constitution of a youth group pdf

Ensuring the observance and compliance with the constitution by any of the organs, officers, and all servants of the Foundation. Educate youth and the community about the orientation and programs of KATROPA. Foundation Background Section 2. /Type /XObject Article 6: Vision of the Foundation Aims. The template consitution was written as a template for Friends of Parks groups, but you can amend it as you wish to fit your own need. Community based organizations (CBOs) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. 0000001827 00000 n The General Meeting other than Annual General Meetings shall be called, The Extra- Ordinary Meetings. There shall be a common seal of the Foundation to be kept by the Chairman of Board of Trustees and Secretary of the Foundation. In its Christian witness to modern society it has advocated keeping the seventh-day Sabbath, vegetarianism, abstinence from tobacco and alcohol and refusal of its members to bear arms. WebOBJECTIVES The objectives for which the Group is established are: (a) To uplift the educational and economic status of the members and their local communities. %PDF-1.3 % KATROPA Sariaya believes that the youth has the social responsibility to educate, organize and mobilize the broadest number of youth. hbbd```b``"A$#d_"Y.`5* i*- kU o1m`Yy+";$w)|$"@w#tQJg` ZGn The patron shall also retire when 2/3 of members decide to relieve he/her of his/her duties. The Policy is consistent with the Constitution of The preamble should introduce the constitution in a few sentences. In order to achieve the mission and objectives envisioned by the National Youth Policy, 2066(2009), various programs have been conducted through the Ministry. Since its organization in 1863 the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been counter cultural. Web(a) Membership of the Group shall be open to any person over 18 or any organisation living or located in the _____ area who is interested in helping the Group to achieve its aims, willing to abide by the rules of the Group and willing to pay any subscription agreed by the Management Committee. ARTICLE III Declaration of Objective Section 1. AIDrUxl+H^\/} o.lTD)s\]_7A9/{UN-[zjQaF7ZK7Woh- WebThe National Youth Policy described in this document is designed to provide a comprehensive and multi-sectoral framework for addressing youth issues that are currently considered not commensurate with achieving sustainable socio-economic development. NB: A member group can be put on indefinite suspension, only after the deliberation of the executive body in consultation with the Youth Chaplain and the concerned group. To promote unity among the youths and emphasize the spirits of sharing, loving and respect. This shall include participation and involvement of youth volunteers of the Bugembe Youth Development Foundation. In other words, every member shall have to take part as a means of promoting cooperation and oneness. 0000017841 00000 n 2. And some of their signatories shall be the principal signatories in the bank, followed by that of the treasurer. 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Shall council, guide and comfort members whenever stress arises within the Foundation. and conservation of the resources. WHEREAS we regard as part of the body of CHRIST The Foundation is a Community Based Organization (C.B.O.) 0000013735 00000 n In order to achieve the mission and objectives envisioned by the National Youth Policy, 2066(2009), various programs have been conducted through the Ministry. WebConstitution | Bugembe Youth Development Foundation Constitution Table of Contents Foundation Background Preamble Article 1: Name of Foundation Article 1: Name of the Foundation Article 2: Type and Nature of the Foundation Article 3: Location Article 4: Coverage Area of Operation Article 5: Contact/Address of the Foundation UGX 300,000. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Shall carry out the overall overseeing of the Foundations activities. NAME. 17 0 obj Article 31: Terms and Conditions of Service ARTICLE VII. The Chapter shall: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Consciously abide by this Constitution and the By-laws of the organization. Article 7: Mission Statement ARTICLE III Declaration of Objective Section 1. To unite the youths to effectively participate and serve in social-economic and cultural activities thus to improve on youths standards of living. cashbooks, invoices, payment vouchers and books showing assets and properties. %PDF-1.4 % Shall perform the duties of the Chairperson incase of the absence of the Chairperson and Board of Trustee may prescribe from to time. This shall be done at the general assembly. 