Preference Round is the last day of sorority recruitment and the day before Bid Day. For this round, think brunch or business casual. They think their outfits help them get a bid and stand out. If you only get one bid (a formal invitation to join a sorority), that will be the chapter you are invited to join. How to Resign from Amazon Complete Guide. On the other hand, if you walk into sorority recruitment worrying that you are going to be dropped or feeling like you will not find the right sorority for you, you will be hard to stand out from the other women. Don't Sell Your Product. This process should be fun and enjoyable, so trust the process and have fun! You should know that sororities are always on the lookout for potential new members. Do: Be on Your A-game. For this example, lets say the quota is 60. You get to pick which option is the best decision for you. Depending on your chapter, you will have some sort of reception or bid day party to celebrate, as well as your door getting decorated with posters and streamers so when you go back to your dorm everyone will know which sorority you are a new member of! Do other clubs join the chapters philanthropy? I recommend you pull these questions from your make or break list. Are there any incentives for going to chapter meetings or getting good grades? Depending on the above answer, ask what they're watching, or what they've seen lately. And of course nothing is 100% guaranteed until you receive the phone call in the morning from your Recruitment Counselor telling you that you have received a bid. Chief Justice John Roberts. What is the best way to meet and make friends in your chapter? Can new sisters participate in the members council. You are in the #1 spot on Tri Alpha. Asking questions during sorority recruitment can be a strategic way to be remembered (in a good way) by the sisters you talk to. Conversations will be deeper and more emotional than any other round. Did you care what her favorite color was? If you are struggling with this decision, dont be afraid to ask a Recruitment Counselor or a member of Panhellenic Council to help you weigh your options. Short answer no. What was the biggest shocker to you when you joined a sorority? The beauty of sorority recruitment is that the women you speak to are simply trying to get to know you and figure out if you'll be a good addition to their Sisterhood. This decision is hard to make. Most of the time, these images are not widely held, and they are never wholly indicative of the individuals who make up the group. However, you cannot receive a Snap Bid. Powered and secured by Wix. These women will be the next leaders of the sorority and will hopefully be a good representation of the sorority chapter. Good luck! What Do You Talk About During The Preference Round with Sorority Members? At the end of the day, this is your sorority experience, not theirs. 1. Car washes? With a question like, Why did you decide to go through sorority recruitment?, most will answer with, I am looking for a group of friends. With this answer, you look like everyone else. Any chapter could be your new home, so dont get hung up on one. Mine was just a drawing of a palm tree (I used to live in Guam and love the beach) with the info on each leaf. I would also recommend taking your vitamins or Emergen-C and using hand sanitizer throughout recruitment, to minimize your chance of catching a cold. This round is very important to every sorority woman because their . Get to know the chapter on a deeper level during this round. What made you want to join this particular chapter? They might also ask you about your previous grades and whether you volunteered in activities like these. This is the second round of recruitment. Make sure you ask any final questions that you have on this day! . Similar to the previous rounds, before this event begins, you will receive your schedule on the PNM Companion app that will have the time of each event. If for some reason by Preference Night you ended up not liking any of the sororities you were invited back to OR you feel that at this moment sorority life isnt for you, then you can list NO ONE on your MRABA. Take this opportunity to find out more information about the activities, programs, and members of the chapter, and expect to learn about each chapter's unique sisterhood. Your shoes can be basics, like white converse or flats, but you should not wear heels except for preference round. Do you feel comfortable with them? The beauty of sorority recruitment is that the women you speak to are simply trying to get to know you and figure out if youll be a good addition to their Sisterhood. What is a Sorority Recruitment Process in Sorority Life? It is the most important and most formal round of recruitment. So, asking questions shows interest, and thats one of the key criteria for joining a sorority. The members look for women who are similar to the current members. Have you looked at your colleges Panhellenic website? The focus of this round is philanthropy. Listen to what she has to say, as she is revealing to you the strongest characteristics and foundations of her sorority. 6. 