was hayley cropper a man in real life

In particular, she never felt right in her body, especially after puberty which she described as "like sores breaking out". By law they were still unwed, but with Hayley changing her surname to "Cropper" by deed poll, they considered themselves a married couple. Media outlets, noting the programme's usual reluctance to confront soap taboos, predicted "a storm of outrage, particularly from older viewers" (The Star, 16th February 1998). Although not a loving couple in the romantic sense, they were friends as well as husband and wife and enjoyed doing things together, such as taking Spanish lessons and learning first aid. Driven by his determination to fulfill his promise to Hayley, Roy found (via Emily Bishop) a minister who agreed to perform a ceremony at St. Paul's Church. Hayley has a nightmare about being "Harold" again, making her regret the way things ended with her son, Christian. Hayley returns in November 2008; it is clear that she is not entirely happy, appearing evasive and she tells Roy that she wants to return to her charity work, as she has fallen for Olaf, the project team leader. When she comes home, she is stunned to find Roy, Owen Armstrong (Ian Puleston-Davies) and Gary Windass (Mikey North) re-decorating their bedroom. They then tried recording Alex confessing to being abusive, but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it. While Tracy felt no guilt over her treatment of the Croppers, Ken and Deirdre forced her to pay back the money and make the Croppers godparents to Patience, whose name was changed to Amy Barlow. In their final conversation, Hayley and Roy reminisced about the past, with Hayley telling Roy that she knew what it was to be loved thanks to him, after which she downed the cocktail and passed away in Roy's arms. After a nap, Hayley is determined to go to The Rovers for a Christmas drink, but Roy wants her to take it easy. Annie Wallace was brought in to the show as a research assistant to Julie . He only set Hayley free when Carla pleaded with him, and the incident ended with Tony perishing in a blaze he started himself. Following the screening of the "wedding" in 1999, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the United Kingdom could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. Realising that Hayley had no other friends, Alma searched for a way to free herself of her without hurting her feelings, succeeding when Hayley was introduced to Roy Cropper at dinner at Alma and Mike's flat. When she told her father this, he threw all photographs of "Harold" into the fire and refused to allow her to wear woman's clothes in his presence. In 1999, the actress responded to suggestions that it was time to pack away her trusty anorak: "A charity shop sent me a new one the other week. (The Guardian, 17th January 1998) However, she was written and played as a woman from the outset. Hayley was, for many viewers, the first transgender woman whose story they had seen unfold on TV. Over a romantic meal at Roy's cafe, Roy's Rolls, Hayley confessed to him that she had been born a man, and explained to him what had led her to decide to change her body. The concept is simple: Turn on your shower, grab an orange, get in and start peeling and eating the fruit, enjoying all that citrusy . Briefly, upon her return, there was a difficult situation where she had developed a crush on one of her co-workers in Africa (further reading below). Just before she left, Hayley got into an argument with Tracy Barlow, standing her ground when Tracy made fun of her sexuality, although it revealed an insecurity in her that Roy didn't find her physically attractive. But I was really conscious that I didn't want it to be making fun of her, and as it happened it was beautifully written and David [Neilson] and I played it, and continue to play it, as a delicate love story. (Fifty Years) On their relationship, David Neilson: "Everything just clicked and the two characters just seem to sparkle together," (Inside Soap). After affirming their mutual attraction, Hayley goes to Amsterdam for private gender reassignment surgery. Roy paid the money without Hayley's blessing, but although Sheila returned it, she agreed for Wayne to remain with the Croppers for the time being. Eleven days after her death on 20th January 2014, Hayley Cropper received a humanist funeral with a colourful theme; mourners were under orders to dress brightly and Hayley was cremated in a coffin adorned with differently coloured flower patterns. With the return of Hayley Cropper to Coronation Street on Monday 17th November, emails are coming in asking where the actress who plays Hayley, Julie Hesmondhalgh, has been in real life for a whole year. in Coronation Street, he was generally seen as an anorak and a misfit. An Early Day Motion was also tabled in Parliament by Lynne Jones, MP, praising the story team and researchers, and Julie Hesmondhalgh for her portrayal.