2. Article 35: Dissolution 1. The Foundation shall always have opportunities to facilitate with any other body or bodies nationally having similar objectives but in such affiliation shall require prior consent and approval of the Executive Board of Trustees. Approval, confirmation, making of appointments, promotions, suspensions, terminations and rein statementsof the Executive Committee of the Foundation or any employees of the Foundation. /Height 650 The Executive Committee of the Foundation on its own motion on the written request of any member of the foundation made of the secretary of the Foundation. %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Alternatively, your group may wish to put together its own unique constitution. Aims. Non members shall not be allowed to attend meeting of the foundation except in special cases and by the permission of the chairperson. The aims of Wild about Brighton Youth Group will be: To bring together and foster understanding amongst young people from the diverse communities in Brighton and Hove OBJECTS. Shall be the chief spokesperson and responsible of all the Executive Meetings. WebOBJECTIVES The objectives for which the Group is established are: (a) To uplift the educational and economic status of the members and their local communities. The Patron shall serve until the members of the Foundation feel he/she has served enough or he/she opts to retire incase the patron wants to retire he/she shall give members a four months notice. Article 26: Vote of No Confidence Name. Article 14: Custody of the Property and the Foundation At the time of registration of the Foundation, the function of the Board of Trustees and the Executive committee shall be played by the interim committee constituted by the subscribers to the constitution of the Foundation. Create a My Community account today and get our latest resources and tools delivered straight to your inbox. Effectively implement the General Program of Action in its locality. Any student may be recognized as a member, provided they agree and comply with guidelines stated in WebComprehensive Constitution of A Welfare Association . The author explores four benefits of utilizing living ritualsnamely, (1) supporting holistic discipleship, (2) avoiding syncretism, (3) promoting Christian community, and (4) removing barriers to the Gospeland cites examples from ministry in the Buddhist context. [1] 2. This paper explores both the overlooked role of ritual in expressing cultural values and appeals for greater study and attention to the development of contextualized Christian ritual or what Paul Hiebert calls living rituals. Article 28: Authentification and Validity of the Foundation The dissolution shall only be done in the General Meeting that shall be noticed to the members in the four month time plus the written reasons leading to the dissolution of the Foundation. Ordinary Members b. The General Secretary shall give a short notice. ARTICLE III Declaration of Objective Section 1. WebSection 3. xb```f``c`e`Pgc@ >cW603l` hL}&=$"o@Q-"M^E^cg``R26 Y\\\ l30H0Hh]Vf`v5iBnRSk>c\{N5U Ap endstream endobj 14 0 obj<>/Metadata 11 0 R>> endobj 16 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>/Properties<>>>>>>> endobj 17 0 obj<> endobj 18 0 obj<> endobj 19 0 obj<> endobj 20 0 obj<>stream The Foundation is basically aimed at establishment and operation of Bugembe Youth Development Foundation for the purpose the youth, community and making a positive living attractive. Article 25: Election of the Board of Trustees The Policy is consistent with the Constitution of The Foundation shall open a bank account in any repute within Uganda. Create a free website or blog at To enable members acquire credit Article 19: Meetings The book traces these groups from their beginnings in that region until 2003. WebOBJECTIVES The objectives for which the Group is established are: (a) To uplift the educational and economic status of the members and their local communities. Article X Rules of Order /!, Capacity building consultant with interest in Community based organisation and microfinance support institutions. Youth sensitization through various activities such as sports tournaments, music, dance and drama (M.D.D.) 0000002094 00000 n To encourage the fear of God among all the youths irrespective of everyones religion. 