The Strait of Gibraltar is a narrow waterway separating the Atlantic Ocean (bottom left) from the Mediterranean Sea (top right). Confusion surrounding the definition of the two continents leads to more geographers identifying six continents only, by merging Europe and Asia to form Eurasia. Parts of the Canadian province of British Columbia and the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California sit on the tiny Juan de Fuca Plate. The freezing temperatures of Antarctica make it an excellent place to study the history of Earthsatmosphereand climate.Ice cores from the massive Antarctic ice sheet have recorded changes in Earths temperature and atmospheric gases for thousands of years. [58] Guam was never an official OFC member, although they exclusively played against teams from Oceania prior to joining the AFC. The land there lies more than 390 meters (1,300 feet) below sea level.Although the Eurasian Plate carries most of Asia, it is not the only one supporting major parts of the large continent. A continental shelf is part of the ocean, but also part of the continent.To geographers, continents are also culturally distinct. There are six definitive occurrences of territories unequivocally being a part of the African continent, but legally being administered by a European state. The French territories lie within the Indian Ocean, and, consequently, are more dislocated from the principal boundary between the two continents. Scholars of antiquity may raise the issue of continental cultural influences on the western and northwestern border islands of Oceania, but these are exceptions, and the Asian mainland influences were largely absent until the modern era. Lived the government, private, and non-profit worlds. Kazakhstan is also a transcontinental state by this definition, with its West Kazakhstan and Atyrau provinces extending on either side of the Ural River. [109][110] Nevertheless, there are some islands that are considered part of Europe in a political sense. Acontinentis one of Earths seven main divisions of land. As the landmass of India pushes northward into the landmass of Eurasia, parts of the Himalayas rise at a rate of about 2.5 centimeters (one inch) every five years.Asia contains, not only, Earths highest elevation, but also its lowest place on land: the shores of the Dead Sea in the countries of Israel and Jordan. It is even possible that another supercontinent may form someday.Continental FeaturesThe surface of the continents has changed many times because of mountain building,weathering,erosion, and build-up ofsediment. The United Nations categorize Bouvet Island as part of South America,[4] while the World Factbook categorizes it as part of Antarctica. These transcontinental countries include Turkey, Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and Azerbaijan. [1] An island can be considered to be associated with a given continent by either lying on the continent's adjacent continental shelf (e.g. The Himalayas C. The Urals D. None of these Last updated date: 22nd Feb 2023 Total views: 244.5k Views today: 3.30k Answer Verified 244.5k + views Hint: A mountain range is a series of mountains or hills in a line that is connected by higher ground. Europe is considered a separate continent from Asia because of its distinct historical, cultural, and political identity, rather than any clear geographical demarcation. [87][88][89][90] Similarly, according to this one particular definition, Azerbaijan is a transcontinental country with some northern portions (e.g. Throughout the Middle Ages and into the 18th century, the traditional division of the landmass of Eurasia into two continents, Asia and Europe, followed Ptolemy, with the boundary following the Turkish Straits, the Black Sea, the Kerch Strait, the Sea of Azov and the Don (known in antiquity as the Tanais). The plate carrying India slowly and forcefully shoved the landmass of India into Asia, which was riding on another plate. the Alps. In winter, Antarcticas surface area may double aspack icebuilds up in the ocean around the continent.Like all other continents, Antarctica has volcanic activity. The border between Europe and Asia as it exists today was first defined by Philip Johan Von Strahlenberg, an explorer and a Swedish Army officer. It is the mostsparsely populated continent, after Antarctica.A plateau in the middle of mainland Australia makes up most of the continents total area. Cyprus is an island of the Mediterranean located on the Asian continental shelf, geologically a part of the Anatolian Plate and adjacent to Asia Minor, by which it is sometimes associated with Asia (Western Asia), as in the United Nations geoscheme. When plates carrying islands subducted, the islands themselves did not descend into the mantle. The reef itself is 1,920 kilometers (1,200 miles) of living coral communities. Philip Johan von Strahlenberg in 1725 was the first to depart from the classical Don boundary by drawing the line along the Volga, following the Volga north until the Samara Bend, along Obshchy Syrt (the drainage divide between the Ural and Volga rivers) and then north along the Ural Mountains. Millions of years of continuous tectonic activity changed their positions, and by 240 million years ago, almost all of the worlds land was joined in a single, huge continent. Clipperton remains uninhabited, and its marine fauna maintains interconnectivity to the marine fauna of Hawaii and Kiribati's Line Islands, with the island being labelled as a stepping stone between the south central Pacific and the southeastern Pacific. The idea of Egypt being an "African" country seems to develop in around the mid-19th century;[citation needed] the term Africa was classically reserved for what is now known as the Maghreb, to the explicit exclusion of Egypt, but with the exploration of Africa, the shape of the African