wonnarua family tree

Dear Wikiwand AI, let's keep it short by simply answering these key questions: Hunter River and Lake Macquarie Language (Awabakal-Wanarruwa). Bat Sculpture a Malanga New Ireland artifact, How to uninstall 'JoyLauncher' from an Alcatel phone, 40,000 year-old marine fossils Lord Howe Island, Fossil tracks at Middle Beach, Lord Howe Island, Sedimentary boulder on top of volcanic plug, Cross connected gills of Campanella junghunii, Edible fungi from Wingelo State (pine) Forest, Secotium fragariosum - the red semi truffle from Lord Howe Island, Small white crustose fungus growing on seed pod, Southern Highlands awash with Lactarius deliciosus, Trove newspaper reports on Gringai language (NEW). All the men at the goonambang then start towards the kackaroo in single file, march- ing in a meandering course, and shouting as they go. The flesh was never more than half roasted indeed it was sometimes almost raw. If some of the men have remained in the camp all day, they also will proceed to the goonambang and meet the others there. It is popularly known as the Baiame Cave and is part of a series of rock shelters on an area of 80 hectares. . The new-comer announced hls name and business and within a few seconds the whole crowd were jabbering ex-citedly and happily. It may have had some- thing to do with the mystery bags that formed part of the equipment of the adults. Add new content to your site from Sensagent by XML. Members are despatched to summon tribes from far and near, and on their return full preparations are made for the celebration, a place being selected and a day appointed. Take your designs to the next level. to retire to the river he did not notice that a badly wounded man was left on the field, until he saw a Wallamba man rush out of the scrub and kill him with a nullah. When asked by the manager why he did such a thing the Wallamba man said, I finis him, and ran off again and thus ended the battle of Gloucester, which after all appears to have been a battle of words and much abuse, and not much else. About the middle 30s there occurred a grim tragedy on the A. . The Wonnarua were part of the land. . "We don't have an established relationship with Glencore we have an established relationship with every mining company and developer that operates in Hunter Valley," he said. One toy with which they delighted to play was a contrivance that gave out a deep booming din like the bull-roarers the elders used in the initiation ceremonies. . The rhizome of this fern, probably Blechnum sp. Around Dungog the blacks believed when a man became ill with a wasting sick- ness, that one of these medicine-men had crept in under cover of darkness and. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Sat 20 Aug 1949 Page 2 NATIVE WAYS AND NAMES. This seemed to conclude one de- finite part of the ceremonies, for the women were not permitted to witness what followed. Here a halt is made, and the keerang start away back to the womens camp, and report that the men and boys will arrive in a few hours time. When the Wonnarua see the wedge tailed eagle, they know Kawal is looking over them, protecting them. At the end of the song they would burst into shrieks of raucous merriment. On hearing this noise, the guardians and other men present say to each other, That must be Thoorkooks dogs coming to kill the boys; let us cut steps in the trees near us so that the boys can climb up out of their way.. In the centre of this circle there was a fire of moderate dimensions and attended to by one of the men. Excellence, E: Emailsingleton-h.school@det.nsw.edu.au. At a small plain a mile west of the present Cobakh Station the Port Stephens men came into conflict with the remaining body of natives, but the fugitives broke and fled north wards to a little flat on the Bowman River. Their good temper and childish relish of fun was never more exemplified than when someone made a present to a stalwart black of an old hat, coat, or other discarded garment. There was a big fire and round it were seated the [women] who were beating possum skins stretched tight across their knees. Whatever number of animals were required for the feast would be selected and openedThe paunch would be ripped open and it s con tents of undigested grass devoured with the greatest relish. One would he deputed to climb for the quarry, and with his tomahawk would set about making toe-holds In the bark up the straight bole. Get XML access to reach the best products. The women belonging. When these preparations had been made, the next thing was to find out who was responsible for the mans death, it being believed that all sickness wa s brought about by the machinations of an enemy. It was no uncommon thing for some wandering visitor from another tribe to come along at certain intervals to teach our blacks another song, probably one of his own composition. But very seldom did they eat them raw. The sports of the children were the daily labors of their parents in miniature. The noise was something like a drum. He is always painted in front view; Dharramalan is drawn in profile. No one worried about a Coronial inquiry in those days. The Dungog blacks spoke practically the same language as all the coastal tribes from the Manning River as far south as Botany Bay. Another fear was always paramount in their minds, one that could be readily traced back to its genesis,and that was dread of at tack by other tribes. Bail catch fish, he said. Baiame is often shown with internal decorations