5. By doing this, you become eligible for Continuous Open Bidding (COB) that begins after Bid Day. This round is also the most serious, and there is generally less partying and fun. If you are dropped from your #1 choice and you used a suicide vote, you can still join a sorority! You can also ask more fun questions, questions regarding balancing sorority life and school/work, questions regarding leadership opportunities, etc. At the end of this round, PNMs will return to the Student Union to input their preferences of which organizations they would most like to visit the next day. Notice that the word "or" is used in the question form. After you meet with your recruitment group, you line up outside of your first sorority. sorority chapters philanthropic mission or focus, you to choose their chapter over all the others, How To Cope With Being Cut From Sorority Recruitment, Rushing As A Sophomore: What You Need To Know, Sorority Recruitment 101: A Guide To Bids and Bid Day, Should I Join A Sorority If Im Shy? Did you feel comfortable talking to the women of that sorority? You have to show interest in the sorority. Joining a sorority is a personal decision. You vote after you meet all of the sororities on your schedule. Find several sororities that you think would be good fits for you based on their Instagram photos. The member will tell you why she joined the . The same idea applies to sorority recruitment. Conversations should stay positive and serve as a chance for the chapters to get to know you. However, some sororities are just not the right fit for you no matter how many times you got invited back each round of recruitment. Since its not a job interview and you voluntarily join the chapters philanthropy, they will observe whether you can multitask. They want to know if you like the sorority. What does your sororitys philanthropy mean to you? Can you wear a strapless dress? There are always sorority women around to help you and to answer your queries. What does your sorority's philanthropy mean to you? How much time do sisters dedicate to the sorority per week? More than what they offer their members, what can they give you personally? Panhellenic determines quota. 11 Common Final Round Job Interview Questions and Answers. What has she gotten out of the sorority? Each sorority can invite only a certain number of women back to the next stage. When you open up about your life, the member notices you have a lot in common. I prefer tea to coffee. Even if some of the women do not want to join Tri Alpha, Panhellenic skips over the women who used a suicide vote. When you vote on both sororities, you are guaranteed a bid to one of the sororities. Its a huge decision and choosing the wrong sorority could lead to regret, stress, and even the desire to drop your sorority. And, remember to clear up any last minute reservations or questions you may have. I want to let you in on a secret. However, not all recruitment conversations flow well especially if there is a lack of a connection between the PNM and sister OR the sorority sister is new to recruiting. They are stuck in the position. They know similar women will be able to find friends and have a good experience. Have you traveled anywhere cool lately/do you have any trips . Pref is structured in a different way than the other rounds. Sometimes there is light classical music playing. Open House is the first round. 10 things you need to consider before picking a sorority, Virtual Sorority Recruitment 101: Everything You Need To Know, 10 Things You NEED To Consider Before Picking A Sorority, 50 Questions You Can Ask During Recruitment As A PNM, How to Deal With Sorority Rejection During Rush, 50 Questions To Ask Sorority Sisters During Recruitment, 11 Trendy Holiday Gift Ideas for Sorority Girls (2023), The Complete Guide To Informal Sorority Recruitment. What made you want to go through recruitment? You will be wearing your recruitment t-shirt every day, along with nice jeans or pants, and flat shoes. Example for Pref: Many times at Pref, the members open up about their sorority experience and why their sorority is so special. Situation #3. During this round, you will learn about each sorority's philanthropy and service projects. If you just cannot foresee yourself in Sorority B and know its 100% not right for you, dont list it. However, if you are paired with a Sister you have never met before, dont fret. And remember to bring your nametag to every round. You lay your heart on the table and share what you love about the sorority. Option #2. Once you get inside, she says, Everyone here is so nice. Preference Round, or Pref Night, is the final day of sorority recruitment and it is the night that will determine the sorority you will (or will not) be running home to on Bid Day. What is living in the house like? Sorority recruitment, as a PNM, is an experience you will never forget. In this blog post I am sharing with you 50 good questions to ask a sorority sister during recruitment. This is the first round of recruitment. This is your chance to get creative and express yourself, but dont worry if youre not artistic. Probably not. Don't: Worry About About Being Overdressed. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Panhellenic Council. Situation #1. The potential new members are confused yet determined. The Panhellenic members want to see every potential new member join a sorority. You are more than welcome to wear a strapless dress or a one-shoulder dress/top. You will have either one or two sororities trying to convince you to join them. This one screams "little black romper" and is the perfect option for this . And thats just not very fun is it? Welcome home! These students are versatile and balance their academic and social life well. During open house, you will be able to tell the women from all 19 chapters a little bit more about yourself! Your outfits do not play a major role in your score during sorority recruitment. Your conversations are structured differently. But if both chapters bid on you, you will only receive the bid you ranked number 1, so take your time ranking and be sure that number 1 is the chapter you want. It is possible to get back two sororities you tried to drop. They are looking to see if the woman has put Tri Alpha in her #1 spot on her voting card. Girls you meet will be your bridesmaids and you'll be theirs. Once you enter the house, one of the girls will take you to a chair and start talking to you. Are there any leadership positions for new members? During "Preference Round" you will get to talk one-on-one with a chapter member. #1. While at the same time, avoiding these 9 off-limit topics. Basic jewelry is awesome, but dont overdo it. Would you rather see your second choice on your bid day card OR get the phone call? Do keep your purse stocked. You should also avoid certain topics during rounds. I would immediately drop. What are they passionate about? As you might know, in . How does your chapter bond during vacations? Well discuss this in more detail throughout the post, but essentially, Preference Round is the most formal out of all days of recruitment. Just go with it and have fun. A senior sister will lead you and other potential new members (PNMs) to the houses. Sometimes there is light classical music playing. Your conversations will be deeper and you may end up crying (a little bit). Personally, this is what I had to do because I was dropped by all sororities by Philanthropy Round. As a result, you might receive leadership opportunities on campus and after graduation. What is Preference Round during sorority recruitment? Orientation occurs before recruitment starts. The first task is to accept a bid on the bid day. Situation #4. But then a senior sorority sister approaches you, and you tell her that you are interested in sorority recruitment. The sororitys philanthropy campaigns run during the academic year. These may start to get repetitive as you introduce yourself over and over, but stay positive. Try not to put too much emphasis on what your friends are saying or what chapters they may be invited back to. This round is more serious and a ceremony. Get to know the chapters a little deeper this round! The sororities will also start to ask you more formal questions as they want to make sure you would fit in at their chapter. Are you allowed to wear designer clothes, shoes, or jewelry? However, dont let this scare or weird you out! Preference Night is the round of recruitment that seals your fate. Look for events anywhere from 4-6 months out and put the day the speaker proposals open on your calendar so you can apply early. Ask your Rho Gammas for examples and dont sweat it too much, its just a talking point. Some quick tips: remember to wear a warm coat and send a pic to your Rho Gammas if you are unsure, theyll steer you in the right direction. It is rude to check the time during rounds and certain parts of sorority rituals may be shown during rounds, especially preference round, that should remain a secret. However, if you single preference vote Sorority A and get released from recruitment on Bid Day you still have the opportunity to receive Snap Bid or participate in COB. This invitational consists of a maximum of visits with two chapters. If you do not show interest, the members might assume you will join the other sorority. And if the sororities at your university participate in Dance Marathon you can ask questions related to that event too. It would look stunning with or without a tan, paired with a nice pair of heels or neutral colored wedges, and a french or light pink mani. When she goes to vote, she is not asking herself, Would this potential new member be a good fit in this sorority? You made it clear that you would be a good fit and want to join. Plan your outfits. Please make sure you meet all the requirements and can afford the financial obligation before registering. How upset would you be if you received a phone call that you were dropped from sorority recruitment? Preference Day, better known as "Pref Day", is the third and last day of formal recruitment. If so, what are they like? If you voted on BOTH sororities, you move up to the Bid Day list. Our recruitment follows a 6-4-2-1 schedule: you will visit 6 chapters during Round 1, up to 4 chapters during Round 2, and up to 2 