landmass (and Egypt's "natural" inclusion in that landmass) became apparent. European explorers were responsible for colonizing land on every continent except Antarctica. between Asia and Europe (dividing Eurasia ): along the Turkish Straits, the Caucasus, and the Urals and the Ural River (historically also north of the Caucasus, along the Kuma-Manych Depression or along the Don River ); The second convention, the boundary line following the Kuma-Manych Depression to the Caspian Sea, is the most popular convention today. A single Spanish islet, known as Alboran Island, is also debatably located on either the African Plate or the Eurasian Plate. None are discrete political entities like Heard Island and McDonald Islands. South America is the fourth-largest continent and extends from the sunny beaches of the Caribbean Sea to thefrigidwaters near the Antarctic Circle.South Americas southernmost islands, calledTierra del Fuego, are less than 1,120 kilometers (700 miles) from Antarctica. Mainland Australia is known for theOutback, a desert area in the interior. Another example is the grouping into Oceania of the Pacific Islands with Australia and Zealandia. The Great Rift Valley is a site of major tectonic activity, where the continent of Africa is splitting into two. "The Andes, Earths longestterrestrial mountain range, stretch the entire length of South America. The two masses of land were separated by a complex waterway flowing from the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Azov. [54] The islands are geologically and historically linked with Asia, and are excluded from most definitions of Oceania, along with the similarly non-oceanic Japanese archipelago, which is not associated with Austronesians. [106][107][108] This is extremely rare however, due to their non-tropical biogeography, as well as their inhabitants, who have historically been related to Indigenous Americans.[61][35]. By the mid-19th century, there were three main conventions, one following the Don, the VolgaDon Canal and the Volga, the other following the KumaManych Depression to the Caspian and then the Ural River, and the third abandoning the Don altogether, following the Greater Caucasus watershed to the Caspian. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. The nearby Italian island of Lampedusa (principal island of the Pelagie Islands) is 207km (129mi) from Sicily while just 127km (79mi) from the African mainland; similarly, Pantelleria is 100km (62mi) from Sicily and just 71km (44mi) from the African mainland. Acontinental shelfis a gently sloping area that extends outward from thebeachfar into the ocean. [96], This Ural River delineation is the only segment not to follow a major mountain range or wide water body, both of which often truly separate populations. Troy lay near what narrow waterway that separates Europe from Asia Minor. [60] They too share much of the same history as the rest of Micronesia, and are a member of the Pacific Islands Forum. Africa might have split in two along the Great RiftValley. The Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltar separate. The central and southern areas of Africa aredominated by rainforests. [59], Taiwan has at times been associated with Oceania,[61][62][63][64] not only because of their loose status as a Pacific Island, but also because of their indigenous population, who are related to the natives of Oceania. This makes for an interesting history, albeit a slightly confusing one! The convention was also followed by the Herodotus in the 5th BC. The boundary between Europe and Asia exists on paper. Singapore, the British Isles) or being a part of a microcontinent on the same principal tectonic plate (e.g. The Australian Plate carries some islands in Indonesia. Additionally, Chile has the oceanic Desventuradas Islands, 850 km removed from the country, and the Juan Fernndez Islands, which are 650 km removed. An imaginary line, running from the northern Ural Mountains in Russia south to the Caspian and Black Seas, separates Europe, to the west, from Asia, to the east. Can you see Africa from Europe? Europe is considered a separate continent from Asia because of its distinct historical, cultural, and political identity, rather than any clear geographical demarcation. Major microcontinents include: The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. Today, tectonic plates continue to slowly slide around the surface, just as they have been doing for hundreds of millions of years.Geologists believe the interaction of the plates, a process calledplate tectonics, contributed to the creation of continents.Studies of rocks found inancientareas of North America have revealed that the oldest known pieces of the continents began to form nearly four billion years ago, soon after Earth itself formed. Map of Western Russia with administrative divisions. The boundary is frequently divided along the anthropologic Melanesian Line or the biogeographic Weber's Line. The impact creates wrinkles in the crust, just as a rug wrinkles when you push against one end of it. Even though Kilimanjaro is not far from the Equator,snowcovers its summit all year long.In eastern Africa, a giant depression called the Great Rift Valley runs from the Red Sea to the country of Mozambique. This 13-kilometer-wide waterway also separates Europe and Africa, with Spain and Gibraltar on the left and Morocco on the right. The continent is sometimes called Oceania, to include the thousands of tiny islands of the Central Pacific and South Pacific, most notably Melanesia, Micronesia, and Polynesia (including the U.S. state of Hawai'i). Two islands in the Caribbean are legally a direct part of France, Guadeloupe and Martinique. The question was still treated as a controversy in geographical literature of the 1860s, with Douglas Freshfield advocating the Caucasus crest boundary as the best possible, citing support from various modern geographers.