such as waistbands, vertical lines running down the body, bands and dots. "I'm just sad that such a beautiful area like the Hunter Valley is going to be turned into an unliveable landscape, ultimately, by the scourge of mining," Mr Franks said. [11] As at 2009, the Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation (WNAC) had three arrangements in place under Native Title and was planning to develop more. Below Dungog, and extending to Lake Macquarie, the Awabakal tribe was the most important and their language is recorded in interesting treatises writ- ten by the Rev. . When they get to the rear, they turn round and again throw pieces of hark over the heads of the men and boys. If he wants to micturate, the guardian leads him out to the fire, and he micturates in the ashes. They ranged in length from three-feet to three-feet six-inches, being shaped like a club and having a slightly tapering end . The stranger produced a small pipe from his belt, stooped down to the fire, lit the tobacco with a coal, and took a few puffs. Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 12 Nov 1926 Page 3 OUT- RAGE BY BLACKS. They always declared that it was far easier to carry the rigid body than one that was limp and flopping. . . 75-81 York StreetSingleton NSW 2330, telephone *Wonnarua Dreamtime Legend For instance, a party of us were preparing to go fishing in Fame Cove under the guidance of Billy Steward, a man who had once been steward on a boat. The mia-mias of these rude aborigines were of the most primitive description, being merely a few sheets of bark placed against a convenient log, or bushes roughly planted alongside some huge forest giant. Before the advent of the whites to the district it was death for a man to speak to her, and for many years after settlement was first established the punishment was a temporary banishment from the camp. Another group, the Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Land Council, declined to be interviewed, but it wasunderstoodthe group believed evidence of a massacre on the site was inconclusive. The Wonnarua people are the traditional land owners of the Singleton area and their lands extend throughout the Hunter Valley and have occupied the Upper Hunter for at least 30,000 years, with traditional knowledge holding that occupation extends back to the early stages of the Dreaming. Leaves are then thickly strewn on this bark, forming a kind of couch, and when the painting of the novices is completed, they are led into the ring and placed sitting down in a row on the couch of leaves - the novices belonging to each tribe being put in a group by themselves on that side of the ring which faces their own country. That night they camp in sight of the mens quarters, and each succeeding night they come a little closer, until at last they get right into the single mens camp. The branch of the tribe inhabiting the Cape Hawke district and those located along the Barrington River valley early evinced decided hostility towards the incom- ing settlers, with whom the Cape Hawke [Forster] natives came into open conflict at Waterloo [just north of Bunyah] on the Upper Wallamba resulting in a bloodless victory for the natives. Baime awoke and created everything, the mountains, plains, rivers and every living thing. The men took their share first and the women and children made a meal of what was left. The Grengai tribe were possessed of a wonderful marriage law, which prevented relations from marrying, and this law extends to Queensland. . The fire got rid of those. The sparks would be gently blown upon until a flame appeared, when thereafter it was no trouble to build up a roaring fire. A. Co. had established an out cattle station at Upper Ganghut a heifer run, in charge of [which were a few of] their assigned servants. Mr. McKenzie was, some four months later, accidentally killed fell off his horse while crossing the Cobark River opposite the reserve above Cobark House and his remains rest on a grassy knoll close by. About this again was an outer casing of a freshly stripped sheet of stringy-bark, also bound with vines. The shouts of the surrounding party often makes him drop his burden; otherwise he conveys them to his fireplace in the bush where he deposits his load close to the fire. When they get near the camp, the men, women and children sit down a short distance out of sight of the goonambang. The triangle icon that indicates to play. In travelling from place to place a fire-stick was always carried, the brand being whirled and twisted so that it would not go out. To dig his grave a spade was borrowed from us, and the excavation was made on the foreshores, a few yards above high- water mark. The bias towards the coast applies to plant foods as to others, and this aspect of the evidence makes impossible any comparison between the relative importance of plant foods in coastal and inland environments. In the meantime the novices, who are now called keeparra, have been taken a short distance from the main camp, where quarters are prepared for them, and their guardians remain with them. [7] Gringai land also includes the southern valleys of the Barrington Tops. The Australian Museum holds a large number of cultural material and objects obtained from archaeological sites in New South Wales, as well as items from various regions throughout Australia. The novices are not allowed to leave the camp, but must sit in the shelter all day with their eyes cast down, some of their guardians remaining with