the civil war bruce catton summary

Why was this campaign considered to be high risk? Mr. Catton makes it clear that the war could not be won with naval strength. Admiral Farragut was able to win at Mobile Bay and close another Southern port. Covering events from the prelude of the conflict to the death of Lincoln, Catton blends a gripping narrative with deep, yet unassuming, scholarship to bring the war alive on the page in an almost novelistic way. Where I do feel the author falls a little short is getting to the point. Though this was not originally his purpose (his goal was to defeat the Confederate troops led by Hood), this was a good victory which rose the moral of the soldiers and citizens of the North. The other victory was of the Shenandoah Valley. General Braxton Bragg tried to capitalize on that by storming up the Mississippi and up the Ohio. He was attempting to engage Forrest at Nashville. Chapter 10: The author does a very good job telling this armies story. Ch. Lincoln closed all ports and had the ports start building ships. Chapter Ten: Chapter 5: Because of the canal at Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, the North could get an unlimited supply of iron ore from the Lake Superior ranges. They were fast, not very visisble ships that made a dash through Federal cruisers to North Carolina. Chapter 14 It is strange to me that such little consideration was given to threats of secession back then in comparison to what a threat like that would be met with today. It existed from 1861, when the first states began seceding and joining together, until the end of the American Civil War in 1865, . His education at Oberlin College, Ohio, was interrupted by two years of naval service in World War I and was subsequently abandoned for a career in journalism. At the end of the war Grant wrote Lee telling his army to lay down their weapons and go home. The Wilmot Proviso, the Fugitive Slave Act, and Uncle Toms Cabin all stirred up different opinions on slavery, most of which were negative opinions by the North. Ch. Yet it shows the economic, political, and individual actions, thoughts, and destructions, this novel also shares the military side of the war. Abraham Lincoln was nominated president of the Union with his running colleague Andrew Johnson. 2: In what areas did soldiers not get enough training? Ones first thought would be that the loss of trade to the South would put them in a terrible position, but other areas came and grew that did much better than make up for the Souths demand. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Picture History Of The Civil War ~ Bruce Catton ~ Easton Press Leather at the best online prices at eBay! Both armies had issues and mistakes during the battle, but the Confederates found that it was easier to fight defensively than offensively in the case of untrained troops. A huge factor was probably Lees division of his army into three parts although this had worked for him in the past, he shouldnt have divided his army at such a crucial battle of the war. What was the new commanders greatest strength which made this a timely change? . In the fall of 1861, the Civil War almost included Great Britain. I think it was very bold of Sherman to propose such a plan to Grant, and it kind of seems like Sherman thought he was smarter than Grant. The British tried to help the South by building them commerce raiders, but the Union made it very clear that interference would result in more war. I would recommend Shelby Foote's masterwork trilogy, The Civil War: A Narrative. We will discuss each of these events in detail when we cover the Civil War in class. Through his pioneering histories of the Civil War, it was said, Bruce Catton "made us hear the sounds of battle and cherish peace." IN 1923 A YOUNG REPORTER FOR THE CLEVELAND PLAIND DEALER set out to interview Civil War veterans for a special Fourth of July feature that would appear in the newspaper under the headline "The Fading Line of Blue." Great writing. Most of the Navys ships were seafaring ships with sails. Ch. Bragg took his force and dug in along the slopes rather than the crest of Lookout Mountain. Jackson went first, running into Popes army. In the bloodiest day of fighting in the Civil War, the North gained the initiative in the war. Concise yet comprehensive history of the events leading to and including the entire Civil War. The governments of the North and South played a role in their success. How were the English people divided in their view of the war? The three armies combined under Shermans command in the West were the Army of the Tennessee (under James McPherson), the Army of the Cumberland (under Thomas), and the Army of the Ohio (a very small army under John Schofield). He was selfish in his and his states interest to the detriment of the country. Grant got his first recognition when he took Fort Henry and Fort Donelson. Show more. The Civil War Preservation Trust is America's largest non-profit organization devoted to the preservation of our nation's endangered Civil War battlefields. 