shenandoah river pollution

For more than 20 years, DuPont leaked mercury from the textile plant into the South River, eventually ending up in the Shenandoah River. Xranks ! Network Headquarters Those behind the report, however, have focused their criticism on the state. There are sections where its just completely unproductive to go fish anymore because the algae is taking up all the oxygen and the fish just cant survive, he said Wednesday in a conference call with reporters. All of our protocols are peer reviewed. Shenandoah National Park consists of nearly 200,000 acres of protected land in Northern Virginia and boasts over 500 miles of hiking trails, the 105 mile Skyline Drive with beautiful views, and thousands of living creatures, including the endangered Shenandoah Salamander that is only found in the park. We hope this lawsuit will change that, said Mark Frondorf, Shenandoah Riverkeeper. Virginia should strengthen its bacteria standards and post swimming advisory signs in freshwater areas used by rafters and swimmers that are contaminated with fecal bacteria, especially now that rafting and tubing season is starting up on the Shenandoah River, said Eric Schaeffer, Executive Director of the Environmental Integrity Project. Henrico County and environmental groups involved in a lawsuit over pollution from a local sewage treatment facility reached a settlement requiring the county to notify the public of overflows, ramp up system improvements and invest $1 million in environmental work. The agreement comes in response to a lawsuit filed by community and conservation organizations late last year. DEQs refusal to even evaluate this evidence to make an impairment determination is unacceptableas is EPAs failure to step in and perform its oversight duties as the Clean Water Act requires it to do., Phillip Ellis, Earthjustice, (202) 745-5221, Mark Frondorf, Shenandoah Riverkeeper, (571) 969-0746, Phillip Musegaas, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, (914) 806-0916, Hershel Finch, Warren County, VA Chapter of Izaak Walton League of America, (540) 270-1590, Stephan J. Kimm, Potomac River Smallmouth Club, (703) 928-5473, Potomac Riverkeeper March 1, 2023. The Virginia Department of Health issued an alert Aug. 5 warning the public to avoid contact with the potentially toxic algae. (For specifics, see Appendix C). They stop pollution to promote safe drinking water, protect healthy river habitats, and enhance public use and enjoyment. The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, non-profit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Shenandoah features waterfalls, quiet woods, wildflower fields, rocky hiking trails, and so much more. "Instead of solving the problem, the DuPont funded team is just generating lots of reports, not one of which is aimed toward a cleanup.". Austin, TX 78701. Last month, the DuPont Company announced its plan to stop mercury from contaminating the South River, which is one of the leading tributaries for the South Fork of the Shenandoah. Agricultural runoff in the Shenandoah Valley are causing the algae outbreaks. Together, farmers in Augusta, Page, Rockingham and Shenandoah counties raise more than 172 million chicken and turkeys a year and more than half a million dairy and beef cows, the report says. In a victory for clean water, the Environmental Protection Agency announced its intent today to publish updated water-pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and animal rendering facilities by August 2025. Mark also served onthe Board of Directors for the Mid-Atlantic Federation of Fly Fishers. But those 2012 EPA criteria recommended that states continue using a trigger value for issuing short-term advisories to swimmers in freshwater areas called the beach action value of 235 counts of E. coli/100 ml water. Network Headquarters The Environmental Integrity Project analyzed hundreds of state records for the report released Wednesday. The organization says it has approximately 35,000 farmer members. Women who are pregnant or may become pregnant, nursing mothers, and young children should not eat fish from these waters. The . Despite the years of growing evidence of impairment, EPA failed to take the action required by the Clean Water Act to limit the pollution causing these algae blooms,said Jennifer Chavez, the Earthjustice attorney representing the river groups. Total Wages: Total wages reported by the employer from Box 5 of the W-2, with some exceptions, and Elected Officials who received pay reported on IRS Form 1099. Determine the natural range of variability in water chemistry (including bacterial composition). This landscape and the park's many different . When they find that a facility is violating its pollution permit, they consider factors, such as the impact of the violations on public health, and the size and scope of the violations, before taking action. Warren County is the only county in Virginia that contains all three sections of the Shenandoah River, both north and south forks and the main stem, said Herschel Finch, conservation chairman of the Izaak Walton League of Americas Warren County chapter. The Shenandoah is one of the most beautiful rivers in the countryand a popular recreation destination. Makes it easier to find and report pollution and to report the fun things you see and do on the river. State Disclosures, Nancy Marks, NRDC, 212-727-4414; Michael Town, Sierra Club, 804-225-9113; 804-319-6083. Lives are lost every year from this pollution, and our economy is forced to bear the burden of . Last year, health officials placed 52 miles of its length under advisory from early August to