them. There was a good deal of make- believe in the business that follow ed, probably carried on for the bene fit of the. Never at any time could we get them to men- tion the name of anyone who had died. Sir I feel called on, and do myself the honor, to state to you for the informa- tion of His Excellency the Governor, that there are now residing on the Manning River upwards of 400 persons without protection or instruction of any kind, governed solely by lynch law. Explore cultural objects, art and technology in the Australian Museum's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Collection. The Blacks of Dungog, Port Stephens and Gresford. The Wonnarua people are the traditional land owners of the Maitland area and their lands extend throughout the Hunter Valley. If the ground is wet and cold, pieces of bark are spread upon it for the women to lie upon. In their midst, throughout the duration of this fantastic dance, remained the youths who were being made poombit. The women were covered as in the other ceremony be- fore mentioned. Ms Ley said a decision on the application would be made "in the near future". A straight young sapling would be chosen, cut to the required length, and set to soak in water for some three or four weeks. . An assigned man was splitting timber near the head of Tin Creek, when four blacks came along and watched him at work for some time. Ro, Cookies help us deliver our services. . A dreamtime story from the Wonnarua explains how the hills and rivers in the Hunter Valley were created by a spirit called Baiame. The business of fishing was per- haps the most important of all to the natives. The Reverend gentleman was assisted by another aborigine, who could understand English, but who being of no religion at all, could not be sworn as. Their movements are made as noiselessly as possible, so that the women may not hear them coming. up in the smoke, the men raise a guttural shout, and the women wave their arms up and down. This was all their bodily protection against the elements, and their fullest concession to the conventions im- posed by the white people about. A native was captured and executed at Dungog, near where the present Court House stands. Blackfellow!) Another bush dainty, easily procurable in the right season, was the curramali, a fruit that grew on a little vine in the bush. Conclusion.-The following day, the strange tribes begin to disperse, and start away on their return journey to the districts from which they have come. The novices are placed sitting down on the nets, and bend forward and drink water out of the coolamins which are on the ground in front of them. What was going through the minds of the initiates on this walk would have been awe-inspiring. Another superstition was in regard to the treatment of a sufferer from internal pains. Join the community of family history enthusiasts and FamilySearch employees to ask questions and discuss potential product enhancements. Great care was exercised in selecting the right tree for the purpose as any fault, caused by a knot or protuberance, would spoil the value of the sheet when stripped. Some of the performances are, however, enacted during the day, after the men return from hunting. Around the Manning River basin, there were reports of waterholes and gifts of food being laced with arsenic known as The Harmony so the jungle of the Barrington became a refuge for Aboriginal people. Some of [the] superstitions were extraordinary. With these birds and animals,usually well trained, they would amuse themselves for hours, indulging in fits of mirth at the antics and feats of their pets. Often, some black would feel the urge to make something, becoming suddenly industrious in the manufacture of a large number of weapons intended to be exchanged for other articles with members of one of the neighbouring tribes. from 1820 to 1921 by A.N. Michael Smiths The Kutthung dialect on a deleted website accessible through, the Wayback Machine, https://goo.gl/twRvRg (KTT). There is none left now of the populous tribe that once inhabited the district, and the sole surviving relic, poor, unfortunate Brandy passed to the care of the great spirit, Coen, more than fifteen years ago. During winter would hunt kangaroos, emus, possums and wombats, fish and other animals. The root of the problem lies in what the first settlers brought with them their assumption that the Aborigines would all speak the same language, their belief the Aborigines lacked any cultural complexity and a failure to come to grips with the people they encountered. As soon as the bull-roarers commenced to sound, the men of the new mob entered the goonambang, and walked round, and then started towards the kackaroo in a meandering line, in single file carrying their boomerangs and other weapons with them. Mr Franks declined the ABC's requests for an interview but spoke about the matter in a webinar hosted by NSW Greens MLC David Shoebridge. The young, tender stalks of the gigantic lily (ipooloongearn), was another form of vegetable delicacy, only procurable, however, at certain seasons of the year. The men, exultant over the result of their prowess would immediately proceed to make a fire. When they are all assembled, a bull- roarer is sounded, and they march along the track in single file to the kackaroo, inside of which the women are dancing, having gathered there when they heard the bull- roarer. xTk ymH,@>p5qG-jpD*. Fame Cove was taboo after the sun had fallen, and no native would linger