emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08

_____Is Dad cooking dinner tonight or ordering pizza? 106. Showing fairness with competitors. A. composed of employees from all functional areas and managerial levels. Such statements can lead to lawsuits even if they are unintentional. 4. Explanation: Cooling-off laws provide a cooling-off period (usually three days) in which the buyer may cancel the contract, return any merchandise, and obtain a full refund. A research showed that an average buyer remembers only 20% of the things discussed during a sales call. Our Emma Mattresses come in 6 sizes find one that suits you!Twin: 38 x 75- Best for children, teens, or anyone under six feet tall.Twin XL: 38 x 80- Best for growing children and/or teens.Full: 54 x 75 - Best for individuals or couples looking for something compact yet Queen: 60 x 80 - Best for individuals or couples who want extra space.King: 76 x 80 - Best for families who sleep together.California King: 72 x 84- Best for maximized space and comfort for your family and even petsIf youre still undecided on what size to get, wed be more than willing to help you out. Ethical behavior: 49. Should have at least a bachelors degree in engineering. A. sales made in out-of-town offices, regardless of value. A. door-to-door sales are illegal unless being made for nonprofit organizations like schools and Girl Scouts. Go to the Audience section of your account, select Subscriptions from the lefthand menu. Ethics. Laws. Jackson buys 15 units of the same laptop computer for $12,000. C. law of fairness. A tie-in sale occurs when a buyer is required to buy unwanted products in order to purchase another product. Jack walked 4 miles south-east, 8 miles west and then 4 miles northwest. Just open the zipper and separate the top from the bottom part. Did not go to MBA. B. This statement made by a salesperson to a specialty retailer is potentially an example of _____ and may be in violation of the Clayton Act prohibition if the action substantially lessens competition. Methods should be employed to determine whether salespeople give bribes, falsify reports, or pad expenses. Explanation: Providing accurate information, educating customers, and avoiding exaggeration are tactics for avoiding legal problems after the sale. The applicant should: 2. Jason Montgomery, a hospital administrator in Montana, lodged a complaint against the hospital owners when he was asked to keep two sets of accounting records so that the hospital could reduce its tax liability. Glenda is most likely guilty of: 32. Our 0% APR financing with Klarna also gives you the option to make 12 equal payments over the next 12 months. C. price discrimination. Do I need to keep the plastic on the mattress while I'm on the free trial? D. Quantity discounts. D. policy-based moral development. This button displays the currently selected search type. How can an employer reduce its liability in sexual harassment complaints? A. True. Those parts of the world that do not conform to U.S. ethical standards are limited to just three geographic areas. If I get fired, then that's just the way it'll have to be." Decide whether to invite a company to Environmental Protection Conference. Choose 1, L and C must be at both side of the whiteboard. 90. D. gain more customers. C. is also called a whistle-blower. The law covers door-to-door sales of $25 or more. 2. if the candidate fulfills all the conditions except (3), and if the sales region code is less than 10, deliver charges of $5 would be levied. This fixed point of reference would guide Rob to make the most ethical decision. do you think the Klan was not A. breach of trust. A. religion. A ? D. The difference between a business gift and a bribe is quite clear. Four divisions are lead by Alan, Betty, Cathy, Diana. B. False. Given expression: (V # X) / (V X), X ? = 6), which two people sit in front of each other? What can I get away with? Result 1. Yes, the Emma Original is compatible with most bed frames, so long as their slats are no longer than 3 inches apart. 122. 44. C. Commissioned salespeople cannot be bribed because of the commission system. If a manufacturer requires that its wholesalers and retailers buy merchandise only from it, the contract is a(n) _____ contract. D. consensual reporting. Lily is not on the side of the hall where the white board is placed, 2. B. Candidates who fulfill all conditions except (1), but have obtained 75% in their bachelors degree (any computer applications degree like BCA) and have at least 3 years of work experience, may be referred to the Director, 2. Who fulfill all conditions except (4), but are willing to pay an amount of $1000 as security deposit should be referred to the President. Which of the following questions would most likely be asked by a person at the principled level of moral development? B. allows some customers to receive price reductions while others do not. 76. Explanation: Misrepresentation occurs when a salesperson provides false information to a customer. Some times the odd indices follow a pattern and the even indices follow another pattern. A. gives the buyer three weeks to return merchandise. A fixed point of reference is an individual's tool for determining right and