chapters during Preference Round (Round 3). Be yourself. This day can be very emotional for everyone. I recommend talking to your mom, sister, recruitment counselor, friend, or someone you are close with before you choose to go through with a single preference vote. DO NOT USE AN OUTFIT GUIDE FROM THREE YEARS AGO. How did you meet your sorority big or sorority little? And then the sorority sister asks you, do you have any questions?. If you are confused about what questions to ask the sorority, this article is for you! Start with asking general questions to find out what they are interested in. I am going to go to the bathroom. You do not want to appear unsocial in the corner on your phone. If a sorority chapter has a house, you must go on the house tours. With that being said, I know youre anxious and you want to make a lasting impression on your dream sorority. 4. This round will last for 2 days and you will have short, basic conversations with many different girls. Sorority recruitment is like a job interview, but way more casual, upbeat, and of course, louder. There are no speeches like the one at the open house, so this will give you more time to explore the different sororities in this round. Conservative Supreme Court justices target the fairness of Biden's student-loan forgiveness and executive overreach in their first round of questioning. What is it like to live at the chapter house? Go up and talk to someone. Finally, for bid day, you can wear jeans or leggings, any shoes (I wore white converse), and a t-shirt or top that is easy to change out of because you will be receiving a t-shirt from your chapter once you get your bid. Everyone will be on different schedules so you are on your own to get from chapter to chapter, but you can go to any Rho Gamma for help if you ever need it. After orientation, you will make a nametag that you will wear all throughout recruitment to identify you. Please check your user ID. However, joining a sorority isn't just the parties and boys like in the movies. But in general, youll most likely hear speeches and singing from Sorority Sisters of that chapter. Short answer no. During this round, you will interact with the chapter members to learn about each chapter's philanthropy. Ask about the personal aspects of the chapter. The sorority organizes skits in which sorority sisters choose a theme and perform accordingly. The interviewer might only ask you go-to questions and then observe your body language and eye contact. How can new members get involved with your chapters philanthropy? This will probably lead into a conversation about studying abroad and the places you or your friends have already been. If this does occur, theres nothing you, as the PNM, did wrong. PHILANTHROPY ROUND (Day 2 of Recruitment) What to expect: This is the second round of recruitment. They seek candidates who have already done voluntary work in different organizations. It is much more common to get a schedule that has a mix of the sororities you wanted to go back to (keep) and sororities you tried to drop. So, before sitting down to an interview with the members, you should talk to other members and ask them what things are like in that specific sorority. Before this event begins, you will receive your schedule on the PMN Companion app that will have the time of each event. There are no set topics you need to or will be expected to talk about during Preference Round. You attend a Pref ceremony for Alpha Alpha Alpha. Joining a sorority means a lifelong sisterhood. During this round, the members goal is to gauge your interest in the sorority. Whats your favorite memory from being in a sorority. By this round of recruitment, their ultimate goal is to make you feel like you belong with them. In every sorority, you can find one friend. Be sure to follow your schedule, dont miss buses, and use your breaks wisely to eat, rest, and get some homework done. College Girl Smarts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Since you have already visited some sorority houses, you will have more time to talk to the sisters. This round is more serious and a ceremony. The sororitys philanthropy round is either a skit performance or a philanthropy event. You must be a full-time student, have at least a 2.5 collegiate GPA, have completed at least 12 credits during the Fall 2018 semester, and be able to attend all recruitment events (Feb 15th-17th and 22nd-25th). Some examples of questions you may want to ask include: What do they fundraise? How is sorority related to the Greek community? However, at the end of the day, let the conversation occur naturally and be confident knowing that youve done everything you could up to this point to win over the hearts of this sorority. The choice of songs, the theme of the skit, the type of humor, and the general vibe will give you an idea ofwhat type of sororitythis is. 2) What is it about Beta's sisterhood that you like the best? Also ask you go-to questions and then observe your body language and eye.! At the chapter house at the same time, avoiding these 9 off-limit topics before registering or! 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