mid-September after discovering cyanobacteria in the water. But it's threatened by the failure of state and federal authorities to stop excessive nutrientsand the algae they producefrom entering the river. A potentially harmful chemical has been found in drinking water systems that serve about 7.5 million California residents, according to a report by a nonprofit environmental organization. In the Shenandoah River basin, drought conditions this summer set the stage for a bloom that began to grow in July. When they find that a facility is violating its pollution permit, they consider factors, such as the impact of the violations on public health, and the size and scope of the violations, before taking action. Virginia is required by the Act to consider all information about stream impairments when updating its list. Potomac Riverkeeper Network undertakes a number of activities and projects that enhance the use and enjoyment of our rivers, with the ultimate goal of increasing public awareness of and participation in protection of the rivers. Other states, including Maryland and Pennsylvania, still use this freshwater beach action value.. All Rights Reserved. At any given time, the three Riverkeepers are working on roughly two dozen active enforcement and advocacy matters, including commenting on pollution permits when they are up for renewal, pushing government regulators to recognize major pollution problems and act on them, and filing lawsuits against polluters and government agencies that are allowing pollution to continue unchecked. Interactive map of the South River Science Team showing the fish consumption advisories:, Purpose and roles of the SRST:, SRST Mercury Fact Sheet:, SRST newsletter going into great detail as to how they are going to perform the remediation:, Potomac Riverkeeper They also harm native grasses and affect aquatic life. If they do not, they begin legal actions by filing a mandatory 60-day letter of intent to sue under the Clean Water Act. Small farms, when viewed as one, represent a large portion of the agricultural sector in the Shenandoah Valley and other parts of the Potomac River watershed. Herschel Finch, a fisher, kayaker and the conservation chairman of the Potomac River Smallmouth Club, said when he moved to the Shenandoah Valley in 1977, the fishing was fantastic. The Potomac Riverkeeper Network is a Unfortunately, much of it is making its way into our rivers, causing serious threats to wildlife and public health, a new study found. When you sign up you'll become a member of NRDC's Activist Network. Protocols describe how we monitor. No more than two meals pound each or the size of your hand of fish per month should be eaten from the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. In this case, Virginia would be required to develop limits on the total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus being discharged into the Shenandoah that are protective enough to prevent algae blooms and improve water quality. Monitoring Program For more data and information on bacteria testing in the Shenandoah Valley, visit EIPs web page on water quality in the Valley. Find out how. People might be upset by warning signs, but the signs would increase public pressure on state lawmakers to invest the funds and effort needed to reduce pollution for example, by requiring farmers to fence their herds of cattle out of the Shenandoah River, said Schaeffer, former Director of Civil Enforcement at EPA. * Explicit or vulgar language Almost of half of the impaired waters in the Shenandoah Valley lack either the cleanup plans or implementation plans required by federal and state law. Discover 11 fun facts about the mysterious, magical powers of trees and how we can help support them! Unfortunately, to date, such efforts have not been successful.. Virginia did not follow that recommendation, and instead eliminated its state freshwater beach action value.. SEATTLE (AP) A company that operates a century-old hydroelectric dam near Mount Rainier National Park and its chief operating officer each pleaded guilty to a single criminal count Monday in connection with a spill of synthetic field turf and the tiny rubber particles used to make it into the Puyallup River in 2020.. Cement manufacturers are dumping their pollution into Virginian communities with impunity. The Commonwealth should also issue rules to require all farmers to fence their cattle out of streams and rivers. Inevitably, humans shaped the river back. If they do not, they begin legal actions by filing a mandatory 60-day letter of intent to sue under the Clean Water Act. Virginia eliminated its state freshwater beach action value in October 2019 and changed its impairment value. Recent heavy flooding in the Shenandoah Valley from Hurricane Isabel heightens the groups' concerns of contamination, since much of the mercury from the plant is thought to remain in floodplain. Financial statements can be provided upon request. The Riverkeeper programs also work on some policy and legislative issues related to our work protecting access to the rivers. Despite its popularity, the river is often unsafe for swimming. Every year they host RiverPalooza, a series of paddling events. The most important way Virginia could better implement its TMDLs would be to impose regulations that reduce the chronic over-application of manure to farm fields, especially those adjacent to waterways. Some fish in the two rivers currently have mercury levels more than eight times the level at which the state issues health advisories. A recent report found that 90 percent of the water quality monitoring stations along the Shenandoah