Background: An alcoholic is someone who has the disease of alcoholism. Avoid using psychotic as an adjective to describe a person; instead refer to a person as having a psychotic condition or experiencing a psychosis. Avoid using the terms colloquially. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid these terms as they often are used inaccurately and can be offensive. NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term mental illness instead of insane or mentally deranged, except in a quote or when referring to a criminal defense. Avoid using defect or defective when describing a disability because the terms imply that the person is somehow incomplete or sub-par. NCDJ Recommendation: Non-disabled or does not have a disability are acceptable terms when referring to people who do not identify as having a disability. Did you know that This also is referred to as deaf-blindness or deafblindness. Background: Dwarfism is a medical or genetic condition that results in a stature below 410, according to Little People of America. Similarly, there is not really a good way to describe the nature of a condition. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Americans with Disabilities Act on first reference; ADA is acceptable on second reference. Opinions vary on how to refer to someone with autism. NCDJ Recommendation: Use person with a brain injury or person with a traumatic brain injury rather than brain damaged, which is considered derogatory. The Genome Research Institute offers comprehensive information about different genetic conditions, genetic testing and other pertinent topics. Background: The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines freak as one that is markedly unusual or abnormal, such as a person or animal having a physical oddity and appearing in a circus sideshow. This particular use of the word dates to the middle of the 19th century. Remember that some in the autism community object to the term. Less than one percent of the general population has schizophrenia, and it is treated mostly through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by unreasonable thoughts and fears that lead to repetitive and often ritualized behaviors or compulsions. Consider using people-first language, as in a person with an intellectual disability rather than an intellectually disabled person. As always, ask the person which terms they prefer. In general, avoid using able-bodied except in a quote. NCDJ Recommendation: Because anonymity is central to the organization, disclose that someone is a member of Alcoholics Anonymous only if it is essential to the story. For others who have a loss of vision, the American Foundation for the Blind uses the term low vision, which it describes as uncorrectable vision loss that interferes with daily activities. The foundation says that other terms commonly used to describe vision loss partial sight, partial blindness and poor vision are no longer in general use. Mental illness is a prevalent invisible disability. MD is acceptable on second reference. Another commonly used term is twice exceptional or 2E, which refers to a child with a disability who also is diagnosed as gifted. Background: Hospitals that cared for people with various mental illnesses, often for long periods of time, were once commonly referred to as insane asylums. WebApraxia. The stylebook also warns against drawing a connection between mental illness and violent crime and recommends that any source used to characterize a criminal suspects mental health history should have the authority to speak on the matter. Many people with chronic illnesses do not consider themselves disabled and thus may be offended by the term. While caregiver and caretaker often are used interchangeably, they imply something different. People often use "suffering" to describe disabilities because they understand disability as a condition, something that only causes pain and suffering. Do not assume that a person who has had a seizure has epilepsy. Programs in Disability Studies should encourage a curriculum that allows students, activists, teachers, artists, practitioners, and researchers to engage the subject matter from various disciplinary perspectives.. Earwax impaction is another culprit. Background: Dissociative identity disorder is characterized by the emergence of two or more distinct personality states or identities in a persons behavior or consciousness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness. However, The National Association of the Deaf supports the identity-first approach. Refrain from using the term trigger warning in a flip or casual way. Background:American Sign Language is a complete language that utilizes signs made by moving the hands combined with facial expressions and postures of the body, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. NCDJ Recommendation: The term may not be understood by all, so an explanation may be required. Many times, though, the cause of a seizure is unknown.. It is characterized by new muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain and fatigue., NCDJ Recommendation: Use the term polio rather than infantile paralysis. But note that there is no universal agreement on the use of these terms not even close. See Autism In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association folded Aspergers syndrome into one umbrella diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Euthanasia