0000002678 00000 n The contact/address of the Foundation shall be through the Executive Directors of the Foundation, or the Secretary of the Foundation. The Group embraces a holistic and integrated approach to youth empowerment. After the preamble, write Article 1: Name.. % The original members of the Board of Trustees constitute our selves into Bugembe Youth Development Foundation referred to as Foundation and pledged to abide by the provision of Articles in this constitution as the supreme law governing the running of the Foundation. The above mentioned initiators shall take full control and powers of monitoring and co-ordinating of the foundation for the smooth running of the work. 0000004131 00000 n 2. This article should provide the name of your group. The constitution should also set out the ideals and goals your group want to achieve. The author identifies key themes in specific eras - e.g. Shall be a chief advisor of the Foundation. Section 2. The constitution should also set out the ideals and goals your group want to achieve. > w y v } E bjbj2"2" Ht PH`PH`. >> Article 30: Employment of Staff Committee member: Shall mean a person appointed to act on the Executive Committee of the Foundation or sub-committee of the Foundation in accordance with the provision of the constitution. To organize the youths to come together and air out their day to day social-economic hardships. Supervision and disciplinary of the staffs of the Foundation. The traditional Adventist belief that Christian cannot kill for the sake of the nation-state has been eroded in recent years and Barry Bussey's contributors reflect a range of responses to the question embodied in the title, ranging from serving without bearing arms, to radical pacifism. Web1. It consists of individual entries about spiritual centres (Christian, Buddhist etc), detailing their respective histories and facilities as at 2003. We, the members of BASSA-NGE YOUTH ASSOCIATION, a non-profit making and non-political organization, established for purely humanitarian purposes do firmly and solemnly resolve to live in unity and harmony and to provide for ourselves a Constitution and to be governed by the provisions therein contained. But the stance on the refusal to bear arms has seen a metamorphous in modern times. Article 1: Name of Foundation It should also state the reasons and purpose for which the group is being formed. And, it is non-sectarian, non-political and embracing all the affiliations of the youths. 54 0 obj <> endobj Adobe d C Preamble ??488"o_'PCY|;JmF~jGslz:Tiivyd0i27C|MoC=_IMf/e. Pauline Pneumatology: Where is the Spirit in Colossians? no longer supports Internet Explorer. Any property of the Foundation shall be registered in the names of the Foundation and managed by the Executive Committee according to the direction of the Board of Directors made from time to time. Article X Rules of Order (b) To develop and uphold the best of the cultural, social and economic heritage of the members and their local communities. Article 12: Source of Income/Funding A person shall lose his/her position as a member of the Foundation unless such a person; There shall be an Executive Committee of the Foundation elected by the members of the Foundation to serve a term of 3 years after which they shall be eligible for re-election. The General Assembly had also declared August 12 as International Youth Day (IDY) which was followed all over the world as Youth Day. After the preamble, write Article 1: Name.. [1] 2. Associate Members c. Student Members d. Honorary Members e. Overseas Members 4.2 ORDINARY MEMBERS: Persons who have completed courses related to youth work that are recognized by the Society AND / OR The name of the group shall be Wild about Brighton Youth Group. Review: "As Islamist terrorism, and the West's responses to it, blurs the boundary between sacred and secular, Should I fight? The memorandum and constitution may be modified, enlarged or may be added upon time to time by special resolutions past by the Executive Board of Trustees with the approval of the Chairperson. View and download the template constitution Create a free account F(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?tv} +>hw!+Qo,>tig$g?y~nUPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPqmcgB.k?tv} +>hw!( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (Qo,>tig$g?y~nUWqmcgB.k((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((?tv} +>hw!+Qo,>tig$g?y~nUPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEPEUp}z NOI{u G~Ki(?s!]^e4O@}Gk`kV].?C# viii Another devotional feature, the Morning Watch, is targeted for individual or family time at the beginning of each day. Fraud, i.e. /Subtype /Image WebTHE CONSTITUTION OF ODOLLO SELF HELP GROUP 1. The template consitution was written as a template for Friends of Parks groups, but you can amend it as you wish to fit your own need. To encourage the youths to get involved in communal services. Begin your constitution with a preamble. 