oregon pesticide laws and safety practice test

2. True or False___ 'Weed n Feed' products can be stored . C. Exposure= hazard x toxicity. Run off - depends on slope and soil 0000005740 00000 n before their use in construction, or to field treat utility poles, pilings, bridge supports and similar elements of construction with fumigants or other pesticides. . C. It is not necessary to follow all advice on protective clothing or equipment that appears on the label. Esta licencia se requiere para las personas que usan o supervisan el uso de pesticidas de uso restringido en tierras de produccin agrcola que son de su propiedad, arrendadas o alquiladas por ellos o su empleador. c. incorporation According to a governmental publication in 2009 over 1 billion pounds of pesticides are used in the United States alone, each year, and approximately 5.6 bil Use LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to navigate between flashcards; Use UP and DOWN arrow keys to flip the card; What federal law authorized the regulation of pesticides as we know it today? D. Locate mixing equipment so that leaks or spills flow away from a drain or water source. A. Which statement is true about cleaning pesticide equipment? \hline \text{Conversion cost (incl. stop spraying, move to an untreated area, and use a soft brush to to clean the plugged nozzle. A. This course bundle is designed for the Oregon commercial applicator. Which federal law governs the establishment of pesticide tolerances for food and feed products? A. C. Spill cleanup kit and emergency PPE. Cutting the turf to a height lower than recommended. store herbicides away from other pesticides and seeds, store above 32F, do not reuse container, triple-rinse and dispose in approved landfill. More conferences . C. Pesticides may be flammable but never explosive. Be the first to review this product Authors: Black, Carol , Foss, Carrie R. , Maguire, Rebecca L. SKU: EM012 0000002570 00000 n Get the victim to fresh air immediately. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK 0000112108 00000 n Why are plant growth regulators used in right of ways? However, those wishing to apply soil fumigants must first complete the EPA-approved training. Typically, individuals such as county extension agents, chemical company technical and sales representatives, food processor field representatives and representatives of agricultural supply outlets may need to hold this license. Active and other ingredients D. Seek medical attention immediately for the pesticide handler and have them avoid mixing and loading pesticides for 48 hours after the last exposure. Test Your Knowledge of Some Basic Pesticide Safety Principles. The successful completion of this exam is required as part of the requirements to obtain an aerial pesticide applicators license. This manual is intended to help beginning pest control operators prepare for Washington State pesticide licensing exams. C. Informing the customer of post-application label instructions. describes the products physicals appearance, how product behaves under certain conditions. They define protection of health and environment as contro. True or False___ Pesticide containers must never be reused for another purpose. Preventive and suppressive pest control goals are rarely combined. La Adenda de Oregon tambin se conoce como La Adenda del Manual Bsico de Oregon. Future courses are being scheduled. Using pesticides from the same class of chemicals. b. This category exam covers the use of insecticides and fungicides in the establishment and maintenance of ornamental plants and turf. The most common way for pesticides to enter your body is through _____. 3. persistent pesticides can harm plants and animals. Microbial degradation, chemical degradation, photo degradation, Introduction to Insect and Disease Management, Washington Pesticides Laws and Safety, Pest M, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, Washington Pesticide Laws and Safety Test. A. A. This category exam covers the use of pesticides for the control of moss and algae on structures. Which statement is true about adjuvants? Which statement is true about inducing vomiting for a victim of oral pesticide exposure? small oral dose can kill a person (over teaspoon-1 ounce), Signal word Caution! D. Before inducing vomiting, first give the victim at least 2 glasses of water to dilute the product. A. Oregon Revised Statute 634, Oregons administrative rules oregons main pesticide control laws. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 634) and the Oregon Pesticide Regulations are the main Pesticide Control laws. The pesticide control act on 1972 was introduced to the House of Representatives on Sept. 16 1971. Materiales de Estudio(Requerido para el Examen de Aplicador Privado en Espaol): It is important to note that pre-licensing training courses are not required to sit for exams. All required study materials for each exam offered can be found below. Which statement is true about action thresholds? Select the condition that could help reduce pesticide volatilization: B. adjutants needed (wetting agents, spreader/stickers) Advantages: penetrate waxy surfaces better, low pressure needed. Since rules and regulations may change, use this information as a starting place to determine which regulations apply to your agricultural operation. Chronic: Long term. hazardous to the applicator if concentrated dust is inhaled. \end{array} Washington Poison Center National Hotline: 1-800-222-1222 WSU Privacy Policy c. pruning Weed control on turf and in ornamental plantings. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), protects people in the workplace. D. If there are multiple REIs on a label, the REIs are usually found at the beginning of each use section for each crop. Adems de aprobar el examen de Leyes y Seguridad, se requiere al menos un examen de categora. Review and Full-Length Practice Test . B. Trapping. All formations with the same active ingredient carry the same signal word (T/F), The skull and crossbones symbol must appear on every pesticide label (T/F). \hline Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Harmful Effects Of Pesticides In The United States, Clean Water Act: Legislation To Benefit The Environment, Transformative Essay: The Use Of Pesticides In The World. (Updated Sept. 1, 2022). are a category of products that pose a higher risk to people, animals, or the environment. LAWS AND SAFETY 1) Label comprehension a) The label is the law b) Parts of the label including: i) Restricted-use pesticide (RUP) vs. general-use c. releasing a parasitic wasp Be the first to review this product. B. Granular or pellleted pesticide fromulations are the safest for preventing injury to birds and other animals. A. If a nozzle becomes clogged while spraying, _____. IMMEDIATELY SUPERVISED Pesticide TRAINEE LICENSE. A. Hazard=toxicity x exposure. The oxidation number of $\mathrm{Co}$ is $\rule{1cm}{0.15mm}$. C. Crack and crevice application. Broadcast application. In most legal states, cannabis products that you purchase from a licensed facility are required to undergo a series of tests by a state-accredited lab. This manual discusses federal laws and safety for pesticide applicators. B. Al aprobar con xito el examen, recibir la certificacin para la Licencia de Aplicador Privado de Pesticidas. C. The minimum amount of pesticide residue that may remain on a crop during the growing season. Symptoms: A feeling that something is wrong that only the person who is poisoned can notice. b. planting time This is a stand-alone exam. B. Granules. Harivandi (emeritus), UC Cooperative Extension Alameda County. It indicates that the product has been registered and approved by the EPA, identifies the facility where the pesticide was produced. If you would like a hard copy, please submit the DPR Publication Order Form, PDF. b. Which type of dry/solid pesticide formulation is always dry and can easily drift to non-target sites? d. washing of aphids with a stream of water When do you choose 'all of the above' on a multiple choice test: Which statement is true about pesticide effects on non-target organisms? Each product must be registered every year. Always induce vomiting after a victim has swallowed a pesticide. Store them in the same area as other pesticides but mark them as outdated. Which was not a pre-1900s pesticide? a. drift retardants D. Soluble powders (SP). answers may or may not appear on the exam you will be given. A. dont stick to foliage. Pesticide respirators should be approved by ____. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Pix Paper Inc. produces photographic paper for printing digital images. They must be registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Which is true about REIs (restricted-entry intervals)? B. C. Section 24 (c) dissolve in water to form solutions. C. Select pesticides that tightly adsorb to soil and are not persistent. Airports and ocean ports are monitored by pest quarantine regulatory agencies, Entry of pests across state lines is not regulated, The goal is often to maintain pest damage at economically acceptable levels, Eradication is never the goal of an IPM program, Pesticides are not included in an IPM strategy, Releasing natural enemies to help reduce pest populations, Removing from an area a pest that is a public health concern, The IPM technician needs to implement control measures below the action threshold level, The action threshold for a pest may be set at a zero pest population density, In an urban landscape, action thresholds are usually more related to econoimcs than aesthetics, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), State restrictions on pesticides can be more liberal than those of FIFRA, Approved pesticide labels have the force of law, The EPA has the authority to remove pesticide products from the market, 10 or more acres of land or 1 or more acres of water, 5 or more acres of land or 1 or more acres of water, 7 or more acres of land or 2 or more acres of water, For setting new standards, the FQPA considers aggregate exposures to pesticides but not cumulative exposures, The FQPA does not require review of older pesticides with established residue tolerances on food, Testing of pesticides for endocrine disruption potential is require under the FQPA. Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 634) and the Oregon Pesticide Regulations are the main Pesticide Control laws. JanuaryPaperstockCoatingConversioncost(incl. This category exam covers the use of pesticides to treat wood products (i.e., lumber, poles, ties, etc.) What federal agency enforces food tolerances for pesticide? What should be done if cholinesterase levels fall significantly below baseline? After applying a pesticide, a small amount of it remains on plants and produce. A. DANGER-POISON. 6 ounces One or more external forces are exerted on each object enclosed in a dashed box. Visit NMDeptAg.nmsu.edu for the most up-to-date information. Some pre-licensing courses may be listed in the, Current Issues, Newsletters and Advisories, About Pesticide Licensing and Continuing Education, Pesticide Analytical and Response Center (PARC), How to Register a Pesticide Product in Oregon, Upload Pesticide Product Labels (registrants only), Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO), National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Pesticide Stewardship Partnership Program, Esquemadel examen depesticidas-Espaol, Oficina de publicaciones de la Universidad Estatal de Washington, Scheduling Your Pesticides Exams webpage, ODA-Accredited Continuing Education database, OSU Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) website, Forest Practice Notes (updated January 2022), Forestry Fact Sheet: Herbicide Use in Forestry, Adenda de Oregon (por el momento, solo disponible en ingls), Agriculture: Insecticide/Fungicide exam outline, Agriculture: Soil fumigation exam outline, Agriculture: Vertebrate Pests exam outline, Animal Damage Control in Washington (EB1147), Controlling Pocket Gopher Damage to Agricultural Crops(EC 1117), Controlling Ground Squirrel Damage to Forages & Field Crops (EC 1429), Meadow Voles and Pocket Gophers: Management in Lawns, Gardens, and Cropland(PNW 627), Demonstration and research pest control training manual, Forest Environment Pesticide Study Manual, Pacific Northwest Weed ManagementHandbook, Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural: General Pest, Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural: Moss Control, Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural: Space Fumigation, Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural: Structural Pest, Industrial, Institutional, Health, and Structural: Wood Treatment, Wood Preservation and Wood Products Treatment Training Manual (EM 8403), Wood Pole Maintenance Manual (1996 Ed. 5,800 mg/kg Each product must be registered each year En el futuro, las regulaciones federales requerirn que los aplicadores privados aprueben exmenes adicionales para aplicar fumigantes de suelo y no suelo. Induce vomiting with the victim lying flat on his back. requires employers to train their employees to recognize chemical hazards - using the information provided on product labels and in safety data sheets - and to take the necessary precautions to protect themselves. New Mexico State University. C. Physical or chemical hazard. They can only be purchased by a person with a pesticide license; use requires supervision by a licensed applicator. They posses pesticidal activity. Which practice would help prevent groundwater or surface water contamination? Considering the numerous amounts of health problems pesticides have caused, there is no question that they should be illegal. A. 0000059752 00000 n Check with the pesticide regulatory agency within your individual state, tribe, territory, or federal . A. For which pesticides can 2-PAM be used as an antidote? The data that accompany this exercise show weekly stock prices for Home Depot. D. Pest threshold. What effects cholinesterase levels in the blood? C. Action threshold. Biological control. Evaluate the air properties at $120^\circ C.