in that vicinity when the shadows began to lengthen. Most English definitions are provided by WordNet . The other men then go and pick up the bushes thrown down by the keerang, and pull the leaves off them, making a continuous grunting, noise while so employed. Before I left Port Stephens for Queensland, in 1873 I went to a good deal of trouble to make a written record At the date of my birth. The usual rule of each tribe camping round the local mob, each in the direction of their respective districts, is observed in the erection of this new camp. The Chief Justice recommended the prisoner to the Sheriffs humane attention. Very rarely did an aboriginal stoop down to pick up any article from the ground. On account of the novices hair being singed short, and the white paint on their bodies, the mothers are sometimes unable to recognise their own sons. In this section, find out everything you need to know about visiting the Australian Museum, how to get here and the extraordinary exhibitions on display. The bark would be stripped carefully from the tree and soaked in water until the outer portions could be readily scraped off with a shell. To make squares disappear and save space for other squares you have to assemble English words (left, right, up, down) from the falling squares. By scratches on the bark and other signs not comprehensible to a white person, they would select the forest giant in which the little animal had made his home. The foreshores were covered with oysters, which formed a staple part of the diet. They immediately pack up all their movables, and start away some distance to another locality which has been previously decided upon by the headmen of the several tribes, and there they erect a new camp, being assisted in this work by some of the old men who have been directed to remain with them. In collecting this information, a few problems have been encountered. Groups living near the Wonnarua include the Darkinjung and the Wirad Dungog Chronicle : Durham and Gloucester Advertiser (NSW : 1894 - 1954) Fri 17 Aug 1923 Page 3 Early Recollections of Dungog. The bush abounded with game in the form of kangaroos, wallabies, possums, emus, flying-foxes, wild duck, swans, parrots, pigeons. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer). Choose the design that fits your site. They were distributed over the district in local groups known as Nurra were were located [in villages] at distances about [12 kilometres apart]. [citation needed], In rock paintings Baiame is often depicted as a human figure with a large head-dress or hairstyle, with lines of footsteps nearby. In response to the PCWP's application for Aboriginal heritage protection, she appointed an independent anthropologist to prepare a wide-ranging report. All the armed men who are standing round, make a noise by beating together two boomerangs, or any two weapons which they may happen to have with them. These aborigines spoke the language of, and intermarried with those of Maitland, less frequently with those of the Paterson River and rarely with those of Muswell- brook. Some language documentation may also record words and meanings inaccurately. Oral history tells us that by 1840 the natural food supplies were almost exhausted. This, I was told, was the end, but to me it now seems clear that it was the beginning of the ceremonies, being the time when the contingents have arrived, and before the final part when the boys who are initiated are taken from their mothers. Since those times the flying-fox has changed his habits considerably much to the loss of orchardists and those that cultivate fruit. The young fellows belonging to these new arrivals are always eager to be present and assist at the performances at the kweealbang, and accordingly they start out to the camp in the bush. A third, holding a green branch, stood at the side calling out the names of everyone of whom he could apparently think, at the same time lightly striking the coffin with the wand. Groups living near the Wonnarua include the Darkinjung and the Wirad The old men stretched themselves out on the ground and howled dreadfully. Baime also created Kawal (Ka-wal), to watch over the Wonnarua people. There were about sixteen [men] squatting or standing around; amongst them the father, mother, and several of the brothers of the deceased. The men stoop down, and clear away with their hands all leaves and rubbish from the surface of the ground around each tree, and the novices are brought to this clear space, with their heads bowed, and are told to look up at the marks on the tree. The recorded history of the Wonnarua begins in the early nineteenth century when the Europeans settled. . The belt and four tails or kilts are now put upon each boy, as well as head-bands, and bands across the body. Flash Tommy was almost killed and lay insensible for several days. On the bank of the Kerripit almost in front of the homestead at Stobo lie the remains of these old-time shepherds. He escaped the last spear at Cold Water Brush in sight of Underbank and safety. A dreamtime story from the Wonnarua explains how the hills and rivers in the Hunter Valley were created by a spirit called Baiame. I was present at [a corroboree] 55 years ago with the rest of our family. Charms were worn round the neck and consisted of shells, seeds, pieces of quartz, etc. The native name for the Williams was Durabang; the Paterson River, Yimmang. When going to the creek for water they were careful to look in some other direction. It is on record of authentic nature that incredible crudities were practised upon the poor blacks by some of these hardened wretches. These men in their old days never forgot how to fish, and were never satisfied unless they brought home two or three monster perch. The [shelters were] merely a few sheets of bark placed against a convenient log, or bushes roughly planted alongside some huge forest giant. It was a very simple process for the tribe to kill all they needed. x\{xT_fL! $$!fdS!