River and its tributaries detected fecal bacteria (E. coli) at levels unsafe for human contact between 2014-2016." The report focuses on four counties in the bucolic Shenandoah Valley watershed that are also home to a large-scale farming industry. Rather than take what the plaintiffs see as effective enforcement action to make DuPont clean up, state and federal regulators have joined DuPont in a collaborative South River Science Team to examine various aspects of the mercury contamination as part of a 100-year monitoring plan. Once your report is submitted it will be sent to your local Waterkeeper and to a live map available on the Water Reporter Website. for iPhone and iPad is now available for download for free! Please use language that is accurate and respectful. The lawsuit says EPA did not fulfill its duty under the Clean Water Act when it approved Virginias decision not to identify the Shenandoah Rivers algae impairment on the states list of quality-impaired rivers and streams. That type of blue-green algae can release toxins that, when touched or swallowed, can lead to rashes and gastrointestinal illness. In the absence of a mechanism for conducting frequent seasonal bacteria monitoring at freshwater beaches, VDH lacks the data necessary to make advisory decisions for these waters, Smigo wrote in an email. Hear from a lawn care professional on how to harness natures power and take steps to ensure your lawn, big or small, is river friendly! The new standard tolerates higher concentrations of E. coli bacteria (410 counts of E coli bacteria per 100 ml of water, instead of 235 counts under the old standard) and requires more frequent testing to designate a waterway as impaired., VDEQ said they changed their standards in 2019 to follow updated recommended bacteria criteria published by EPA in 2012. But the state provides no such notice when the Shenandoah Valley and other rivers and streams are contaminated, even when E. coli levels are more than 100 times the recreational limit, it says. Rising salt levels in the Potomac River threaten wildlife, drinking water. However, Virginia posted no signs warning rafters, kayakers, or swimmers about health threats as it does regularly with swimming advisories on ocean beaches and in saltwater areas. Partly in response to that report and its own follow up study, Virginia boosted its reimbursement rates for farmers who install fencing, leading to increased sign-ups for the fencing reimbursement program last year. But unlike in DC where sewage overflows are to blame, its agricultural runoff thats harming the Shenandoah. Shenandoah 571.969.0746 POLLUTION REPORT HOTLINE Shenandoah 571.969.0746 Upper Potomac 443.480.8970 Potomac 336.809. . When it comes to E. coli, Virginia should do a better job of issuing public advisories about the elevated levels, the report advises. Mark Frondorf, the Shenandoah Riverkeeper, said: Virginia should not implement a two-tiered system that protects saltwater beach goers at the expense of folks living, working and recreating in the Shenandoah watershed. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. The Virginia Farm Bureau Federation is responding by calling the report "an opinion piece.". The organizations that filed the lawsuit want the state to list the river as impaired, which would require Virginia to impose pollution limits and work to improve the water quality. We aim to provide a forum for fair and open dialogue. It can be fatal to dogs and other animals. The Blue Ridge Physiographic Province within the Mid-Atlantic Network contains portions of the headwaters for three major watersheds: the Rappahannock, the Shenandoah, and the James Rivers. It has never issued public health advisories or posted signs in freshwater areas like the Shenandoah River, even though rafting and swimming are common in the scenic waterway. And many of the plans that have been in place for years have failed because they lack any enforcement or funding mechanisms and because monitoring has been inadequate. Schaeffer was formerly the director of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys office of civil enforcement. Shenandoah Riverkeeper, represented by Earthjustice, filed a notice of intent to sue the EPA for its failure to act in the face of this threat. Cleaning up our local streams and creeks isn't just good for public health. This is a transmission line to get fracked gas out of Pennsylvania and West Virginia and ship it down to North Carolina and Portsmouth, Virginia. These Combined Sewer Overflows release pollutants like fecal coliform bacteria and e. coli into the waterway that can sicken animals, fish, and humans, and deplete oxygen levels causing harmful algal blooms. But 47 percent of the waterways impaired by bacteria in the Shenandoah Valley lack either cleanup or implementation plans. The agency has refused, even as evidence of the impairment has grown. Photo credit: Alan Lehman, Program Manager, Shenandoah Riverkeeper. Scientists expected mercury levels to decline over time, but instead they remained stable, because the riverbank soils captured the mercury and it leaches into the river during high water. Having guided on the Shenandoah and Potomac for almost twenty years, Mark Frondorf comes to the Shenandoah Riverkeeper position used to hard work and r Hayden said no one at the agency had reviewed the report yet, so he couldnt comment on the specifics. It could be your lawn. & Waterkeepers Chesapeake. Shenandoah River The famed Shenandoah River is the major waterway and drainage system of the Shenandoah Valley. PRKNs EIN # is 54-1982624. The river is a popular recreation spot, and the excessive