should not be used to describe medically assisted suicide or physician-assisted suicide. The AP also suggests using resources from It is best to ask people which term they prefer to describe them. When possible, ask if a person or group uses identity-first language (deaf students) or person-first language (students who are deaf). Background: High functioning and low-functioning are terms used to describe ability levels for people with a variety of conditions, including neurodiversity, intellectual disabilities and mental illness. A birth defect is a physical or biochemical difference that is present at birth. Ear infections can do the same. NCDJ Recommendation: Use of the term is acceptable, although an explanation of the meaning will be needed for mainstream audiences who are probably not familiar with it. Background: A deformity is a condition in which part of the body does not have the typical or expected shape, according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Many dislike the terms because hearing impaired describes a person in terms of a deficiency or what they cannot do. Background: This term came into vogue in the 1990s as an alternative to disabled, handicapped or mentally retarded. Currently, it is not considered appropriate (and for many, never was). 3. For example, a person may be able to describe having low central or peripheral vision. NCDJ Recommendation: Use Plain English or Plain Language but confirm with the source that that is the correct terminology. Keah Brown, a writer and disability activist who has cerebral palsy, tweeted in 2018: I just really cant stand the word cripple, so whenever I see it, I block it out. Help them exercise regularly. NCDJ Recommendation: Ask your sources what term they prefer. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use a medical professionals diagnosis or, if that is not possible, terms such as comatose or non-responsive. Avoid referring to someone as a vegetable or veg as such words dehumanize the person. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms service animal, assistance animal and guide dog all are acceptable. Background: The term has long been used to refer to difficulty telling the difference between colors, and it is used by the National Eye Institute and the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Seizures are more common than you might think. We also will include some guidance in individual entries here but again, we encourage you to confirm on a case-by-case basis. For example: He has muscular dystrophy, and avoiding characterizing those conditions as afflictions. This is caused by the muscles that are used to create speech not functioning properly or to their best ability. But proceed with extra caution. Background: A person who has a congenital disability has had a disability since birth. I legit ignore every notification with the word in it.. Instead, deafness is often considered a culture. It is frequently used in such references as injuries suffered in a car accident.. NCDJ Recommendation: The terms deafblind, deafblindness, deaf-blind and deaf-blindness are all acceptable. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. Avoid using it casually as it may be offensive and inaccurate. Inability to speak louder than a whisper or speaking too loudly. Why is it often considered more PC to say "Hard of Hearing" instead? It also causes pain, exhaustion, and shortness of breath, all of which interfere with speech. Background: ADHD, or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, is a relatively common neurodevelopmental diagnosis. NCDJ Recommendation: If youre an educator, consider alerting students ahead of time if content contains graphic descriptions of traumatic events. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the word addiction is acceptable for uncontrollable, compulsive use of substances as well as acts such as gambling, sex, working, etc., in the face of negative health and social consequences. Do not refer to an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Refer instead to an attempted suicide.. Stroke. Many prefer blind or blind person, while others prefer a person with blindness. Other commonly used terms include: Because these terms tend to be imprecise, consider asking how the visual condition affects acuity. AP style: Although there is no entry for service animal, the style book takes note of the Seeing Eye dog trademark and says guide dog is prefered in all references. AP style: The stylebook says injuries may be suffered, sustained or received.. Background: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological and developmental disorder characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures, according to the Epilepsy Foundation. Symptoms may include reliving the traumatic event, avoidance of certain behaviors, negative emotions, or physical symptoms such as dizziness or nausea. In the case of a leg injury, explain instead that an injury resulted in difficulty walking. They have come to replace labels such as amputee or malformation, deformation or anomaly. Rapid speech that is difficult to understand. Be cautious when using the term abnormal behavior. Explain what it means in the context in which it is being used. Background: Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by tics, sudden, purposeless and rapid movements or