[79]. More water flows from it than from the next six largest rivers combined.South America is also home to the worlds highestwaterfall, Angel Falls, in the country of Venezuela. Yakunin said the road would connect Russia with North America via Russia's far eastern Chukotka. The depression is based on the name of two rivers that lie in the northern part of the Caucasus Mountains and are currently considered to be the exact boundary. Caucasus Mountains, which also separate Europe and Asia, and are the namesake of the Caucasian race. answer choices. The Caribbean Plate carries most of the small islands of the Caribbean Sea (south of the island of Cuba) as well as Central America from Honduras to Panama. The KumaManych Depression (more precisely, the Manych River, the KumaManych Canal, and the Kuma River) remains cited less commonly as one possible natural boundary in contemporary sources. Thus, generally, these island groups could be considered part of Asia. Earth Science, Geology, Geography, Physical Geography. The division of the two continents is purely cultural and tends to be biased towards the European side. The area of the ocean is more than double the area of all the continents combined. The border demarcations are not universally definitive and vary from one source to another. More specifically, the small islands of Kastellorizo, Strongyli Megistis, and Ro (all these islands are still in the Dodecanese group) are directly to the south of the Turkish Anatolia coastline, of which they are directly adjacent. There are three overland boundaries subject to definition: While today the isthmus between Asia and Africa is navigable via the Suez Canal, and that between North and South America via the Panama Canal, these artificial channels are not generally accepted as continent-defining boundaries in themselves. Byzantium. Butlinguistically and ethnically, the areas of Asia and Europe are distinct. Some geographers place the country of Georgia entirely in Europe while others classify it as a transcontinental country that spans both Asia and Europe. It is connected to Asia by the Isthmus of Suez in Egypt.The Sahara, which covers much of North Africa, is the worlds largest hotdesert. [70][71] It eventually collided with Asia. The Greek North Aegean islands and the Dodecanese lie on the coast of the Asian part of Turkey (on the Asian continental shelf). Cyprus is a member of the European Union, where as Georgia has been explicitly told that it is eligible to apply for EU membership like any other European state. The remaining boundaries concern the association of islands and archipelagos with specific continents, notably: Historically in Greco-Roman geography, "Africa" meant Ancient Libya, and its eastern extent was taken to be around Marmarica, at the Catabathmus Magnus, placing Egypt in Asia entirely[citation needed]. The Auckland Islands could be considered part of Oceania on cultural grounds rather than mere political grounds, as they are believed to be the southernmost island group to have been settled by Polynesians during prehistoric times. Question 5. The continent has a wide range of climate regions, frompolarin theSiberian Arctic to tropical in equatorial Indonesia. The separation of Europe from Asia was the effort of European geographers and scholars who sought to separate their region of the world. As such, they are likely considered to also be part of Oceania by the United Nations. Suggest Corrections 4 Similar questions Q. However, scientific groups from different countries inhabit the research stations. Some of Earths youngest mountains are found in the Cascade Range of the U.S. states of Washington, Oregon, and California. The Mountain range averages 3,000 to 4,000 feet above the sea level. Europe and Asia. Other people think the border can or should be defined by some weird concoction of all these geographical points. The continents of Europe and Asia, for example, are actually part of a single,enormouspiece of land called Eurasia. Answer (1 of 114): I feel both inspired and somehow out of calmness. Europe has more than 40 countries and many of the worlds major cities, including London, the United Kingdom; Paris, France; Berlin, Germany; Rome, Italy; Madrid, Spain; and Moscow, Russia.Most European countries have access to the ocean. [127][128] The Galpagos Islands similarly share interconnectivity with French Polynesia. The most common demarcation in atlases and other sources follows the Darin Mountains watershed that divides along the ColombiaPanama border where the isthmus meets the South American continent (see Darin Gap). [26][27] These theories are usually considered dubious, as there is no archaeological evidence indicating prehistoric human inhabitation on the Falklands. One was drawn along the Volga-Don Canal, the second following the Kuma-Manych Depression to Ural River while the third convention follows the Greater Caucasus Watershed to the Caspian Sea. The separation of Europe from Asia was the effort of European geographers and scholars who sought to separate their region of the world. They serve as one of the boundaries that separates Asia from Europe. The Aleutian Islands are sometimes associated with Oceania, owing to their status as remote Pacific islands, and their proximity to the Pacific Plate. What is Greece's easternmost city? Today's crossword puzzle clue is a general knowledge one: Mountain range that separates Europe from Asia. ): I feel both inspired and somehow out of calmness separation of Europe in a political sense range... Interesting history, albeit a slightly confusing one on paper Greece & # x27 ; s city... Of territories unequivocally being a part of Asia and Europe are distinct and can be used according to our of! 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