); window.showSubscriberElements = true; }); currencyCode: purchase.currency, meterStats.article_id : 0, try { : [selectedPrice] if (document.cookie.indexOf('guid') > -1) { badgeTextEl) { const setDataLayerNonMeteredFlow = function (accessObject) { }); metered_content: false, if (urlQueryString) { He even worked with Samuel Beckett on a 1976 staging of Endgame, although Rea admits he was too intimidated to befriend the writer. } subscriptionFinishDate: '1111-11-11T11:11:11Z', } } return allPrices.concat(item); category:, where he studied English. return now >= (latestFlipPayLoadTime + thresholdInMilliseconds); twttr.widgets.createTweet(tweetId, socialEmbed); const faq = document.querySelector('[data-faq="' + hash + '"]') userID: purchase.granted_by_purchase.user_id, For people with disabilities needing assistance with the Public Files, contact Glenn Heath at 617-300-3268. bodyAvailable) { bundle: bundleValue, google_widget_url:'', virtualPageViewData.eventData.article = { if (event.detail.object.hasOwnProperty('upgrade_prices')) { But there's more: discover your full benefits now. document.head.append(script); Sink or Swim. if (mutation.addedNodes.length) { delivery_days: price.delivery_days || [], _id: purchase.price_id, snack_bar_success_message: 'Welcome! She was released after seven years on humanitarian grounds and, shortly after, married Rea. if (subscriberCookieStatus === "undefined") { successful_upgrade_redirect_url = decodeURIComponent(returnURL); } else if (isUpgrades) { eventCategory: 'upgrade_flow', document.getElementById('welcome_popup_wrapper').style.display = "block"; } } document.getElementById('fp-tog-1').click(); }; }; step: 1 }; if (eventType === 'access_resolved' || eventType === 'access_resolved ') { [14] They have two sons. const redirectToShopFrontWelcomePage = function () { Shergar. Director Neil Jordan Writer Neil Jordan Stars Veronica Quilligan Stephen Rea Alan Devlin ", He gives me one of those signature wry Rea smiles and says: "Sometimes I wonder if I'll get up in the morning. It was earth-shattering at the time. document.cookie = 'subscriptionwall_meter_stats= ; expires = Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT'; He also appeared in 2014's widely acclaimed BBC drama The Honourable Woman, a role for which he took home the BAFTA for Best Supporting Actor. Premise [ edit] Youll also unlock more free stories each week.
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Need help? } Abbey co-director Graham McLaren explains the genesis of the project: \u0026amp;quot;Originally we had envisaged that these pieces would be performed in 14 different GAA halls around the country. [1], Rea was born in Belfast; his father was a bus driver and his mother a housewife. window.dataLayer.push(ecommerceTransactionEvent); return Object.keys(bundle.badges).includes(badgeToUse); template_placeholder_selected: '
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', }); if (snackbar) { ', eventTimeout: 2000,; If they listened to farmers in the North, they want [to remain] because they know they have a better deal going through Dublin to Brussels. actionField: { const meterStats = JSON.parse(getCookie('subscriptionwall_meter_stats') || '{}'); window.dataLayer.push({ He refers to Sammy Wilson and Ian Paisley Junior praising Donald Trump as \u0026amp;quot;just another blast of DUP halitosis\u0026amp;quot;.\u0026amp;quot;The majority in the North voted to remain in the EU but all the DUP want is to remain stuck to the tit of the Brit. const parseTweetIdFromUrl = function (url) { if (activeTabId === 'shop-front-monthly-prices-tab-trigger') { base: { fireAddToCartEvent(); "I had a consistent career in America after that. const activeTabId = tabs.querySelector(' a').id; const now = new Date(); filter_prices_by_badge: badgeToFilterBy, template_redeem_coupon_code: '