wrong and cannot be standardized. Explanation: A code of ethics is a formal statement of the company's values concerning ethics and social issues. It is often easy for salespeople to moonlight because they are not closely supervised; however, moonlighting is unethical. Which of the following sales personnel activities is considered ethically acceptable behavior? Citizenship and Immigration Services launched a virtual assistant named "Emma" today on uscis.gov, allowing applicants to quickly find accurate information. My order is showing delivered but I did not receive it. 142. There are four coordinators named Lily, Cathy,Mary and Nina. 13. He was 26 years old as on 01.01.2012.from aonecode.com, He should be referred to the Deputy General Manager, I alone is sufficient for answering the problem question, II alone is sufficient for answering the problem question, Both together are sufficient for answering the problem question, Both together are not sufficient for answering the problem question, Either of statement is sufficient for answering the problem question, TreeAplitude find max diff in paths from root to leaf, Four Integer, given 4 numbers, find max of abs(res[0] - res[1]) + abs(res[1] - res[2]) + abs(res[2] - res[3]). E. removes the employer's ability to terminate-at-will without justification. 2. C. deals with purchases between $25.00 and $50.00. A. Explanation: Most international firms have high ethical standards, and the ones that do not cannot be defined to a specific region or culture. Emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08. A. religion. E. Responsive. C. policy-based. This site uses cookies to enhance site navigation and personalize your experience. Montgomery was asked to participate in a potentially unethical accounting practice, so he reported the practice to authorities, which made him a whistle-blower. A. is at the conventional level. D. discretionary. Y and Z/Y, which translates to V*X >= V+X, X < Y and Z >= Y, which of the two following expressions is true? Friends, family, and culture may or may not play roles in ethical dilemmas. D. Discretionary. D. a warranty of fact. E. ethical declarations of wrongdoing. Principled. While buying some land, Mike asked the seller's solicitor if there were any restrictive covenants on the land; the solicitor said he did not know of any. Report to HR if a candidate was not majored in CS but has 3 years of CS experience. C. all persons selling directly to consumers must pay a bond. E. fact-finding. Explanation: An ethics committee is a group of executives appointed to oversee company ethics. However, many private employers are giving employees the right to access their personnel files. E. Giving a $10 dollar gift to a $10,000 customer Ionization energy decreases with the increasing size of metal atom. It uses foams certified by CertiPUR-US, which are tested to ensure a low level of VOC emissions that could affect indoor air quality. C. Sharon will have to share commissions from the key account with the home office. (multiple choices). It's wrong and I'm not going to do it. 2,3,7,8,13,14,? B. You can use technical terms to explain your product and its features. The person who operates at the _____ level of moral development would adhere to the Golden Rule of Selling. than 20 percent of individuals reach level 3. 865:532 -> 976:? Circle the conjunctions. B. integrity. At what level of moral development is Jack most likely functioning? 42. A customer is as gullible as a child and hence may ask many questions. This statement by a home appliance salesperson is legally actionable. E. fact-finding. Tie-in sales are prohibited under the Clayton Act. Should get invited. A principled person does the right thing no matter what. A. reciprocity. A. legal outcomes. Explanation: Early termination-at-will cases favored employers and allowed them to terminate employees for any reason, even union membership. Now have some additional hiring rules on candidates: 1. have masters degree. 5. Learn how ThinkFoodGroup uses Emma to pair beautiful templates with relevant messages to delight . Write corr. SELECT ordnum, orddte, O.custnum, custname, C.slsrnumb, slsrname. I ordered an incorrect size, can I still change my order? D. Employee rights. B. door-to-door salespersons who are not residents of the city in which they do business must purchase sales licenses. Donna buys two laptop computers for $2,000. E. Every employee of a U.S. company is subject to U.S. law regardless of the country in which business is conducted. 3. must not have dealership of any other similar company. D. know the technical specifications of the products she sells. however, if the customer fulfills all the conditions except (2), and if the sales region code is less than 10, delivery charges of $10 would be levied. 53. Paula considers herself to be a responsible person. 1316400. 30. C. Conventional. Allows you to share lockdown templates, logos and manage distributed groups and helps turn your busy routines into a streamlined brand. C. government employers. Religious background. A. receivership.. must not have dealership of any other similar company. 10/16=

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emma is a customer whose sales region code is 08