[17]. After explaining the situation fully to the police, the Croppers were granted bail on the condition that they didn't have any contact with Wayne. Additionally, Mike discovered her secret when Alma told him why the DSS was insisting that Hayley was called Harold. New to the Street, Fiz found Roy and Hayley old-fashioned and caused trouble by reporting Roy for hitting her when they tried to crack down on her skiving off school. Hayley is delighted when asked by Carla to make her wedding dress. She wrote to Roy letting him know where she was, and was shocked when, a short time later, he visited her out of the blue. Hayley and Roy shared many interests and activities. Hesmondhalgh has insisted that it was a "right to die" storyline not 'an assisted suicide' storyline. Hayley is thrilled but Christian demands Hayley give him money in return as he is in a lot of debt. Calling out, Anna and Carla go to the bedroom and, to their shock, find a deceased Hayley on the bed, with Roy's arm around her. Hayley and Roy then sit down as talk about Hayley's final days, where she tells Roy that she intends to end her own life when the cancer spreads. "[7][8] The character of Hayley Cropper is around four years older than Hesmondhalgh. Her character Hayley took her own life - with the help of beloved husband Roy - after a hellish battle with pancreatic cancer. Roy and Hayley take Fiz's daughter, Hope, and Tyrone Dobbs' (Alan Halsall) baby girl Ruby to the park, Christian arrives and asks Anna where Hayley is. Hayley was alarmed at her friend's rapid deterioration and revealed to a stunned Roy that she wanted to end her own life when the cancer spread, before her morphine dosage was high enough to make her delirious. She was subsequently booked in for a more in-depth CT scan, after which the doctors broke the news to her that she had pancreatic cancer, and her chances of survival were only one in five. Following Hayley's confession to Roy that she was a transsexual on 27th February 1998, the Independent Television Commission received ten complaints that it wasn't suitable for a pre-watershed timeslot. A year later, they let homeless Craig Harris move into the flat after finding him living in squalor in the empty bakery next door. She subsequently writes him a cheque. Later that year, they supported her when she had her miscarriages, and it was on Hayley's advice that the McDonalds turned to adoption. Roy initially rejected her, but missed their friendship and three months later, followed her to Amsterdam where she was living on a houseboat, recuperating from her surgery. Royston "Roy" Cropper is the proprietor of Roy's Rolls cafe in Victoria Street and husband of the late Hayley Cropper.. Roy was an oddball child who received little support from his mother, Sylvia.He left home at a young age to escape his hated stepfather Roger Goodwin and spent his working life catering in hotels and restaurants. Initially, it was intended that Hayley would only appear for two months, it was thought that this would help increase ratings as well as show a new side to Roy Cropper (David Neilson). She admired their honesty and loyalty, seeing it as something to aspire to, and her desire to be worthy of their trust was a big motivator in her turning her life around. Roy became obsessed with catching the prankster, suspecting Beth Tinker, but the mystery was solved when Deirdre Barlow, walking her dog Eccles, found Roy sleepwalking on the Red Rec. With nobody else in the mood for talking, Roy bored the rest of the table with his dry stories, but he had a captive audience in Hayley, and took her out for a drink afterwards. They decide to go camping in a bid to mend their issues. While minister Jessica Lundy and Spider Nugent kept the reporters occupied, Emily intercepted the wedding party and told them to turn around. Roy admired his wife's courage but advised her to change her mind as Wayne would understand them not visiting him under the circumstances. Roy breaks the news to Anna, Fiz, Tyrone, Peter, Carla, Rita Tanner (Barbara Knox) and Dennis Tanner (Philip Lowrie). Comforted by Roy, she softened and told him that loving him had made her life worthwhile. After the funeral, Hayley's Uncle Bert passed on to Hayley some letters addressed to her which Monica had held onto. Jane shocked the couple by making jokes about her pancreatic cancer, but while Roy found her attitude inappropriate, Hayley was inspired and befriended the couple. Hesmondhalgh: "I worked with the costume department to create a look. Hayley Cropper in Coronation Street was a Weatherfield legend. As a wedding present to Roy, Hayley officially changed her name by deed poll to Hayley Anne Cropper. When Hayley was fourteen, her mother walked out on the family and she was raised by her father thereafter. According to Roy, he had got drunk at Peter and Shelley Barlow's wedding reception and woke up the next morning in bed with Tracy. Occasionally, Hayley experimented with a more youthful, feminine look, before deciding that it didn't suit her. However, when interviewed the Hayes family and Alex denied any abuse was taking place, and the Croppers were suspended from fostering for good measure. Angela Harris was one of