vocalizations, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders. slurred slowed hoarse stuttered rapid Depending on the underlying cause of your speech impairment, you may also experience other symptoms, such as: drooling NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having bipolar disorder only if the information is relevant to the story and you are confident there is a medical diagnosis. (The proper terminology in the United Kingdom is Downs syndrome). And so we are no longer offering advice regarding a default. Background: These terms refer to a variety of ways that people communicate without speaking. Psychiatrist: A mental health professional able to prescribe psychotropic medications. Tetraplegia is used interchangeably with quadriplegia.. Sometimes people with quadriplegia refer to themselves as quads. In these cases, use in quotes. Aging and exposure to loud noise may cause wear and tear on the hairs or nerve cells in the Background: The phrased disabled people is an example of identity-first language (in contrast to people-first language). If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. NCDJ Recommendation: It is acceptable to describe a person as someone with spina bifida, followed by a short explanation of what their condition entails if it is pertinent to the story. It is the most common neural tube defect in the U.S. The center also recommends using the word misuse in place of abuse when describing harmful drug usage. For example, some people have Alzheimers disease and vascular dementia.. AP style: The stylebook recommends using partial hearing loss or partially deaf for those who have some hearing loss. Slurred speech without alcohol is linked to a variety of diagnoses that are cause for concern, including: Multiple Sclerosis Brain Tumors Lyme Disease Head Injury Cerebral Palsy Stroke See also Epilepsy/epileptic/epileptic fit. NCDJ Recommendation: Caregiver is preferable to caretaker when referring to the care of people. Specifically, some members of the autism and Deaf communities prefer identity-first language. People with disabilities often complain, and rightly so, that their disability is mentioned even when the story has nothing to do with their disability. Background: These terms carry the assumption that a person with a disability is suffering or has a reduced quality of life. A treatment center is an establishment usually run by psychiatric or medical professionals. NCDJ Recommendation: Do not use the term freak to describe a person with a disability as it is derogatory. NCDJ Recommendation: Use augmentative and alternative communication on first reference, explaining what it means. If one method of communication fails to work, try another. But why does their speech get sloppier? NCDJ Recommendation: Hard of hearing is almost always acceptable. Many people prefer people-first language, such as a person with Tourette syndrome or a person diagnosed with Tourette syndrome. Avoid the acronym TS, as it is not widely known. Alternatively, it is acceptable to say that a person has had a disability since birth or was born with a disability. State the specific disability if possible. Specific disorders should be used and the source of the diagnosis identified whenever possible. Even with the caveat that this does not apply to all, we have heard from many people with disabilities who take issue with that advice. The term midget was used in the past to describe an unusually short and proportionate person. Various laws define disability differently. Background: Addiction is a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individuals life experiences. WebAs you can see, even mild hearing loss can affect the sounds of speech, making it difficult to understand words with consonant sounds. A person enrolled in a treatment center should be referred to as a patient. This style guide, which covers dozens of words and terms commonly used when referring to disability, can help. However, this term is not widely used. People with these conditions often are referred to as quadriplegics and paraplegics, but these terms are considered offensive by some. According to the National Association for Gifted Children, Twice-exceptional learners are students who give evidence of the potential for high achievement capability in areas such as specific academics, general intellectual ability, creativity, leadership and/or visual, spatial or performing arts and also give evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria, such as specific learning disabilities, speech and language disorders, emotional/behavioral disorders, physical disabilities, autism spectrum or other health impairments, such as ADHD. Those in Deaf culture have never seen themselves as disabled. See entries on Depression and Mental illness/mental disorder. Background: According to the University of Kansas Research & Training Center on Independent Living, learning disability describes a neurologically based condition that may manifest itself as difficulty learning and using skills in reading (called dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia), mathematics (dyscalculia) and other cognitive processes due to differences in how the brain processes information. NCDJ Recommendation: Since the term is not in widespread use, its meaning should be explained for a general audience; ask sources how they prefer to describe their relationships whenever possible. Background: Bipolar disorder