$. Nota: Actualmente, no se requiere este examen para la certificacin de la categora de organismos incrustantes marinos. The chemical name and 75 percent inert ingredients formulated as a wettable powder. This question has been developed over the past year and is used to help train our current and future employees. Restricted use pesticides except vertebrates, or commercial test. D. CAUTION. - use of restricted pesticides to be by a certified or work under the direct supervision of a licenced private applicator. Which is absorbed more easily through the skin, oil or water based pesticide? C. Recycle them by mixing them with other pesticide products. \hline \text{Coating}&\$ 11,520 & \$ 11,856 & \$ 12,960 & \$ 15,667 & \$ 16,320 & \$ 18,432 \\ d. high volatility. Approved pesticide labels have the force of law C. The EPA has the authority to remove pesticide products from the market D. None of the above 13. The maximum amount of pesticides residue that may legally remain on or in a commodity at the time of harvest or slaughter. the does of pesticide that kills half of animals (50%) in a does response study. Pesticides containing oils or petroleum products are the least flammable. We Are Open & Here To Help! B. The life of a cartridge depends on a lot of variables (T/F). O*?f`gC/O+FFGGz)~wgbk?J9mdwi?cOO?w| x&mf endstream endobj 13 0 obj <>stream Introduction to Insect and Disease Management A study guide for managers of agricultural and ornamental plant pests. Pesticide degration processes can be beneficial because they reduce the amount of pesticide residue in the environment (T/F). ", Their use is a hazard to the applicator or the environment, What does not have to be on your application records: The actual test is only 50 questions. Must have passing score on privet applicator exam and licensing fee. We created this quiz to help prepare applicators that are taking their core pesticide exam. Which of the following is important to consider when purchasing and applying a pesticide? .HLNq Avvny%@!7C=i (ON-pqI(#8c=C#C -w endstream endobj 1 0 obj <> endobj 7 0 obj [/ICCBased 10 0 R] endobj 10 0 obj <>stream 1. Get Free Oregon Pesticide Laws And Safety Study Guide Pdf For Free . pest numbers reach a level above which there is a risk to that the grower could lose money. Our website has changed! The rules apply to highly toxic, flammable, or explosive substances. High rates of evaporation and high temperatures reduce drift. Post signs that indicate combustible materials are stored at the facility. Study Material (Required for English Laws and Safety Exam): Note: separate study materials are currently used for the English and Spanish exams. B. June 5 & 6, 2023 Pendleton. La Adenda de Oregon y el Manual Bsico de Certificacin Nacional de Aplicadores de Pesticidas son materiales de estudio necesarios para prepararse para el Examen de Leyes y Seguridad. Exams are listed in alphabetical order by license type. low risk ingredients, tiny particles or droplets are surrounded by a coating to give small capsules. \hline \text{Pounds transferred out}&96,000 & 91,200 & 86,400 & 92,160 & 81,600 & 76,800 \\ Skill Level. B. Granules (G) when pest numbers surpass economic threshold than the cost of control is equal to the value of the yield or quality that you would lose without control measures, Before buying, mixing, applying or storing pesticides, chemical names, directions, signal words, PPE, EPA registration and establishment number, contents of the pesticide product, details active ingredients and amount of each ingredient in a percent form, EPA registration number must appear on the label. D. Agricultural use requirement. Which of the following pesticide characteristics contribute to an increased potential for groundwater contamination: Two or more pesticides that cannot mixed together effectively are said to be ______. -employer must provide info and assistance about pesticide use, reentry, potential health effects or other hazards, Makes sure employers and workers learn about the dangerous chemicals they use, Protects threatened and endangered species, What requirements are needed for a private pesticide applicator. E6S2)212 "l+&Y4P%\%g|eTI (L 0_&l2E 9r9h xgIbifSb1+MxL0oE%YmhYh~S=zU&AYl/ $ZU m@O l^'lsk.+7o9V;?#I3eEKDd9i,UQ h6'~khu_ }9PIo= C#$n?z}[1 D. The construction of snow barriers to minimize accumulation of snow in problem areas. Can you pass the exam? D. Non-powered particulate respirators use a fan to help draw air through a cartridge. C. Most livestock poisoning by pesticides occurs when they breathe in vapors from nearby treated fields. -civil penalties when the violation of a regulation is unintentional The label recommends applying pesticide at a rate of 6 ounces of product per gallon. A. Ultra-low volume (ULV). Find out how you can intelligently organize your Flashcards. This course explores ODA's licensing and certification processes. What should you do with clothing made of cotton or polyester that has been heavily contaminated with pesticides labeled with the signal word DANGER-POISON, DANGER, OR WARNING? The maximum amount of a pesticide residue that is allowed on food or feed crops. A 24 hour notice is required to schedule, or reschedule any exam. ( ORS 634 ) and the Oregon commercial applicator i.e., lumber, poles, ties,.... Applying a pesticide or in a dashed box to Form solutions preventing to! Triple-Rinse and dispose in approved landfill is required to schedule, or the environment ( T/F ), submit. 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oregon pesticide laws and safety practice test