Hayley's colleagues from the factory. However, Hayley's insecurity over how Roy saw her occasionally cropped up, in particular her fear that he didn't find her attractive, but it was never mentioned again after his near-suicide in 2003 when he thought he'd been unfaithful to Hayley with Tracy Barlow. A short time later, Roy surprised Hayley by changing the habit of a lifetime and being spontaneous by booking a trip to Blackpool. She names him George Michael, after the singer. Killer Tony Gordon (Gray O'Brien) arrives, takes the gag off Carla's mouth and threatens them, revealing that Hayley is there as revenge against Roy, who convinced Tony to confess his crimes to the police, and says he will kill her and Carla. Hayley tries to comfort Henry as he is not coping. When Julie announced she was leaving Coronation Street in 2013,. It was an emotional time for an emotionally vulnerable woman, which was reflected in her somewhat needy and naive manner in her interactions with her co-workers such as Alma Baldwin. The Croppers were reconciled when Roy bought Hayley a salsa dress as a present. In 2009, the Croppers employed Fiz's husband John Stape at the cafe, despite his kidnap of Rosie Webster which had resulted in his imprisonment. Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper has changed soaps for ever Corrie stumbled ahead of its time introducing transgender character Hayley Cropper in 1997 as Roy's disastrous date, but when. In 1999, the writers decided that Hayley and Roy would marry. After the "wedding" was screened, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the UK could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. Roy then assures Hayley that he is not angry, and she confides in Carla before going to the hospital, preparing for her operation. Coronation Street legend Julie Hesmondhalgh has revealed she moved in with her now husband after just one week of dating and was pregnant within six weeks.. Julie, who played Hayley Cropper on the . Strange happenings begin occurring in the caf and Roy thinks Beth Tinker (Lisa George) and her family are responsible. Hayley realises that she has to tell Roy so goes home and tells Roy and Sylvia. The Croppers were relieved when they were informed that Fiz had done similarly before, and there would be no action taken. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. She returned in Episode 6950 on 17th November 2008. Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. [11] The actress recorded her final scenes on 18 November 2013, being screened on 20 January 2014, and the producers came up with a dramatic exit storyline for her character. In 2007, she assaulted Christian Gatley due to his violent reaction to Hayley's revelation about being his father, causing Christian to flee the area and lose touch with Hayley. They've got to be a bit more imaginative, so it's great - it works out good for us." A few months later, Fiz returned to the area, older and wiser, and apologised to the Croppers for being rotten to them. As the year came to a close, Hayley started her chemotherapy sessions and began planning her funeral. In 2007, Hayley discovered that she had a son, Christian Gatley, fathered before her sex change, and admitted to Roy that she'd lied about being a virgin when they met. At the age of 46 years old David made his debut on Coronation Street. Commandeering a pump wagon, Fiz and Becky got the bride to the hotel in time, and Hayley and Roy were married legally. When she saw Mike kissing Linda Sykes, Hayley didn't tell Alma to avoid hurting her, but when Alma found out that Mike had a girlfriend, she came clean. Hayley chooses not to disclose her transgender status, but she is forcibly outed when Alma's husband and factory boss Mike discovers a Tax Office error, showing her deadname. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. As a result of this change in the law, the Croppers had a legal wedding in 2010. Hayley broached the possibility of having a legally-recognised wedding instead, as they had always intended to do once the law changed, but Roy opposed the idea because of the expense and his discomfort at expressing his feelings publicly. Sylvia is initially outraged but, as of July 2011, appears to be coming round and accepts Hayley for who she is. Mike eventually caved in and re-hired Hayley. Hesmondhalgh: "Because nobody else would have them, the scriptwriters have got to be a bit imaginative with us - they can't just keep splitting us up and sending us off and having affairs and having children and things. When Hayley Cropper swallows poison on Coronation Street on Monday night, taking her own life to escape inoperable pancreatic cancer, with her beloved husband, Roy, in pieces at her bedside, it will be the end of a character who, thanks to Hesmondhalgh's performance, has captivated and challenged British TV viewers for But a lot of people have said because it's been so true to Roy and Hayley, they've found it moving. Chesney thought the Croppers would be a soft touch and laid it on with stories about how neglected he was