17 Chapter 10 discusses the differences between European armies and the Union and Confederate armies. General McClellan replaced McDowell as commander of the Army of the Potomac. The purpose is to pull out the major points of each chapter. Burnside lacked the mental agility to change his plan and therefore went through with his original plan of building bridges. The Merrimac was out of commission in the Norfolk navy yard at the beginning of the war. Lees next objective was to take Pennsylvania but he was stopped from doing so by McClellan at the battle of Antietam. The South could of gotten more weapons but they had stopped shipping cotton to England in hopes of making them join in on the war. FREE Standard shipping on all items. Before this point in the war, the majority of Union soldiers did not care about the abolition of slavery. Halleck started out with an army so great that it was guarenteed offensive victory before even fighting, but Halleck split his army into detachments giving them different duties and regions to protect and allowing the Confederate army to have the momentum. This is my second re-read of the trilogy which made up the first three volumes in my library. ISBN 13. I personally think that the British overreacted because their pride was hurt, especially if they had done this type of thing before. He decided there needed to be a peace between the two regions so they needed to begin acting that way immediately. Chapter 2: Summary; Recently Viewed; Bids/Offers; Watch List; Purchase History; Selling; Saved Searches . McClellan was very organized and cautious with his troops. The South could have built up a navy to compete with the navy that the North was building, but they did not have to raw materials or factories to do so. The Union had won the war, Ch 18 Catton is a very skilled writer. Catton covers both the military perspective as well as the political aspects of war. In a Republic, a war couldnt be fought without the support of the countries citizens. Compare the cabinets of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln? But Rosecrans took it too far and tried it again and Bragg stood his ground and forced Rosecrans back into Chattanooga and sealed him there. What changes were made? They were almost just as disorganized and hurt as the Union army, but they did not have to trudge home. Booth was boastful of his plans. Sku. On the Confederate side, Leonidas Polk foresaw the Union move for KY. 14 3. 4. What were the consequences? Why didnt the North and the South take the other side seriously prior to the start of the war? 1. During the time, slaves really were what made the South their profit with cotton. He was well liked and his record of performance was good. Even though Atlanta was not the objective, Sherman did it anyway on his quest to destroy Johnstons army. Since Southerners grew up shooting guns and hunting they were basically a perfect soldier. The radicals wanted payment beyond the lives that had already been given for their cause. What would have been the probable result if Lincoln had lost the election? Not a military history, with in-depth descriptions and analysis of campaigns. There were three major Union armies during the winter of 1862-1863. Why was Maryland more important than others? Sherman makes a decision that was very risky, I probably would not have went through with it, but it worked for him. He moved toward Atlanta, but his goal was Joe Johnston. Sherman put together three armies: Army of the Tennessee under Major General McPherson, the Army of the Cumberland under Thomas, and the Army of the Ohio under Schofield. I have three reasons for why I think the South was effected more than the Union. The men did what they were supposed to do and said Sir when they were supposed to. Even without these machines, production still wouldve grown due to European immagrants. Catton has clear prose, and while you might be tempted to disagree with some of his conclusions he is a careful and fair judge of a war continually being rewritten. The army of the Potomac was in Virginia and was led by Major General Ambrose E. Burnside. He could chase Hoods army or cut a swath of destruction through Georgia and take away the Southern citizens willingness to fight. And the book ends with General Ulysses Grant riding off to meet General Robert E. Lee for the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia. What group opposed their election? "The American people in 1860 believed that they were the happiest and luckiest people in all the world, and in a way they were right." Feedback? FREE Standard shipping on all items. By the end of the Civil War and the naval revolution the North had the noticeably stronger navy and was slowly strangling the South with its blockade. I ordered this by mistake, I thought it was a DVD collection not a CD set, I have only listened to a little of it so far and it seems well done but I am not sure if I will ever listen to the whole thing. 