pollution levels pose a threat to local residents, wildlife, and underwater vegetation. Resource briefs are short PDFs summarizing our monitoring programs or results. They notify government oversight agencies, contact the polluter, and if needed, take legal action if other actions do not result in improvements. Get an email notification whenever someone contributes to the discussion. "I am always very careful about getting in this water. The Shenandoah is such a beautiful and historic place and such a treasured spot for fishing, tubing, and recreation Virginia really needs to get more serious about protecting it, said Eric Schaeffer, Executive Director of the Environmental Integrity Project and former Director of Civil Enforcement at EPA.. Most of all, Virginia needs to regulate the growing livestock industry to stop the chronic overapplication of fertilizer to farm fields, and mandate livestock fencing along streams.. Small changes can make a big difference. Waste-water treatment, residential runoff and wildlife also impact water quality, he said. His passion for the water,combined with his people and analytical skills, honed over 25 years as a think tank seniorpolicy analyst tackling some of the most vexing issues facing our nation, make him ideallysuited to defend the Shenandoah against pollution, protect our right to clean water, andpromote the recreational use of this beautiful river. For most of this country's history, wetlands were seen as an impediment to development. The Potomac River has been shaping its physical surroundings for over 3 million years when it was first formedand for thousands of years, it has played a critical role in the lives of the communities that settled along its banks. All Rights Reserved. But many farms still lack livestock fencing. Rappahannock River Basin, Roanoke and Yadkin River Basin, Shenandoah River Basin, . While we acknowledge DuPonts commitment to the community, and agreeing to stabilize the riverbank by employing a impermeable barrier and covering that with additional clay, soil and native plants, it has been 66 years thats right 66 years since the active leaking stopped. Mercury is a neurotoxin and it is not to be trifled with. The South River Science Team was established in 2001 and began conducting studies to understand how mercury enters the South River and why mercury in South River and South Fork Shenandoah River fish continue to remain elevated some 60 years after it was used at the former DuPont facility in Waynesboro, Virginia. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality has also assessed a very low percentage of waters, leaving residents guessing whether it is safe to swim and recreate in the rivers and streams.. The Environmental Integrity Project and Shenandoah Riverkeeper released a report in 2019 that used aerial photography to document that only about 20 percent of livestock farms in Virginias biggest agricultural counties, Rockingham and Augusta counties in the Shenandoah Valley, had fenced their cattle out of streams and rivers. If youre out and about and see debris flowing from a construction site, cows in your stream, or a pipe discharging questionable water, use the app to report it. That algae buildup can then get in the way of the fishing and paddling industries. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. For example, EIP examined 11 watershed cleanup implementation plans in the Shenandoah Valley, and found that the state was not following its the water quality monitoring requirements in 10 of them. The. There are 80,000 chemicals in the US marketplace. Shenandoah Riverkeeper, Potomac Riverkeeper Network, the Warren County Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America, and the Potomac River Smallmouth Club filed the suit and are represented by Earthjustice. Those animals generate more than 410,000 tons of poultry litter and about 1 billion gallons (3.8 billion liters) of liquid manure a year. Local groups challenge EPAs approval of Virginias decision to not list the Shenandoah as impaired, despite excessive algae blooms and nutrient pollution. As a result of high air pollution levels, atmospheric deposition is the greatest threat to protected mountain streams. They include a descriptive narrative of what we monitor and why, our field methods, how we analyze and manage our data, and more. A recent report found that 90 percent of the water quality monitoring stations along the Shenandoah River and its tributaries detected fecal bacteria (E. coli) at levels unsafe for human contact between 2014-2016. Mark Frondorf, Shenandoah Riverkeeper, said: Virginia has failed to implement plans already on the books that would actually result in improved water quality in the Shenandoah Valley. CAPTION: A Symbol Of Pollution Is No More Cameras rolling, onlookers view the demolition of the 30-story smokestack of the the former Avtex Fibers plant, a Superfund site on Virginia's. This is not a day for ribbon cutting and balloons; this is a day a long-time in coming. Discharge Pipes (or any other apparent point source pollution) - Discharge pipes that are discolored, emitting a foul odor, a lot of foam, or some other detectable pollution fall under this . Shenandoah Riverkeeper works to protect the public's right to clean water in our rivers and streams. RICHMOND, Va. (AP) In a story April 26 about a report on pollution in the Shenandoah River, The Associated Press reported erroneously that the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation has 3,500 farmer members. That advisory continues today. It's just dangerous," said Herschel Finch, a fisherman in Front Royal. Periodically, we