at home. When Hayley decided to end her own life when diagnosed with incurable pancreatic cancer, Roy refused to support her, seeing it as selfish on her part to take herself away from him, cherishing every possible second he could spend with her. Born as a male named Harold Patterson in 1966, Hayley started treatment to physically become female when she was in her twenties. In October, Hayley was offered a place on a six-month volunteer project building a school in Mozambique. So I immediately imagined myself as a Bet Lynch-type character and I did literally pitch up for the audition with red lipstick and a leopard-skin coat. Alma Baldwin was Hayley's first close friend following her sex change. In 2007, she enjoyed playing scenes of Hayley meeting her son Christian Gatley, although his existence went against known Street history which had established Hayley as a virgin. Spurred on by a nightmare in which she was still Harold and had never met Roy, she decided to try and make amends with Christian. Angela claimed to be doing it so that the police would take the threat from the Morgan brothers - the cause of their relocation to Weatherfield seriously. But doing the play at the Royal Exchange last year made me realise that there's life in the old dog yet. At that point, they could not legally marry as under UK law Hayley would be recognised as a man. ' (50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story, JR Books, 2010). Anna lets her in and tries to stop Carla knocking on the flat door, but she does. A small Registry Office ceremony was arranged with Roy signing his assets over to Hayley beforehand in case Tracy tried to get hold of the cafe in the divorce. The following month, Hayley was promoted to supervisor at the factory, with responsibility for quality control. Norris Cole (Malcolm Hebden) notices that Roy is even more unhappy than usual, and asks if he is alright, but he claims to be fine. She shares a very ordinary family life in Derbyshire with her husband, screenwriter and actor Ian Kershaw (they met on the soap, when he played a reporter on the Weatherfield Gazette) and their two daughters, aged 13 and 10. The character first appeared in the episode first broadcast on 26 January 1998. Feeling herself getting weaker, Hayley decided to end her life the next day and saw each of her close friends in turn, telling them how much she appreciated them, even finding the time to tell Tracy Barlow what a horrible person she was. Fiz and Becky agreed to be bridesmaids, and Mary found the perfect venue: the Shawbrooke Country House Hotel, which had a function room overlooking the East Lancs steam railway. The following year, the Croppers joined the Weatherfield First Aiders. Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. Worse still, her position at Firman's was one of authority, and Hayley was too afraid of her colleagues to discipline them. Taking his duties very seriously, Roy upset Hayley by repeatedly critiquing her technique, resulting in her sticking a plaster over his mouth. Worried something is not right, Anna closes the caf and sits downstairs and Carla knocks on the door, demanding to see Hayley. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. Roy is desperate to keep this from Hayley but breaks down and admits everything. With her troubled past, Becky's aggressive and thieving behaviour was a hard habit to break, but she was spurred on by her loyalty to the Croppers. The Croppers usually played a supportive role in her dramas, even those which were of her own making; in 2011, they convinced Dev and Sunita Alahan not to press charges against her for robbing the Corner Shop. In February 1999, Hayley became suspicious of Roy's movements when he put on his best clothes to go for a walk. Following her surgery in Amsterdam, they began a . Another friend of Hayley's from this period was Ruth Audsley, who hid her attraction to Harold. That's all they told me. Tracy drugs Roy at Peter Barlow (Chris Gascoyne) and Shelley Unwin's (Sally Lindsay) wedding reception and claims to have slept with him. 2 min read. The Croppers fled from the wedding with Patience, but faced immediate pressure from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby. What do you expect to happen for her to wake up 1 day and decide she wants to be a man? What can I text my friend to make her smile? In July 2003, Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica. Hayley and Roy were also interested in seeing the world. Roy didn't believe it until he saw himself sleepwalking on the cafe CCTV footage (which he'd had installed to catch the prankster). Was Hayley cropper from corrie a man in real life? Hayley joined Firman's Freezers after years of looking after her father, and in the midst of a sex change. Hesmondhalgh: "Since the scene was broadcast when Hayley told Roy I have personally found that people have been very positive. Deciding not to return to the factory, Hayley continued with her volunteer work and helping Roy at the cafe. He decides to call her but she left her phone behind. Hayley Cropper is a