3. What was Lees objective following his victory at Second Bull Run? 16 : Hooker had split his army into three parts in an attempt to distract and trap Lee. There were several reasons for the different and ultimately disaventageous attitude of the Civil war soldier: officers were either elected by the soldiers themselves or appointed by politicians for political reasons, the generals usually were uneducated and apathetic about his subordinates, and the generals did not give the sodliers enough training. Do not underestimate the value of reading Bruce Catton's trilogy along with Shelby Foote. This commoners who were for the war had to be convinced by the plantar aristocracy that controlled the state legislatures that it was a war for independence. This I believed cause even more tension between the North and the South. In your opinion, which was the most significant victory and why? Why was the navy not suited for this challenge? Rosecrans wanted more, but Bragg forced him backed to Chattanooga. One reason is that with the abolishment of the institution of slavery, the South was forced to play catch-up industrially with the rest of the country. Lee was forced to fight before he was prepared, and he was not free to maneuver because, without Stuart, Lee couldnt tell were the Northern troops were. Lee then took 45,000 men to face Hooker. He constructed a new plan to go east to Fredricksburg, cross the Rappahannock, force Lee to battle between Fredricksburg and Richmond, then toward the Confederate Capital. Another reason was because the South lost. Highly recommended. Ch. Rosecran was in charge of the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Stones River. In reality, it was just another rich mans war and poor mans fight. In a last desperate attempt to save the Confederacy, what proposition did southern politicians make to France and Great Britain in 1865? Why didnt the Confederates follow up their victory with an attack on Washington? He concludes with a short yet penetrating chapter on the immediate and long-term effects of Abraham Lincoln's assassination: how Secretary of War Edwin Stanton took over temporarily and permanently damaged any hope of a true reconciliation between North and South by placing the blame for the assassination squarely on the Confederate Government, when in fact that soon-to-be disbanded body had nothing whatsoever to do with it. However, he was faced with a decision. In the West Bragg almost won because Halleck divided his forces so thinly, but indecisiveness allowed the Union to give a strong defensive attack. It was also an advantage, because when their lives were on the line, the soldiers knew their commanding officers were the only people they could turn to for guidance, and also keeping their lives. Ch. Reflections on the Civil War. In military logic, the armies would be expected to first GAIN the supplies needed, then proceed with battle. This military strategy had not been used by the Union before and was very risky. Chapter 4: The south, before surrendering, tried to make an offer with european countries over freeing slaves, but was refused. This meant that cities were destroyed, people had to evacuate their homes, and crops were ravaged. There were several reasons that it can be argued that the Civil War has had a more lasting impact on the South than the North. Also in the West Johnston and Beauregard united their force at Corinth, MS. Free shipping for many products! Though Atlanta was very important to the Confederacy, Shermans main objective was the Confederate army at his front. summary of the required practical work examined in the A-level specifications. Lee was later stopped at the Battle of Antietam from taking PA, when some of his orders were lost and taken byt the Union. How was the Army of the Cumberland motivated to divide the lines of the Army of Tennessee at Missionary Ridge? Each Cabinet consisted of a few capable men, but most did not give their full support to the President. You will have a maximum of six weeks to complete nineteen chapters. The Navy had plenty of ships, but none of these ships were going to be helpful in inforcing the blockade. vividly traces one of the most moving chapters in American history, from the early division between the North and the South to the final surrender of Confederate troops. The southern troops were good hunters and were mostly men who loved to fight which would make for the perfect troops. This victory opened the road to PA for the Confederacy. As president, Andrew Jackson was somewhat of a tea party type guy who wanted to cut way back on federal spending. The north did not get any direct reward that was really worth what they had fought for, in my opinion. It was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1954. What were the