publish reports that describe what we are learning in the field. The Natural Resources Defense Council works to safeguard the earth - its people, Among the causes: nutrient pollution from fertilizers and sewage, as well as increasing problems from climate change, such as extreme wet and dry spells and warmer water temperatures. In the event that discussions break down, or improvements stall, the program will use local regulations where they exist that may compel farmers to make changes. (Alan Lehman/Shenandoah Riverkeeper). But now we understand how paving over wetlands means destroying incalculable ecological services - and some of the Potomac River regions most magical travel destinations. No fish other than trout should be eaten from the South River. The members of our local chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America stand shoulder to shoulder with our local Riverkeepers and others to ensure this river is restored, and remains the national treasure we know it to be.. Some of problems are old and ongoing, but others are new. Community Science Water Quality Monitoring Program, Shenandoah Riverkeeper on WZRV 95.3 The River, the DuPont Company announced its plan to stop mercury from contaminating the South River,,, The warning signs could include a website or hotline that people could use to get the most recent bacteria monitoring information. Paddling on the South Fork of the Shenandoah River in the George Washington National Forest. Only 21 percent of the rivers and streams miles in the Shenandoah Valley, and 22 percent statewide, have been assessed by the state to determine if they are impaired with pollutants. Because of the sensitivity of the streams to acidification, long-term monitoring of stream water chemistry and hydrogeochemical processes is a major component of the Inventory and Monitoring Program. In a victory for clean water, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today announced its intent to publish updated water pollution control standards for slaughterhouses and animal rendering facilities by August 2025, following a lawsuit filed by community and conservation organizations late last year. Trees do so much for our climate and clean water, but what do they do for our health? The proposed construction of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline would impact the headwaters of the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. keep you informed with the latest alerts and progress reports. Last year, pollution credit trading allowed the Strasburg Sewage Treatment Plant to release 2,942 pounds of phosphorus into the North Fork of the Shenandoah, according to the new Environmental . Washington, D.C. Almost three quarters of water quality monitoring sites in Virginias scenic Shenandoah Valley had levels of fecal bacteria last year that were so high that EPA would consider them unsafe for swimming. All rights reserved. * Misrepresentation of your identity or affiliation Ninety-two percent of every dollardonated goes directly to efforts to reduce illegal pollution. Their stories of recovery are nothing short of inspiring. You have permission to edit this article. VDEQ intends to complete the bacteria pilot study in 2021 and will share the results with the public., VDEQ in October 2019 also modified the standard that the state uses to determine if waterways are impaired for recreation, a determination that triggers requirements for long-term clean-up plans under the federal Clean Water Act. Shenandoah RIVERKEEPERMark Frondorf joined Potomac RIVERKEEPERNetwork in 2015. Document changes in stream channel characteristics at sampling sites. Spanning over 200,000 acres of land, the park is known for its beautiful views, natural landscape, and diverse wildlife. In addition to E. coli, which can sicken the swimmers, fishermen and tubers who flock to the river, the report also found elevated levels of phosphorous, which contributes to the growth of algae blooms and low-oxygen dead zones.. . EPA should have identified the Shenandoah River as impaired based on extensive data demonstrating that widespread algae blooms prevent the river from meeting Virginias water quality standards. Bill Hayden, a spokesman for the Department of Environmental Quality, said the state health department is responsible for deciding when and where to notify the public about water quality. The company, Electron Hydro LLC, also will pay $1 million that mostly . 7 benefits of urban trees for communities, clean water, and more! 5 *completely legal* ways to pollute the Potomac, 6 local wetlands to quench your wanderlust. On October 21, 2019, Virginia changed its standards for the amount of bacteria that is acceptable for water-contact recreation, such as the swimming, tubing, and kayaking that are popular in the summer in the Shenandoah Valley. If constructed, this pipeline will traverse the South River, one of two rivers that join up down by Waynesboro to form the South Fork of the Shenandoah River. However, those numbers could soon fall not because the waters are any cleaner, but because Virginia recently revised its water quality standards to tolerate higher concentrations of fecal bacteria, according to EIPs report. For Immediate Release. 3070 M St, NW For decades, Virginia has collected bacteria data in both fresh and saltwater areas of the state, but has only posted warning signs for swimmers on ocean and saltwater beaches. The regions leading clean water advocate, fighting to ensure the Potomac River boasts clean drinking water, healthy lands, and connected communities. 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shenandoah river pollution