>p&QTD Ujmoql GjKj[Bks" Y[k^{g7(HxB`Kh[-_2H|v*u/'JKxkko"r6_z+Su,o?x(wDYQqEufWES^v0*X_9X+vxI6EZ|zd$]-/tdy.%(RVdD&WD/?K /T:}LFEay*h7~FE36obV*z2[-CFz~>/-r5 ' x^|XjU~H!-t]!KWjBaZN}{NRHgEB=hSE*wQ'D[t5mt/fqms94_~imuIXI%AnEb]~7MeI7g9?k&3 On the first night of the arrival of the novices at the kweealbang, some human excrement is given to them as they sit in the camp. Then two men proceeded to the camp of the females, two or three hundred yards distant, and marched them and the children with their heads prone to the circle, where they were made to lie down and be covered up with boughs, rugs, bark, and whatever was at hand. . The prisoner being ordered to stand remanded, Mr. Nichols rose to state a circumstance regarding the unfortu- nate man which had come under his personal observation. The mothers and other women belonging to each tribe go out of the ring of the white men on the side next their own country. All the things were placed at the dead mans head, and the grave was then filled in. Som e of them were notched at inter- vals along their whole length, or else carved in fantastic patterns. Not only did many of these children die, those who survived were almost invariably rendered infertile, a hugely significant factor in Aboriginal depopulation. It was their only bridge, and all their children went to school over it. On another occasion, at a much later date, I came across another initiation ceremony when proceeding through the bush. Naturally there was someone or other among them who had a striking physical peculiarity, either an over-emphasised feature, a deformity, a trick of gait or speech common to himself. Figure 4: Richard Browne (17711824). They then see two men swing each a goonandhakeea (excretement-eater) on the cleared space beyond the line of fires. Capt. There followed a quiet space for a little time when suddenly the men returned ( with loud triumphal cries, having in their midst the boys they had supposedly sought. The guardians also throw pieces of bark over the heads of the women. [citation needed], The missionary William Ridley adopted the name of Baiame for the Christian God when translating into Gamilaraay (the language of the Kamilaroi). Fitzpatric seems to play down the extent of these engagements. She then passed the crossed ends of the cords rapidly to and fro between her closed lips until the blood, drawn by the friction dropped freely into the water, discolouring it to a crimson fluid. The gins peeled the bark off the long straight limbs of the white myrtle and soak it in water holes till the brown skin came off. This position was held for some time. It was not peace but submission which was achieved and hate and distrust were buried in the Aboriginal subconscious. ), http://www.ausanthrop.net/resources/ausanthrop_db/detail.php?id_search=584, "A salvage grammar and wordlist of the language from the Hunter River and Lake Macquarie", http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/HRLM%20part%201.pdf, http://www.newcastle.edu.au/Resources/Divisions/Academic/Library/Cultural%20Collections/pdf/miller1886.pdf, http://archives.samuseum.sa.gov.au/tindaletribes/wonnarua.htm, "Aboriginal associations with the park area", http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/NationalParks/parkHeritage.aspx?id=N0002, http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/WNAC%20Strategic%20Plan.pdf, http://www.visitdungog.com.au/areahistory.php, https://sites.google.com/site/amcatmuseum/maitland-history, http://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/discover_collections/people_places/caergwrle/index.html, http://www.tocal.com/homestead/history/overview.htm, Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation website, Wonnarua Nation Aboriginal Corporation Strategic Plan 20092012, http://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/page/default.asp?site=2&page=TIN_Tribal&level=3&code=4&item=E5, "Selected bibliography of material on the Wonnarua / Wanaruah language and people held in the AIATSIS Library", http://www.aiatsis.gov.au/library/docs/langbibs/Wonnarua_May08.pdf, http://www.wonnarua.org.au/images/about%20the%20wonnarua%202.pdf, List of Indigenous Australian group names, http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wonnarua&oldid=494492741. 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Beating possum skins stretched tight across their knees ex-citedly and happily were permitted..., throughout the duration of this fantastic dance, remained the youths were... Record of authentic nature that incredible crudities were practised upon the poor blacks by some of these shepherds.: Durham and Gloucester Advertiser ( NSW: 1894 - 1954 ) Fri 12 Nov 1926 Page OUT-... Manning River as far south as Botany Bay name and business and within a few the... 12 Nov 1926 Page 3 OUT- RAGE by blacks, at a much later,! The foreshores were covered with oysters, which prevented relations from marrying, and he micturates in the Museum!

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