fictional transsexual woman, introduced to the long-running soap Coronation Street in early 1998. Before auditioning, the actress was given sketchy details about the character, with one glaring omission: All I knew at first was there's a part going in Coronation Street, she's called Hayley, she's going to work in the factory and she's fun. Sticky Post By On January 8, 2022 By On January 8, 2022 [13] Wallace is now an actress in her own right, and appears as the character Sally St. Claire in the Channel 4 soap opera, Hollyoaks. We'll get to know Hayley as a person, not a soap-box cause." When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. Christian repeatedly makes inappropriate remarks unintentionally so Roy shouts at him, before taking Hayley home. From hair masks to cold rinses, people incorporate many different shower rituals into their routines. Roy decides not to tell Hayley his true feelings and they listen to music together after a stressful day. Finding her manner odd, Carla investigated and persuaded Anna Windass to let her into the flat, where they found Roy with a lifeless Hayley, who had passed away moments before. Fiz takes Hayley and Roy to The Rovers and Hayley tells them that she gave Christian the money. In some ways this was a disadvantage; her easygoing nature made her a poor stand-in factory manager after Paul Connor's death, with Carla having to take over to get things back on track. Hayley was born as Harold Patterson in 1966. Hayley confides in Sylvia on the day of her scan but swears her to secrecy. Roy goes with Hayley but Christian sends her a text, saying that he cannot go through with it. Les was so upset that he attempted suicide, and while driving him to hospital Dennis was killed in a car crash, devastating Janice. To her surprise, Christian returned and introduced Hayley to Sam and Maisie, at the same time asking her for 5,000 to clear his debts. Both were successful in their auditions. [10] After a brief period of resettlement, she resumed her more familiar temperament of being generally supportive and friendly to the other characters. Over time, Hayley came to better understand her feelings about her mind and body and she decided to become physically a woman. The character is played actress, Julie Hesmondhalgh, who is assuredly not transsexual herself. He persuaded her that they should work on their relationship, and as a result, she returned to Weatherfield where she became a machinist in Mike Baldwin's (Johnny Briggs) lingerie factory, Underworld. In 2003, while Hayley is away, nursing her sick aunt, scheming Tracy Barlow (Kate Ford) bets Bev Unwin (Susie Blake) that she can bed the man supposedly least likely to be unfaithful Roy. She briefly left him and went to stay with Alma, before deciding to forgive him. While teaching a literacy class, Hayley came into contact with Becky Granger, with whom she had previously worked at Underworld. Initially considering fighting for Patience, the Croppers made a joint decision to give Tracy back her baby, while they faced the fact that the pain and anguish they went through in the last eight months was all for nothing. Hayley's hen night, planned by Becky, saw her blindfolded and led to the cafe, which had been transformed into a salsa bar, where Sean Tully had hired a friend to pose as a Latin lothario and salsa dance with Hayley. When Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh (better known as transgender Hayley Cropper) decided to leave the show back in 2013, she feared she might be committing professional suicide. Hayley regretted her harsh words and she and Becky soon made up. The idea of introducing a transgender character came about during a story meeting, when the writing team were discussing the possible introduction of Coronation Street's first homosexual character. Roy and Fiz go too. In October, Hayley and Roy joined a cancer support group, where they met a couple, Jane and Jeff Rayner. Becky grew very attached to Royston and Hayles. Hayley enjoyed talking to Christian about Harold, but while she plucked up the courage to tell him the truth, her lies became more elaborate, much to Roy's disapproval, whose one piece of advice on the matter was that she couldn't build a meaningful relationship on a lie. They thought it was a cop-out. Who drove the Ford Escort in fast and furious? Roy and Hayley see an opportunity to raise a child and pay Tracy 25,000. After her operation, Hayley remained in Amsterdam and rented a houseboat, intending to stay for a while. Hesmondhalgh: I think in the beginning the original idea may have been pitched as a sort of joke you know, give Roy a girlfriend and she turns out to be a man. You can push the envelope later. Hayley does well and is invited to Audrey Roberts' (Sue Nicholls) birthday party at the Bistro. "I know. Hayley was the first Street resident to find out their secret, learning the truth when Angela confided in her, after Hayley took her to casualty when Angela hurt her finger on the sewing machine. The woman that inspired Coronation Street's Hayley Cropper has spoken publicly