0000001036 00000 n The name of the Group shall be BARAKA MEN SELF HELP GROUP hereinafter referred to as The Group. Chernoh Barrie. There shall be no elections for the Board of Trustees, but it will only be comprised of the initiators and the patron of the Foundation. Raising sensitization campaigns amongst the targeted youths community of Bugembe and other neighboring communities within the country at large. 0000011727 00000 n WebTHE CONSTITUTION OF ODOLLO SELF HELP GROUP 1. You can request one from them through their website. endstream endobj startxref OFFICERS Section 1 - Description There shall be a board of trustees of not less than five members including the pastor / director to whom shall be committed the spiritual and daily management of the ministry. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Amendment of the constitution of the Foundation. NAME. KATROPA Sariaya shall advance the economic, social, cultural and environmental rights and welfare of the youth and the people, in general. Shall attend the General Meeting or any other Meetings of the Foundation whenever called upon shall preside over the body Elections. %PDF-1.3 % The offices of the Foundation shall be in Bugembe Town Council of Jinja District, in the Republic of Uganda. Article X Rules of Order THE CONSTITUTION OF BARAKA MEN SELF HELP GROUP. To relate the public with the Foundation through communication using mass media, press and other medias. Article 1: Name of the Foundation 0000009399 00000 n General Sample Constitution of a Self-Help Group in Kenya Download By Terry Gachie - 16321 In case you are in the process of forming a self-help group and need ideas on how to come up with a perfect self-help group constitution, download the sample below. f\gcYG BwU~ve^[ (,S]m%!HXP^"DNip I$|2d OBJECTS. WebCONSTITUTION OF EDUCATIONAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION. &'ZZ7Lm4j( Vqno;U+ucnVOz:Q9p7,uVW}Su[9-j;b N "|x&g_WQ7W Community based organizations (CBOs) are nonprofit groups that work at a local level to improve life for residents. The established strategic services (activities) shall always be worked upon collectively. 4 0 obj WebThis two-part book (published 2003) summarizes the history of over 80 faith groups (Aboriginal, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu etc) across an Australian region known for having numerous, nationally-significant spiritual centres: the Sunshine Coast in Queensland (Australia). No contract involved in the Foundation shall be executed without the seal of the Foundation. The implementation of the policy objectives of the Foundation in accordance with the terms of this constitution. 0000002027 00000 n Membership shall be open to all the youths. WebCONSTITUTION OF EDUCATIONAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION. WebA draft community association constitution is available as an example. This two-part book (published 2003) summarizes the history of over 80 faith groups (Aboriginal, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu etc) across an Australian region known for having numerous, nationally-significant spiritual centres: the Sunshine Coast in Queensland (Australia). Consideration, confirmation and amendments of the constitution and regulation of the Foundation. Download Self Help Group Constitution Sample Chama Constitution Doc 0 The income and property of the foundation whenever derived shall be applied for the promotion of the objectives of the Foundation as set in the constitution. 0000001398 00000 n WebCONSTITUTION OF EDUCATIONAL YOUTH EMPOWERMENT DEVELOPMENT ORGANISATION. uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. Consideration and approval of the annual estimates of the Foundation. Name. x\StUnU^nsILv*0c3 P>_FRK6UX7sFiS5]+ig7uWiR{tO^3 jlj"t=KZ} The annual general meeting shall be held at any place as the Executive Board of Directors shall appoint. )GG%4xo,oxrg+k$(`Jh%3y_:T"}pW7@>o6Fx=I4CXc]P/.E#P%dyE $i-u"w"ta. All minutes of all meetings shall be taken in English. We, the members of BASSA-NGE YOUTH ASSOCIATION, a non-profit making and non-political organization, established for purely humanitarian purposes do firmly and solemnly resolve to live in unity and harmony and to provide for ourselves a Constitution and to be governed by the provisions therein contained. Building consultant with interest in community based organization ( C.B.O. community Bugembe! As an example that the youth and the community about the orientation and of! Centres ( Christian, Buddhist etc ), detailing their respective histories and facilities as 2003! |2D OBJECTS embracing all the youths to get involved in communal services get involved in bank. 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constitution of a youth group pdf