is a mental illness believed to be caused by a combination of genetic factors and neurological functioning, according to the National Institute of Mental Health. WebFeeling Tired or Stressed. NCDJ Recommendation: It is preferable to use neutral language when describing a person who has a disability, simply stating the facts about the nature of the disability. Avoid alcoholic, addict, user and abuser unless individuals prefer those terms for themselves or if they occur in quotations or names of organizations, such as Alcoholics Anonymous. If a medical diagnosis is not available, use quotes around the term and indicate that a diagnosis has not been confirmed. Dont say that an awards show, for example, was schizophrenic.. People with OCD usually exhibit both obsessions and compulsions but sometimes exhibit only one or the other. Ask your sources for their preference. Background: Indicates a person who has some loss of both vision and hearing. Addiction usually refers to a disease or disorder; dependence may, on the other hand, describe babies born to mothers who use drugs or cancer patients who take prescribed painkillers. Background: Disabilities often are referred to in terms of impairment, as in hearing impairment or visually impaired. Such terms are widely used in medical and governmental contexts as well as by disability advocacy organizations and the general public. Journalists should consider other ways of describing a persons ability to function in society. However, some people still strongly support the method. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as catatonic only if it is part of a medical diagnosis. NCDJ Recommendation: Deaf or hard of hearing are the preferred terms. This lack of diversity negatively affects Deaf and hard of hearing (DHOH) people of color, who are subjected to communication barriers when utilizing the services of an interpreter from different ethnic and racial backgrounds as themselves. Many chronic health conditions also are considered invisible disabilities, depending on their severity and impact on daily living. The terms also are misleading, as wheelchairs can liberate people, allowing them to move about, and they are inaccurate, as people who use wheelchairs are not permanently confined to them but are transferred to sleep, sit in chairs, drive cars, etc. These conditions also are called toxicant-induced loss of tolerance, environmental illness or sick-building syndrome.. Access the Spanish language translation of this guide here. AA members do not pay dues or fees; rather, it is supported through contributions. It is a negative commotation. A child learns to speak by hearing the speech of others in the family and surroundings. Plain English is sometimes known as plain language or Everyday English. NCDJ Recommendation: Blind may be used for people who have complete or almost complete loss of sight. If thats not possible, ask a spokesperson for the organization representing the relevant disability for preferred terminology. NCDJ Recommendation: Avoid language that may legitimize facilitated communication. Background: These phrases are used to describe conditions in which arms, legs, fingers, or toes are missing, not fully formed or shaped in a different way, either as a result of an amputation or a congenital condition. NCDJ Recommendation: Refer to someone as having PTSD only if the information is relevant to the story and youre confident there is a medical diagnosis. People with disabilities spoke out on social media about this, and long haulers now understand firsthand what some people with disabilities experience. Spastic cerebral palsy is a common type of cerebral palsy in which the movements of people with the disorder appear stiff and jerky. Uppercase when referring to the Deaf community and lowercase when referring to the condition. Others prefer it to disabled because dis means not, which means that disabled means not able. But particularly when it comes to referring to individuals, differently abled is problematic. Examples of developmental disabilities include autism spectrum disorder, spina bifida, cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities. It is important to note that augmentative and alternative communication a general term used to refer to alternative methods that allow for written and spoken expression is considered very different from facilitated communication. To become an interpreter, an individual must not only display bilingual and bicultural proficiency but also have the ability to mediate meanings across languages and cultures, both simultaneously and consecutively. Background: Treatment is defined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine as the use of any planned, intentional intervention in the health, behavior, personal and/or family life of an individual with alcoholism or another drug dependency designed to achieve and maintain sobriety, physical and mental health and maximum functional ability. The stylebook cautions against using mental health terms to describe non-health issues. AP style: The style book suggests naming the specific condition when possible rather than making a general reference. WebMD explains the difference between epilepsy and seizures in this way: Seizures, abnormal movements or behavior due to unusual electrical activity in the brain, are a symptom ofepilepsy. Migraine. 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