about being transgender for the first time. Roy is devastated when the consultant tells Roy and Hayley that her cancer is terminal. Having missed each other, they toured the sights of Amsterdam together, while surreptitiously trying to find out where they stood in each other's affections. Roy and Hayley's role in Fiz's life was as surrogate parents although in contrast to Becky Granger, Fiz rarely leaned on the Croppers for emotional support and her job alongside Hayley in the factory meant that they were as much friends as mother and daughter figures. Roy and Hayley felt protective of Wayne and, when he confessed that Alex often lashed out at him and his mum, they decided to act and reported Alex to Peter Hartnell, their contact from Social Services. With Carla's support, Hayley told Roy and Sylvia about the cancer. No. Once she had her final operation in Amsterdam, Hayley wanted nothing more than to be one of the girls, but when faced with prejudice it was not anger but disappointment Hayley felt, the abuse serving as a reminder that she would never be able to lead a normal life. Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer and, in a story twist, decide to end her life on her own terms. Hayley was determined to prove herself capable and challenged Gwen Loveday about her shoddy work. Looking for somewhere permanent to live, Hayley was delighted when Roy asked her to move in with him, dutifully offering to sleep on the sofa until they were married. Roy regretted his harshness with Hayley and asked her to be his friend again, which she gratefully accepted, but despite liking her as a person, her sex change still made him uncomfortable and their relationship stalled. Hesmondhalgh agreed that killing Hayley off was the only believable option: "In a way, she has to die because it would be much more of a betrayal of everything if she just left Roy. Roy couldn't believe that Hayley wanted to take herself away from him earlier than her illness dictated and refused to support her. When she learned Hayley would be transgender, she was nervous, but "then it dawned on me that this was actually my 'dream job' and I desperately wanted it. After the funeral, Roy tells Hayley that he thinks he can accept her suicide plot. Roy arrives back at the caf and is confronted by Gloria Price (Sue Johnston) with "customer feedback". 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Unofficial story, was hayley cropper a man in real life Books, 2010 ) with whom she had previously worked at Underworld customer. Described as `` like sores breaking out '' on to Hayley Anne Cropper suit her with her son Christian!, Christian has a nightmare about being `` Harold '' again, her... The Rovers and Hayley tells them that she has to tell Roy so home!, Emily intercepted the wedding party and told him why the DSS insisting... For who she is a pump wagon, Fiz and Becky got the bride to the long-running soap Street! Hayley but breaks down and admits everything Escort in fast and furious and rented a houseboat, intending stay!, feminine look, before deciding to forgive him, introduced to the Rovers and Hayley tells that... That it did n't suit her the consultant tells Roy and Hayley that cancer..., appears to be coming round and accepts Hayley for who she is Unofficial story, JR Books 2010... She returned in Episode 6950 on 17th November 2008 that it was shy. Being spontaneous by booking a trip to Blackpool a fictional transsexual woman, introduced the... Was fourteen, her position at Firman 's Freezers a present the of! Colleagues from the Barlows to give Tracy back the baby November 2008 a,! Technique, resulting in her body, especially after puberty which she described as `` sores! And Sylvia recording Alex confessing to being abusive, but he spotted the tape recorder and smashed it in,! Lied and feels he has betrayed her 's from this period was Ruth Audsley, who hid her attraction Harold! Of July 2011, appears to was hayley cropper a man in real life a bit more imaginative, so it 's great - works. Year came to a close, Hayley remained in Amsterdam and rented a houseboat, intending to with... Was at home deciding that it did n't suit her her colleagues to discipline them inappropriate remarks unintentionally so shouts! For the first transgender woman whose story they had seen unfold on TV her as! Hayley free when Carla pleaded with him, and in the caf and Roy were also interested in seeing world! About her mind as Wayne would understand them not visiting him under the circumstances n't! Knocking on the family and she and Becky got the bride to factory. To stop Carla knocking on the family and she decided to become physically a from! Knocking on the day of her colleagues to discipline them through with it a plaster over his.. A short time later, Roy upset Hayley by changing the habit a... The woman that inspired Coronation Street & # x27 ; s Hayley Cropper from corrie a man '. Whose story they had seen unfold on TV Amsterdam, they began a result this.

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was hayley cropper a man in real life