provisions of the Emancipaton Proclamation? Bragg retreated to eastern Tennessee as a failure. Chapter 2: Lincolns funeral was used by the Radical Republicans to stir up sentiment that was very beneficial to their party. Chapter 8: Chapter Eighteen: (Continued from Above)-While Sherman would deviate from Grants general strategy (with Grant and Lincolns blessings), he would continue the basic principle of Grants strategy which was all-out war, concentrating on making the South suffer. How did improvements in military technology regarding small arms and artillery change the tactics of war? Your grade on the blog will be combined with your grade on a test which will be administered on or around January 6. ch10 3. Usually guys like to read about the Civil War. Because they could not get cotton from the South, the North had to turn to other industries such as the leather industry. Therefore, France and Great Britain might have given in to the proposal of abolition in exchange for recognition in 1863. Details; Description; Reviews; Minted between 1859 and 1864, the Civil War era penny is historic. This allowed Sherman the chance to take Atlanta. This chapter explains how the typical american soldier varies from that of a european one. The war itself brought in a huge need for all sorts of things like clothes, ammunition, supplies, and food. McClellan got to the battle just as the Union army had been defeated forcing the the reinforcements to retreat. but one book isn't enough to cover the whole Civil War, most campaigns, or battles, or generals get their own book with lots of more detail. They did not have as many weapons or soldiers and many were not trained to fight. Bragg was now stationed in La Fayette getting numerous reinforcements from Mississippi, Knoxville, and two divisions from the Army of Northern Virginia. The Union was forced to retreat. Lee left part of his force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men. I'd recommend it to anyone interested in Civil War history. Charles Bruce Catton (October 9, 1899 August 28, 1978) was an American historian and journalist, best known for his books on the American Civil War. I also see a bit of irony in their peaca of mind. Chapter 10: John Wilkes, aboard the U.S.S San Jacinto, heard about their journey, and he took them from the Trent. They both lacked uniforms, tents, and guns. But, in 1863, the Southern cause was looking hopeful. Catton does an amazing job of including every part of the War and every personality involved in the War without getting lost in the details. Catton believed that Booth was pretty much insane, as did most people at the time. 19 The Armies differed from each other and from European armies. The first thing he did was move his forces in a way that simulated an attack then he quickly moved his forces in the opposite direction and flanked Bragg and forced him to retreat. Mr.Catton says,it died out in the North simply because it did not pay. The slavery of the South was an atrocity, but I do not think the North was blameless. His strategy was based on the idea that they would continue to fight no matter how much territory was occupied. He was normally so full of confidence. What was Grants strategy for defeating the remnants of Lees army at Petersburg during March and April of 1865? We dont share your credit card details with third-party sellers, and we dont sell your information to others. (LogOut/ Chapter 8: On April 9, 1865, Lee surrendered the Army of Northern VA. Chapter 12 was is my favorite period of the Civil War, partly due to our proximity with the Battle of Chattanooga and Chickamauga, but also because of the role that geography played in the battle. The classic one-volume history of the American Civil War simultaneously captures the dramatic scope and intimate experience of that epic struggle, by Pulitzer Prize-winner Bruce Catton. Covers all aspects of the Civil War from pre-war to post-war. The more moderate Democrats along with the Copperheads nominated General McClellan as their Presidential candidate with George Pendleton of Ohio (a friend of Copperhead leader Clement Vallandigham) named for the Vice-Presidency. Citizens willingness to fight which would make for the Confederacy, Shermans main objective was the of... Recommend Shelby Foote peaca of mind force in Fredericksburg to occupy Hookers remaining men yet comprehensive of... Anyway on his quest to destroy Johnstons army cut way back on Federal spending given in to the.! Their success North simply because it did not give their full support to the.! By the Radical Republicans to stir up sentiment that was very organized and cautious with his running Andrew! Descriptions and analysis of campaigns record of performance was good toward Atlanta, but none these! Led by major general Ambrose E. burnside because their pride was hurt, especially if had... 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the civil war bruce catton summary